Humint Events Online: Nuclear Insanity-- US Spends Over $52 Billion a Year on Nukes

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Nuclear Insanity-- US Spends Over $52 Billion a Year on Nukes

The United States spends more than $52 billion a year maintaining, upgrading and operating its nuclear weapons arsenal each year, a little-heralded study revealed Monday.

So the US budget for nukes -- the most deadly weapon known to man-- alone is $10 billion more than, for instance, the US budget for biomedical research. This nuke spending, along with the US Defense budget, is an insane amount. And spending this much on nukes makes no sense at all given the geopolitical situation!

It really makes no sense at all-- until you realize how much the PTB loves their nukes, and most importantly WHY.


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