Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Previous Posts
- Cheney and Addington: War-Criminals
- GODDAMN the Warmongerers and Their Media Lackeys
- Nuke Proliferation
- Bach's Brandenburg Concerto #3 in G
- A Lot of Missing Core Columns
- Collapse, My Ass
- Erased from the Collective Memory
- Proof of High Heat at Ground Zero, Six Weeks After...
- David H. Brooks: Scumbucket
- Select a Candidate 2008
Recommended Reading
- The "Ultimate List" of Improbabilities and Coincidences Around 9/11
- Manifesto for All Present and Future Military Personnel
- The Nine Circles of Conspiracy
- Ultimate Truths (Deep Conspiracy)
- Nuclear Demolition of the WTC
- China Syndrome at the WTC
- Dead 9/11 Whistleblowers
- Bogus Official 9/11 Science
- Anonymous Physicist's book site
- 120 Reasons for the No-Plane Theory
- People Who Should Have Seen UA175 Hit the South Tower But Didn't
- 9/11: All Roads Lead to MIHOP
- 9/11: Possible Versus Impossible
- Ghost Gun UA175
- Morgan Reynolds, We Have Holes
- Hunt the Boeing, Shanksville Edition
- Hunt the Boeing, WTC2 Edition
- The No Planes Evidence Kit
- Why Don't More Engineers Question the WTC Collapses?
- Evidence of advanced fusion devices at the WTC
- The Problem with the 9/11 "Truth" Movement
- Brainwashed, In Deep Denial, A Government Shill, Or Some Combination of the Three
- 9/11 Conspiracy.tv
- 9/11 Conspiracy.tv blog
- International Center for 9/11 Studies - NIST Cumulus Video Database
- 9/11 "U"
- Killtown's Overview Site
- Killtown's 9/11 Smoking Guns
- Killtown's 2nd Hit Video Compilation
- Killtown's NIST figure gallery
- Morgan Reynolds
- The 9/11 Airplane Video Composites
- Ace Baker
- Killtown's Blog
- Genghis' 911 Taboo
- Ningen's Blog
- 9/11 Truthlings Watch
- Judy Wood's 9/11 site (focuses on WTC demolition)
- 9/11 Logic
Interesting and/or Useful 9/11 Sites
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- Fake Opposition Democrats
Some of My Findings Regarding the Attack on the WTC South Tower
- Summary of Evidence for No Plane at the South Tower
- Clearest Evidence of Conflicting Plane Paths in Two Different 2nd Hit Videos
- Freak Plane
- The Curious Plane in the "Live" Video
- Too Small of a Plane in Both "Live" 2nd Hit Videos
- Mutant Tail Section on UA175
- Evidence of 2nd Hit Video Fakery
- Proof that the engine part at Church and Murray Street is not from UA175, a Boeing 767
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- "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions" by David Ray Griffin
- 9/11 Revealed by Rowland Morgan and Ian Henshall
- "9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA" by Webster G. Tarpley
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- Grist
- 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved several people conspiring to commit a crime. The official 9/11 narrative, as codified by the 9/11 Commission Report, is NOT proven as the most likely explanation for the events of 9/11/01. The official 9/11 story is therefore a theory. This means that the OFFICIAL 9/11 Story is really a "CONSPIRACY THEORY"!
- I have no fondness for any religion, as I think it makes people do extreme and violent things. Islamic terrorists do exist and I detest them as much as I detest the true perpetrators of 9/11. Most likely Islamic terrorists were used as patsies in 9/11, as part of a highly organized covert operation by a group affiliated with the US goverment and US military.
More 9/11 Links (Note: I present a wide variety of 9/11 sites here for the purposes of diversity. I leave it up to you to judge their content.)
General 9/11 Sites
9/11 Activism
9/11 Specialty Sites
Sites that question 9/11 (who views on 9/11 may differ greatly from those presented here)
Good Intro Books to Alternative 9/11 Truth
Blogs, News Sites and Miscellaneous Links

Yeah. It is appearing on this sorry ass fucked up blog.
i do. the direction of the shadows would indicate that the sun is behind the astro-not and the lander yet we can see this side of both.
since there is no atmosphere to diffuse the sunlight on the moon, the side facing the camera, on both the *hero* and the lander should be pitch black at best - like the inside of that hole or the near side of those small rocks.
Those two white light reflections in the top right seem a bit odd, as does the lack of lead-in footprints. What else?
Funny thing about this ridiculous photo is: unless this AstroNUT made a 6 foot+ jump to arrive where he currently is (and the highest AstroNut "Lunar" jump I have seen to this date in 'Official' NASA films is a little over a foot...just like what you would accomplish in earth gravity BTW), there is no way he coul've arrived at that spot without being lifted there.
For there are simply no footprints anywhere behind him (at least none within a realistic stride/jump distance)leading to the spot he ended up...
