Humint Events Online: On Why The PTB Deliberately Promulgate Obvious 9/11 CGI/TV Fakery, & How to Counter This

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

On Why The PTB Deliberately Promulgate Obvious 9/11 CGI/TV Fakery, & How to Counter This

by The Anonymous Physicist

I take issue with something at the end of this Ace Baker Compositing video [see post below], where it says, “Sometimes we screw up.” Now this is a complex and important issue. The quote refers to the “re-emergence” of the nosecone in pristine condition though the opposite facade of WTC2. (The re-emerging nosecone silhouette was shown to be identical to the nosecone before initial entry into WTC2.) Of course, this is impossible, as the plastic and aluminum nosecone would have shattered upon impact with the first steel façade, let alone the second one (after also hitting structures, etc., inside the tower, in between facades). BTW, not mentioned elsewhere is the following. The re-emerging, pristine nosecone then disappears. This is also in violation of the Laws of Physics (Newton’s 2nd), as an object cannot explode, etc. without an external force acting on it, which the nosecone no longer has, after “re-emergence.” So it’s even more obviously CGI.

But the issue is whether anyone “screwed up.” This is a likely naïve interpretation, or worse. I am saying it is not likely an accident that this even more impossible aspect was included. And idiocy is usually an overplayed ruse by the intel agencies-- here the claim being that a “screw-up” made this obvious CGI aspect. So besides idiocy, we have deliberate inclusion. And there are several possibilities here.

One is that this was done by a whistleblower. She or he could have been forced to make up this CGI, and left in this part knowing that it would eventually be analyzed, and shown to be even more impossible, as outlined above. Now a whistleblower might want to leave this in to show the world what s/he was forced to do. We should realize that anyone who took part in the regime’s destruction of 9/11, and/or creating the TV fakery, is a liability to the PTB. If not before 9/11, when agents may not have realized what they were emplacing in the WTC buildings, or in making up certain videos, then certainly after 911, these agents would have realized what they were part of. They would know that it wasn’t “19 Arabs” etc.; rather 9/11 was entirely a U.S. gov’t action. They would also realize that their knowledge makes them a liability. And the person who made up this CGI could have left a hint that the whole thing was CGI.

However, this ignores the fact that the sponsoring intel agency would have examined/played this CGI product before airing on 9/11, and let it pass. By all accounts, therefore, it appears that this is no “screw-up,” but rather it is more impossible CGI that was deliberately included in the CGI video. What was the likely purpose? I see two reasons.

1.To get people to expend much time and energy over the TV fakery aspect--INSTEAD of focusing on what might really enrage the masses, promulgating the fact that the regime nuked its own largest city, and used this as an excuse for perennial war! Diverting people with aspects of the TVfakery was the norm in the first stages of 911truth. E.g., the matter of the “pod” highlighted by Dave von Kleist’s videos. Now the pod, and the “flash” just before entry are all MEANINGLESS, if the whole video is just CGI, which it is. (Von Kleist’s family was shown to have connections to the PTB, and to the German Nazi leadership.) But this diverted the 911truth community. This diversion continues to this day as so few are promulgating the nuking of the WTC and the China Syndrome aftermath! This is because virtually all the first 911truthers were/are intel agents, as are virtually all those who were made “big.” Recently we even saw an intel asset/”911truther” try to resurrect the pod and the CGI video as “real.”

TV fakery needs to be shown, but it is fascinating that virtually all those who have forums on it say, “I don’t care what actually destroyed the WTC.” They would, if they were honest, and were there and exposed to the radiation that is killing responders, and local NYC residents now. Show the TV fakery, but then also show the nuking, like “Mysticalgroove” does on Youtube. Of course, I have highlighted how the clever intel agencies made the first no-planers also be proponents (ever more) of the ludicrous, evidence-free DEW “theory.” This is key. I proved that “DEW” was created to hide all the evidence of the nuking of the WTC, and the China Syndrome aftermath. So the marriage of DEW agents to the NPT (No Plane theory) is revelatory of the motives of those who created the DEW hangout. They knew that analysis of the “plane hit” videos would PROVE that they are merely CGI, and that there were no plane impacts. So they put in their agents at the outset who would promote that, while also promoting something-- DEW-- which can never be proven, because it was meant to hide what obviously did destroy the WTC-- Nuclear bombs.

2. The second reason to DELIBERATELY include the impossible Pristine Nosecone coming out the other side, is because the PTB WANT those, in our society, who are honest, and can think and CHANGE, to know that the Gestapo regime did all this!

This jives with what I know from numerous other matters in the general conspiracy field. As an expert on the JFK assassination, and as an expert on the Apollo Hoax, I can tell you the same thing exists in each of these conspiracy matters, and its films or videos. With the Apollo Hoax, there were numerous obvious aspects that indicate either whistleblower activity, or that the PTB want the intelligentsia to know the whole thing was faked. This includes the photo of the “lunar” rock (read “prop”) that has the large letter “C” on it, and the infamous Coke bottle rolling across the “lunar” surface, and seen on Australian TV. (Ref.: “Dark Moon” by Bennett and Percy.)

Regarding the JFK assassination, a part of Secret Service agent William Greer’s gun was left visible in the highly doctored Zapruder film. They did not erase all of it, ultimately, IMO, to let the intelligentsia know who did it! This is probably meant to try to paralyze those in the know. Like an all-powerful bully saying, “I am going to do such and such to you, and there is nothing you can do about it.“ So while lying to the masses, and providing an impossible “lone nut fired from behind” story-- in violation of the laws of Physics (the motion of Kennedy’s body), and all the eyewitnesses, including the asst. Press Secretary, Kilduff who showed the frontal, entry wound; at the same time, the PTB want those who can think, to actually have PROOF that the gov’t did do it!

I think the same thing holds here for 911 and the CGI videos. And this is an important issue. How the PTB deliberately include the proof that the Gov’t itself carried out each nefarious deed. Promulgating obvious CGI/TV fakery isn’t a “screw-up.” It’s a scare tactic. And the way to counter it, is to NOT be paralyzed, but to take action. I mean real action.

We might examine what President Kennedy did, to guide us. Indeed you might call him, the Ultimate Conspiracy Expert! He took ACTIONS to smash the CIA “into a thousand pieces.” He took ACTIONS to sidestep the Federal Reserve Bank, and created “U.S. Notes.” He took ACTION by NOT going to War against Laos, Vietnam, Cuba, the USSR, and China-- as he was continually pressured to do, in his three years as President. His orders to return the first thousand “advisors” from Vietnam were issued-- and countermanded by the complicit Joint Chiefs-- during his final weekend alive.

So when we see that the nefarious American regime DELIBERATELY included proof that the 9/11 TV fakery is just that, and that they themselves nuked the WTC on 9/11, let that NOT paralyze us. Instead, let us COUNTER the intent of the PTB with ACTIONS. Let the many ACTIONS of President Kennedy, against the PTB, guide us to take all sorts of ACTIONS ourselves. Countering the British-American Regime’s War-Lust, in any way possible, is something every human being on Earth should do. As always, the lives we save are our own, and those of our children, and their children.

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