Humint Events Online: Interesting Discrepency Re the South Tower "Plane-Hit" Explosion and the Church and Murray Engine

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Interesting Discrepency Re the South Tower "Plane-Hit" Explosion and the Church and Murray Engine

"William Seger" at DU has been doing some nice work with google earth, trying to show that the Church and Murray engine corresponded to the smoke trail left by the ejected debris from the South tower. This was in responses to my earlier analysis of the smoke trail. He makes a pretty good case that the smoke trail did lead to Church and Murray. The big caveat is that to a large extent, it depends on exactly how the smoke trail arc is extended, and whether the smoke corresponds perfectly to the path of the ejected debris. But it's basically plausible that the ejected debris can get to Church and Murray-- which is not to say that the engine piece found there came from the tower, but that the spot is consistent with the smoke trail.

In any case, an interesting thing that came out of this is that you can calculate the speed of the ejected debris based on the height it came from and the distance it went.

So, using this physics site (scroll down to horizontal launch)-- using roughly 300 m as height (where the engine came out of the tower officially) and 400 m as distance to get to Church and Murray, gives eject velocity of 51.1 m/s = 183,960 m/h = ~607,068 ft/h = ~115 mph

But interestingly, the initial speed of the eject seems much higher than 100 mph, if you look at a couple of videos:

In the videos, the eject is going somwhat less than the speed of the plane (540 mph) which makes the eject going pretty fast-- say 270 mph--- much much higher than the distance indicates. I think it's clear that the neither of the ejects are going only 20% as fast as the plane.

In other words, something is screwy.

One explanation is that the ejected debris is not a solid object, but rather an item (explosive) that burns up as it is traveling and thus loses momentum.

Bottom line: while the smoke trail is consistent with the Church and Murray engine, the velocity of the ejected debris is NOT.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever that was ejecting from the tower, it certainly wasn't an engine from a cartoon plane.
my guess is that seeger uses his trajectory analyses as so-called proof that the videos of the plane were not faked.
i would like to see his opinion of the ghost-like lack of crash physics aspect of the plane's entry into the tower.
seeger is just wasting your time.

10:26 AM  
Blogger nickname said...

Seeger is a dishonest snake.

He once claimed to be a pilot but now says he's a software engineer.

I say he's a paid disinfo agent or else a volunteer from some Israeli

Another suspicious character there is boloboffin. I believe the current person posting under his name is not the original boloboffin.

Seeger is definitely pulling your chain, spooked.

10:33 AM  
Blogger K.L. Ashley said...

The engine either makes a deep crater (huge thing), concrete crushed big time, residue all over the place, or (more likely) skids for 50 yards until it impacts the nearest building or obstacle, depending on the angle of initial impact. The skid trail would be impressive! Would take out a few folks, cars, etc., in the process, of course. The odds that no one was injured are nil. All fantasy. What is with these fame seekers?

If you want some math, calculate the kinetic energy that the beast had at 200 plus mph, and explain how it was dissipated. Also, explain how it had the kinetic energy after passing through a steel girder building.

Pictures are more likely it was unloaded from a truck and is the wrong engine. If not, then where is the engine displayed (next to the passport and sundry of black boxes) along with the serial number, which the public deserves in an honest investigation? Joke, of course. Why does no one challenge this? Admission of guilt.

Why is the engine straight out of the crate with no remnants of the support/hanging strut?

Meantime, no one observed the approach over the Hudson. Or is this a stealth version of an airliner?

So it goes on and on.

Until they have a reason to believe an advantage to going against the OV which upsets the cozy existence they will not. (Physics completely blows the brain.) Obviously don't understand the self destruction from the WOT but the TV takes care of that.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Ningen said...

NIST's models showed the engine stopping before even reached the other side of the building. Even taking NIST's ghostplane model and the original speed of 540 mph is take as true, how does the engine with much less kinetic energy shear the columns on the other side of the building to exit at all, let alone exit at over 100 mph? Even NIST could not explain this, and said its models' match with the "observable" engine was poor.

Did NIST analyze this video like they did for the plane videos, to determine velocity?

12:39 PM  
Blogger K.L. Ashley said...

from democraticunderground

"The study (by Center for Public Integrity on what/who caused the financial slump) was released as the US House of Representatives was set Wednesday to vote on a Senate-approved bill that would set up a 9/11-style inquiry into the root causes of the financial crisis..."

"9/11-style inquiry". Wow! Can't wait for the results. Same kind of smoke. Ignore and suppress all evidence?

The 60 year-old social experiment based on waste, a corrupt congress, and vulgar profits is responsible. Another chore for the Fox.

12:51 PM  
Blogger nickname said...

Another dishonest snake at DU is

A few years ago, he? claimed to be a chemical engineer. Now, he claims to be a mechanical engineer.

"Driving Miss Daisy"?

9:09 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

Yeah, there are a bunch of snakes over there at DU. LARED is one of the worst, and he's been there a long time. It's fun to mix with them a bit, but it gets sickening after a while.

10:53 PM  

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