Humint Events Online: The American and British Movie/TV Industry: Controlled by British and American Intel Agencies From Day One

Friday, December 05, 2008

The American and British Movie/TV Industry: Controlled by British and American Intel Agencies From Day One

by The Anonymous Physicist

One can control the masses by controlling their thoughts. And you can control modern man’s thoughts by controlling his/her news and entertainment. Both the British and American film (and later television) industries have ultimately been controlled by London’s intel agencies-- with the many American intel agencies acting as local go-betweens. Many of the most popular actors, directors, producers, writers and others in the film industry were, and are, undercover intel assets; just as is the case for all the major print, TV, and radio “news” media.

The founding fathers would have been appalled at the “Britishness” of Hollywood from the beginning. (The founding fathers despised the Brits so much they, at one time, debated making German the language of the USA.) Recall also that I have written that the secret societies actually control the intelligence agencies. The intel agencies, as always, have scapegoats and public personae, to try to throw people off the trail of where ultimate control leads (London and Rome). Both the limited hangouts of Zionist/Jew, and the Italian Mafia as Hollywood-controllers have been placed in public view. But any presence, or power, they have is at the behest of the secret societies, and intel agencies controlled by London and Rome.

The history of America’s intel agencies needs some quick elucidation. From the beginning of the “Republic”, there were Army and Navy Intelligence Depts. Then the Secret Service was created, under Treasury Dept. control. Likewise later created was the FBI. Then came the independent agencies, the CIA, and later the NSA. There are numerous other intel agencies, and likely agencies that are totally hidden from public view. But when Hollywood was created, in the early 1900’s, the only American intel agencies, supposedly in existence, were Army and Navy Intelligence. So let me show the earliest connection of America’s intel agencies to Hollywood.

Let us examine perhaps the first Hollywood blockbuster. This is the notorious, racist 1915 film, “Birth of a Nation.” Wiki notes that “West Point engineers provided technical advice on the Civil War battle scenes. They provided Griffith with the masses of artillery used in the film.” But the film’s sickening depiction of American Negroes as mere rapists of southern white women, and the Ku Klux Klan as the rescuers of all that is good and holy was no accident I assert. (Note that Klan is a Scottish term, and the first Freemasons are said to have been Sixteenth Century Scots.) William Pepper, in his books that exposed that the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated by the U.S. Govt; with James Earl Ray a completely innocent patsy, revealed that his research proved that American Army intelligence helped create and fund the Ku Klux Klan! So before there was an FBI or CIA, Army Intelligence was likely in control of the nascent Hollywood film industry, and thus the foul nature of Hollywood’s first blockbuster should not be a surprise, as Army Intelligence controlled both Hollywood and the KKK!

Now I will cite some actors from yesteryear, simply because it often takes decades for undercover matters to become known. But some famous actors did not hide their being 33rd degree Freemasons. This includes Burl Ives,, Ernest Borgnine, and others. Burl Ives, in “real life” acted as a “liberal”, but when it hit the fan, gave away his real connections. IMDB has this, “An activist liberal Democrat, in 1952 he named fellow folk singer Pete Seeger and others as possible Communists to the House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC) in order to avoid being blacklisted." The “liberal” hangout has long been used to hide the nature of intel assets in the news media, and the film industries.

Next let’s look more closely at some British actors. Victor McLaglen was actually the British "head of military police in Baghdad," no less, during WWI. The intel-controlled film industry often enjoys portraying their intel agents as what they actually were! McLaglen’s greatest role was the eponymous lead in "The Informer”, portraying an Irishman who ratted on fellow IRA members to the British Crown.

Then there was the British actor, David Niven and his “batman” (gofer or aide) Peter Ustinov. In WWII, Niven took part in the "deception campaign" at D-Day Normandy. IMO, this was all a ruse as I have stated Hitler was a British agent, and IMO was ordered by his British masters to allow the Allies to safely land and get going in Europe. Recall the earlier “330,000 allied troops” [note the “33”] rescued at Dunkirk, when they could have been killed or captured by the Germans for days. Niven's "Batman" during this was Peter Ustinov. Ustinov’s father was in the intelligence services for ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: Germany, Russia, and Great Britain-- even though they were at times at odds with each other (publicly). Being an Intel asset is often a generational thing. It may be a matter of “bloodlines.”

Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond novels, and a very high level British Intel Agent himself, had wanted Niven to portray Bond, not Sean Connery. Niven did get to play Bond in one spoof, the early, 1976 version of “Casino Royale.” Fleming himself died suddenly, shortly after the Bond flick “Diamonds are Forever” depicted fake Moon Rovers and other matters. Fleming who earlier was even involved in the Pearl Harbor deception, is thought to have given away too much of how the PTB operate. Niven’s good buddy was “swashbuckler” Errol Flynn. And Errol Flynn, when charged with statutory rape, in 1942, was aided by none other than the (future) CIA's William Buckley, also a “conservative” media pooh-bah. And Buckley’s (later) Mexico City CIA controller was none other than JFK Assassin/Conspirator E Howard Hunt!

Then there was British actor Donald Crisp-- who was in (and into) everything for 50 years or more. Acting and also wheeling and dealing. He had immense power in Hollywood. Even Wiki admits he was British army intelligence! That was during WWI. By the time of WWII, he is in the American Army, rising to Colonel. (But likely again under hidden English intel control.)

