Humint Events Online: Why Does Mercury Look So Much Like the Moon?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Why Does Mercury Look So Much Like the Moon?

(from here)

They are cosmological twins!

The two bodies are even fairly close in size.

I thought Mercury was supposed to be covered with molten rock on the surface from being close to the sun (what I learned in school a long time ago). But the craters here are identical to the Moon craters? and why are the craters always perfectly round-- implying a straight vertical impact?

Wiki article on Mercury.

Possible explanations for the similarity between Mercury and the Moon:
1) NASA is faking the photos
2) Mercury and the Moon were constructed by the same beings
3) Mercury and the Moon had similar physical origins and exposure to asteroids-- and somehow ended up in very different places in the Solar system


Blogger h is for ha said...

i would like to see the photo of uranus' moon that you posted earlier this year, or maybe late last year? - the one that NASA obviously photo-shopped so we would not be able to see whatever it is that they don't want us to see.

5:16 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

see here

8:00 PM  

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