Humint Events Online: Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorists on the Rise

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorists on the Rise

The right is quickly slipping back into its conspiratorial nutjob posture that it had during the Clinton presidency, seeing black helicopters and one world UN government under their beds at every turn.
Of course, the problem is not that they are so wrong about a large conspiracy and the need for a revolution. Rather the problems are that 1) they don't really understand the ultimate nature of the conspiracy, and 2) many of these same people (right-wing Republicans) were completely idiotic in not recognizing the truly insidious dangers posed by the Bush administration.

UPDATE: Of course, I find it despicable that "conspiracy theorists" are so broadly labeled as "nutjobs"-- and a huge problem on the left is this instant demonization of anyone with a conspiracy viewpoint.

An article on the latest gun ownership mania here.

This essay has some interesting observations on the right-wing militia and survivalist movements in the 90's, though the writer clearly eschews any notion that the conspiracy theorists might have some valid points.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's 2011 and we now have the NDAA, Bilderberg is being exposed, and the elite bankers have and are collapsing America's monetary system... so how do you feel about the conspiracy theorists now?
It's only a theory if it can't be proven... and the conspiracy is against the people of the USA by the very usurp government politicians that are controlled by the "New World Order" [quote from George Bush Sr. et al]

3:10 PM  

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