Some actors are clearly under the control of Rome. This would include Martin Sheen and family. Sheen was born Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez. He took the name of his Roman Catholic Bishop-- who likely controlled him for life. Sheen’s father worked for IBM, and dealt with the U.S. Air Force. IBM, at that time, was absolutely essential for Nazi extermination via their early or quasi-computer methods. These enabled the German Nazis to catalogue and then find the millions of human beings they started to exterminate. (See the excellent, best-selling book [read here], “IBM and the Holocaust”.) Note that the next generation of the Sheen family, Charlie, though an alleged 911truther, is a proponent of the impossible, thermite, intel-created hangout, which, of course, was created to hide the nuking of the WTC, and the China Syndrome Aftermath.

I have already revealed here Marilyn Monroe was in reality a sex slave to the intel agencies, and their Mafia hirelings, despite being made a “big star.” Monroe was killed (“suicided”) by the intel agencies so as to try to force President Kennedy to resign, which was less problematic for the PTB, than an assassination and all the future cover-ups etc.

More recently, we see that the PTB no longer feel they need to hide who their favorite Hollywood creations are. See Angelina Jolie, first proclaiming her United Nations connections; then publicly joining the insidious Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), which just recently no longer denies it controls American foreign policy. As to the possible genetic component, see the political comments by her father, actor Jon Voight, at the bottom of this page, Some of Voight’s comments (e.g. on Obama) sure look totally fascistic. He denounces his own earlier “liberal” protestations (such as against the Vietnam War) as his being duped by “Marxist propaganda.” But his daughter still has her liberal legend to portray. What does this mean? Perhaps merely that she is the greater actor! Or that she is now higher up than he is, or was. Or perhaps the supposedly estranged father’s new protestations are part of the daughter’s ongoing act.

Another movie industry matter to always be aware of are the deaths of Hollywood stars. All accidents and “suicides” should to be treated as possible, or probable, murders. This would include plane crashes, falls down stairs, accidental gun discharges, etc. Sometimes some are killed because they were about to “out” some top actor for being homosexual. Many would be surprised that the near totality of Hollywood’s “heartthrobs” of the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s were gay. [I have no problem with anyone’s preference, rather it is the PTB that use this knowledge to the detriment of the gay person and gay community, and the public in general as well.] Fake marriages were, and are, the norm both in Hollywood, and in politics. Sometimes spouses who were about to out their husbands die accidentally or strangely. Perhaps top actors being gay, like their Skull and Bones “colleagues,” were created during forced rituals to get ahead; or it simply was a way to control these “stars.”

In case you still doubt my assertions on the intelligence agencies’ control of Hollywood, there have been times when the thin veil of “democracy” was lifted, and the truth was revealed. Such a time was during the so-called McCarthy or “Red Scare” era of the 1950’s. Many people who worked in the film industry were blacklisted for either once being members of the Communist Party--which was their Consitutional right-- or for having someone merely claim that they might have been. There was one “pamphlet-style book” called “Red Channels” that was printed in 1950, and contained 151 names of people labled as “Reds.” Wiki reveals that the “Red Channels” was issued by the Counterattack “Journal.” And the latter was formed, and edited, by a group of former FBI agents and an Army Intelligence officer! The whole matter is even more sickening once you learn Ultimate Truths that the USSR and the USA all the while were merely bogus enemies, and always cooperated at the deepest levels against all of humanity as revealed here.

And it is sickening that Jack Valenti ran the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) for nearly four decades, beginning in 1966. Valenti, an LBJ henchman, was in charge of the Press in Dallas, during the Kennedy Assassination. Recall I have written that the official press release to the world of Kennedy’s death was held until 1:33, even though he had died by 1:00 P.M. Wiki inlcudes that “Valenti was so loyal to Johnson that it was once said of him "If LBJ dropped the H-bomb, Valenti would call it an urban renewal project.” Yes, conspirators, traitors and assassins have gotten cushy jobs since Nov. 22, 1963. This includes control of Hollywood.

Note that in the modern, faux democracy, the “leader’s” most important talent is none other than acting! In its most obvious form, this idea leads to actors becoming top politicians, like Ronald Reagan. But I assert all modern Presidents, and other top Cabinet members, and Congress Critters, get extensive acting lessons likely from CIA-controlled assets. This has been visible for years. Watch how the moment President Kennedy is mentioned, former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and others, immediately, and always, flash a broad smile. Probably a CIA acting method meant to counter an accomplice’s first reaction of a guilty face or such. See it you spot similar (over-)acting with our politicians/perps when the 9/11 WTC destruction is mentioned.

In conclusion, from the outset, British and American film (and later TV) industries have been intel-controlled. This continues to this day. The “vast wasteland” of the entertainment field is meant to propagandize the PTB’s view of the world, and to limit and control the thoughts and actions of the masses. Their goals include getting the masses to do two things, per usual. Kill and die-- for whatever bogus goals the PTB are touting at the moment. In particular, War is perennially promoted. Lately mindlessness (diversion for its own sake, or to keep your “eyes wide shut”) also seems to be a goal.

All this is ultimately meant to allow the PTB to control and murder Mankind when, and how, and in what numbers they wish. This alas appears to be the entertainment of the PTB themselves! Mankind thus should drop his intel-controlled entertainment, and learn just who he should be warring with. The incredible lengths that the PTB feel they must go to, indicate again that they fear they would lose if the people ever dropped their bogus “entertainment,” and took up the sport of finding and eradicating the few PTB and their human lackeys.

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