Humint Events Online: "Pakistan Observer" Article on 9/11 Subscribes to TV Fakery

Friday, September 26, 2008

"Pakistan Observer" Article on 9/11 Subscribes to TV Fakery

Did any Planes ever strike the Towers? The researchers after detailed study and analysis have come to a conclusion that no planes ever struck the WTC towers. What was shown by BBC and CNN on TV on 9/11 was a doctored film prepared in a studio. With the technological advancement it is a child’s play. A comparison between the films actually prepared on the site and those transmitted by BBC and CNN can be seen on the website. It was shown on TV that the nose of a plane that struck the tower penetrated through the concrete structure come out on the other side of the tower in tact an impossibility. While a film was shown on the TV and the Towers did actually collapse, there is no eye witness of any planes striking the Towers. The evidence of eye-witnesses was suppressed under the orchestra of ‘Attacks on America’.


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