Nuclear Plant Disaster from 3/11/11 Earthquake-- "Japan Syndrome"?
(UPDATED 3/13)

The explosion happened at 3:40pm. 34 is not a good number for this sort of thing, as it may signify quarantine escape.
The extent of the problem at the plant is not known, supposedly the damage is being contained with minimal radiation release.
This article has the more conventional 33 inserted, to give credit to the PTB for all this wonderfulness-- "The Japanese plant was damaged by Friday's 8.9-magnitude earthquake, which sent a 10-meter (33-foot) tsunami ripping through towns and cities across the northeast coast."
UPDATE 3/13--

Looks bad:
Here's a more obvious three-three, in an AP piece: "An additional reactor was added to the list early Sunday, for a total of six - three at the Dai-ichi complex and three at another nearby complex."
This post at DU is good:
Relatedly, this tool to compare before and after satellite shots of Japanese cities is really interesting.
Finally, remember: the China Syndrome came to the WTC on 9/11.

The explosion happened at 3:40pm. 34 is not a good number for this sort of thing, as it may signify quarantine escape.
The extent of the problem at the plant is not known, supposedly the damage is being contained with minimal radiation release.
WASHINGTON — An explosion at a nuclear power plant in northern Japan on Saturday blew the roof off one building, brought down walls and caused a radiation leak of unspecified proportions, Japanese officials said, after Friday’s huge earthquake caused critical failures in the plant’s cooling system.Just to note that 3/11/11 can be construed as a double 33 (3 x 11, twice).
Television images showed a huge cloud of white-gray smoke from the explosion. Soon afterward, government officials said an evacuation zone around the plant had been doubled, to 12 miles. The chief cabinet secretary, Yukio Edano, confirmed earlier news reports of an explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, 15o miles north of Tokyo, saying: “We are looking into the cause and the situation and we’ll make that public when we have further information.” He was speaking amid fears that a disastrous meltdown could be imminent because of critical cooling failures at that plant and another nearby, Daini, after both were shut down.
Images on Japanese television showed that the walls of one building had crumbled, leaving only a skeletal metal frame standing with smoke billowing from the plant. The Associated Press reported that the damaged building housed a nuclear reactor, though that report was not immediately verified by nuclear officials. The cause of the explosion was unclear, with some experts speculating that it may have resulted from a hydrogen build-up.
There was no immediate confirmation of news reports that the container of the nuclear reactor itself had escaped damage.
Bloomberg News quoted Tokyo Electric Power Co., the plant’s operator, as saying the explosion happened “near” the No. 1 reactor at around 3:40 p.m. Japan time on Saturday. Four people were reported injured. The explosion came roughly 26 and a half hours after an 8.9-magnitude earthquake caused a deadly tsunami that killed hundreds and caused both plants to be shut down. Authorities issued broad evacuation orders on Saturday for people living near the plants and warned that small amounts of radioactive material were likely to leak out.
This article has the more conventional 33 inserted, to give credit to the PTB for all this wonderfulness-- "The Japanese plant was damaged by Friday's 8.9-magnitude earthquake, which sent a 10-meter (33-foot) tsunami ripping through towns and cities across the northeast coast."
UPDATE 3/13--

Looks bad:
TOKYO — Japanese officials struggled on Sunday to contain a widening nuclear crisis in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake and tsunami, saying they presumed that partial meltdowns had occurred at two crippled reactors and that they were bracing for a second explosion, even as they faced serious cooling problems at four more reactors.This article doesn't have a "33" but has a clear "three" motif, with "three" or "3" mentioned several times.
The emergency appeared to be the worst involving a nuclear plant since the Chernobyl disaster 25 years ago. The developments at two separate nuclear plants prompted the evacuation of more than 200,000 people. Japanese officials said they had also ordered up the largest mobilization of their Self-Defense Forces since World War II to assist in the relief effort.
On Saturday, Japanese officials took the extraordinary step of flooding the crippled No. 1 reactor at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 170 miles north of Tokyo, with seawater in a last-ditch effort to avoid a nuclear meltdown. That came after an explosion caused by hydrogen that tore the outer wall and roof off the building housing the reactor, although the steel containment of the reactor remained in place.
Here's a more obvious three-three, in an AP piece: "An additional reactor was added to the list early Sunday, for a total of six - three at the Dai-ichi complex and three at another nearby complex."
This post at DU is good:
Let me remind you of something crucial when it comes to nuclear power incidents and accidents.
Relatedly, this tool to compare before and after satellite shots of Japanese cities is really interesting.
Finally, remember: the China Syndrome came to the WTC on 9/11.
The powerful earthquake that unleashed a devastating tsunami Friday appears to have moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet (2.4 meters) and shifted the Earth on its axis.
TOKYO (AP) — A Japanese utility says fuel rods at a troubled nuclear reactor have been fully exposed.
It will not succeed as a matter of fact, that is what I consider.
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