Spot the Differences
A CGI model Boeing 767-200 next to the ghostplane in a comparison from Ace Baker:
Yes, the ghostplane looks a LOT like a Boeing 767-200. But the key point here is that there are also important differences between these two plane images.
Here are some measurements I did to illustrate this point (AB= Ace Baker (top), GP= Ghostplane (bottom)):
Overall size--
Fuselage length
AB= 26mm
GP= 25mm
Fuselage length in front of wings
AB= 8mm
GP= 8mm
Fuselage width
AB= 4.5mm
GP= 4.0mm
AB= 43 mm
GP= 40 mm
So the fuselage lengths are very similar, but the fuselage and the wingspan is significantly narrower for ghostplane.
Let's look at some of the angles of the two planes--
Fuselage Angle
AB= 32.5
GP= 34
Vertical stabilizer angle
AB= 50-51
GP= 50-51
Wingspan angle (trailing edge)
AB= 37.5
GP= 33
So right away, more strange differences-- the fuselage angle is off and the wingspan angle is quite a bit off. However, the vertical stabilizers are nicely aligned.
Let's look more carefully at the wings--
Starboard wing leading edge angle
AB= 65
GP= 65
Starboard wing trailing edge angle
AB= 55
GP= 55
Port wing leading edge angle
AB= 17
GP= 11
Port wing trailing edge angle
AB= 24
GP= 17
So here we have perfect alignment with starboard wing but the port wing angles are WAY off. This is what Marcus Icke has previously termed the port wing anomaly.
So, strikingly, we have parts of the two planes lining up perfectly, but other parts being significantly different. This indicates to me that the ghostplane plane is not a standard model of a 767-200. Also notice how the ghostplane plane is even more cartoonish looking than the AB CGI model. Both are cartoons-- but the ghostplane plane is even more fake than the known fake!
Yes, the ghostplane looks a LOT like a Boeing 767-200. But the key point here is that there are also important differences between these two plane images.
Here are some measurements I did to illustrate this point (AB= Ace Baker (top), GP= Ghostplane (bottom)):
Overall size--
Fuselage length
AB= 26mm
GP= 25mm
Fuselage length in front of wings
AB= 8mm
GP= 8mm
Fuselage width
AB= 4.5mm
GP= 4.0mm
AB= 43 mm
GP= 40 mm
So the fuselage lengths are very similar, but the fuselage and the wingspan is significantly narrower for ghostplane.
Let's look at some of the angles of the two planes--
Fuselage Angle
AB= 32.5
GP= 34
Vertical stabilizer angle
AB= 50-51
GP= 50-51
Wingspan angle (trailing edge)
AB= 37.5
GP= 33
So right away, more strange differences-- the fuselage angle is off and the wingspan angle is quite a bit off. However, the vertical stabilizers are nicely aligned.
Let's look more carefully at the wings--
Starboard wing leading edge angle
AB= 65
GP= 65
Starboard wing trailing edge angle
AB= 55
GP= 55
Port wing leading edge angle
AB= 17
GP= 11
Port wing trailing edge angle
AB= 24
GP= 17
So here we have perfect alignment with starboard wing but the port wing angles are WAY off. This is what Marcus Icke has previously termed the port wing anomaly.
So, strikingly, we have parts of the two planes lining up perfectly, but other parts being significantly different. This indicates to me that the ghostplane plane is not a standard model of a 767-200. Also notice how the ghostplane plane is even more cartoonish looking than the AB CGI model. Both are cartoons-- but the ghostplane plane is even more fake than the known fake!
wow that is quite a difference!
for me it was always the crash physics - or lack thereof - that proved the fakery.
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