Well I was going to say that, Rob. But thought the shills would come back and say his shadow hides some footprints (even though he should have walked from the "LM" direction).
But it is also true that the "LM" and his spacesuit should be quite dark, as noted above, by 10:00 PM (good job.).
This is also one of the very few photos of "the Moon" in an Apollo photo that doesn't have that IDENTICAL hilly background. Check out the horizon. For this one they left out the painted background that they usually put in.
Exactly A.P.!
Notice how Pitch Black the shadow in front of him is, and at the same time how nicely illuminated (b.w.o. fill lighting) the shadow side of his body/suit is!!
Can we say "Secondary Illumination" children!? I KNEW you could! hehe
You guys have me rolling on the floor.
Do us all a favor and go read this page and get back to us.
Its called "f-stop"
How does f-stop settings explain the lack of footprints?
Apart from the lack of footprints and what I agree is odd lighting, that crater in the background looks quite uncrater-like to me.
The f/stop regulates how much light is allowed through the lens by varying the area of the hole the light comes through.
it doesn't say anything about artificially illuminating the side of an object hidden from the sun in an environment with no atmosphere.
"... that crater in the background looks quite uncrater-like to me."
And your experience and expertise and lunar acumen on knowing what a crater would look like on the moon is......what?
You love doing that - saying what YOU think something should look like without having even the FUCKING FOGGIEST idea what it would look like in the first place. This is a classic example of someone living in a fantasy world, making shit up when they don't know what it should be in the first place, or if they don't LIKE what the reality of life gives them.
"How does f-stop settings explain the lack of footprints?"
what lack of footprints? Just because you choose not to acknowledge that footprints COULD be in the shadow or on the surface BEHIND the astronaut leading from the ridge of the crater or he might have jumped there from outside the picture frame on the left, turned around and was beginning to jump back. 1/6th gravity and all - but I forgot - gravity is in on this whole galactic conspiracy as well.
Keep those hits coming, Spookster! I love looking to see what the next ball of booger brain shit post you have up!
JREF shill/CIA/NSA agent:
Your fakery boys already demonstrated they could never jump more than a foot. We all here know why! We all know where they were. So don't dare say the Astro-not jumped anywhere.
And Spooked is quite right, we have seen enough real craters to note the "anomaly" of no perimeter ridge nor ejecta (other than a rock or 2 placed there--with a "C", shill?)
See the top pic here:
Note the perimeter elevated ridge, not that obviously dug out crap in the laughable "Apollo photo." Spooked is certainly right.
"F/Stop", liar, can't create light when there is none.
And I love how these shills evade the issue. The makers of the film and the camera have admitted neither would have worked on the Moon. Examination of the suit and glove etc. indicate the Astro-nots would have had great difficulty in taking ANY pics, let alone any good ones.
Read "Dark Moon. Apollo and the Whistleblowers."
The fake "Apollo" program and the next one to follow--which is why agents/scum like this one try so hard [think on this people] rely on both the big lie technique and the sheeple's desperate denial mechanism not to perceive their regime for what it is--a lying, mass murdering monster...With lots of scum like this one dooming their own children just to make a buck, and get the bennies.
Anonymous Physicist
To the dickweed at 10:38am--
most moon craters have a sharp rim, for instance see here:
I am pointing out a simple fact, dickweed, that this crater has a rim that looks eroded, not sharp. Please tell us what erodes a crater rim on the moon?
Now does this smooth rim prove anything? No, because crater formation can be complex and it is in the realm of possibility that this is a real crater. But I didn't claim this smooth-edged crater was proof of anything. But I found it suspicious, following the logic of probability.
So we have three strikes against this image:
1) no footprints leading to where the dude is standing -- and I find it unlikely there are footprints in the shadow because that would mean this dude was walking straight backwards with an odd wide-legged stance for no apparent reason (was this guy Larry Craig?)
2) the lighting artifacts (and what is that white thing glowing to the left of the lander?)
3) the oddly smoothed-edge crater
Given all the other anomalies of the Apollo program, I think it is reasonable to conclude that this photo was shot on earth under special lighting conditions, and that the "astronaut" was lowered onto this position using wires-- thus the lack of footprints. This would in fact explain the set of footprints clustered around where he was set down.
Now, to the dickweed at 10:38am-- I don't know why it is so amazingly shocking to you that someone would hypothesize something different from mainstream thinking on an obscure site on the internet. Not to mention that the rebuttals that dickweeds like you present to us are almost completely composed of insults and are almost completely fact-free.
I do think however, that it is kind of cute that you keep coming here over and over to defend the official story, for whatever the official story is.
If you look at it purely from the perspective of the photo, things are not clear enough to consider it real or fake.
If you look at it purely from the perspective of the photo, things are not clear enough to consider it real or fake.
it is an official photo purportedly of the lunar surface. therefore all of the reasons listed above for it's authenticity or lack thereof do apply.
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