Sunday, May 13, 2012
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- Manifesto for All Present and Future Military Personnel
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- Nuclear Demolition of the WTC
- China Syndrome at the WTC
- Dead 9/11 Whistleblowers
- Bogus Official 9/11 Science
- Anonymous Physicist's book site
- 120 Reasons for the No-Plane Theory
- People Who Should Have Seen UA175 Hit the South Tower But Didn't
- 9/11: All Roads Lead to MIHOP
- 9/11: Possible Versus Impossible
- Ghost Gun UA175
- Morgan Reynolds, We Have Holes
- Hunt the Boeing, Shanksville Edition
- Hunt the Boeing, WTC2 Edition
- The No Planes Evidence Kit
- Why Don't More Engineers Question the WTC Collapses?
- Evidence of advanced fusion devices at the WTC
- The Problem with the 9/11 "Truth" Movement
- Brainwashed, In Deep Denial, A Government Shill, Or Some Combination of the Three
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- Judy Wood's 9/11 site (focuses on WTC demolition)
- 9/11 Logic
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- Summary of Evidence for No Plane at the South Tower
- Clearest Evidence of Conflicting Plane Paths in Two Different 2nd Hit Videos
- Freak Plane
- The Curious Plane in the "Live" Video
- Too Small of a Plane in Both "Live" 2nd Hit Videos
- Mutant Tail Section on UA175
- Evidence of 2nd Hit Video Fakery
- Proof that the engine part at Church and Murray Street is not from UA175, a Boeing 767
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- "9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA" by Webster G. Tarpley
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- 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved several people conspiring to commit a crime. The official 9/11 narrative, as codified by the 9/11 Commission Report, is NOT proven as the most likely explanation for the events of 9/11/01. The official 9/11 story is therefore a theory. This means that the OFFICIAL 9/11 Story is really a "CONSPIRACY THEORY"!
- I have no fondness for any religion, as I think it makes people do extreme and violent things. Islamic terrorists do exist and I detest them as much as I detest the true perpetrators of 9/11. Most likely Islamic terrorists were used as patsies in 9/11, as part of a highly organized covert operation by a group affiliated with the US goverment and US military.
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And clearly we can see the POTUS logo on this flag and NO SUCH LOGO CAN BE SEEN on the post- assassination photo.
Furthermore, why don't you dupe this photo, but substitute the man instead of the flag there?
So everyone can see how absurd this is.
Everyone can see the VAST difference between the shape of a flag and the clear shape of a man.
There, you wanted this civilly, there it is.
And I was NOT the one who started with F-bombs and such to other one, or to call the other one "delusional."
But I am happy to stick to the evidence, if you also stop with F-bombs or "delusional" etc.
Here e.g., is one of the many cropped photos where the PTB felt the need to either crop the man out altogether--or here they felt they better crop out his arm or whatever he held.
Even your own one supporter realizes he has to keep (re-)inventing a non-existent "cross-bar" to explain the arm!
Everyone knows what that is.
As I told you from the outset, for over 30 years they cropped out all or part of the man in most books etc.
Everyone honest can see why.
This cropping was done for a reason in all those books, esp. the first couple of decades.
Just as there is a reason for each frame in the Zapruder film that was either excised or had things painted in.
But as per the above, I would love to see you paste the man in your photo where the flag is.
And here is the Zapruder film.
Note that the last couple of seconds shown corresponds EXACTLY to when the "Flagman" is claimed.
Look closely, you can see--as I wrote--that the flag is straight back along the length of the limo.
(Posting other irrelevant photos is meaningless.)
That man is a man, and not a flag.
We see where the flag is in the Z-film!
Along the length of the limo, which is to the right in the Altgens photo, not to the left--where the man is.
I am not the one who needs a cult to be believed. I have no cult following, nor would I ever want one.
I will rest on the evidence.
AP - as you point out, the flag is visible in the Z film at the end of the video clip you referenced.
It is also clear to me that the last second of that referenced clip has the SS agent and Mrs K in very much the same location as shown in your - for want of a better title - "man in the manhole" photo.
If what looks to me to be the presidential standard - including some of the stars from the circle surrounding the eagle - is actually a man in a manhole, then there must be a scientific explanation about:
1) why at least part of the manhole is not visible in the sunlit area behind the lead car (the manhole can not be in the shadow under the car because the position of the sun would make egress from the manhole to a near erect position impossible); and,
2) the absence of the manhole cover from the road surface.
3) what is the optical physics that allows the man in the manhole to be seen but not the presidential standard?
I don't want to know who is right, I just want to know the physics that proves your hypothesis.
Really? Is that the best you have? It's just a tight crop around the limo.
In other situations, I could see people cropping out the flag because just looking at the pic, it looks weird, and distracting, since it is not immediately obvious what it is.
I know, that is exactly what an agent would say, right?
As far as the Z film, you can clearly see the flag waving all over the place! There is certainly no way you can say that the exact moment of the Altgens pic that the flag is perfectly straight back.
And the key question is still: "what is the optical physics that allows the man in the manhole to be seen but not the presidential standard?"
Looking at Jackie's hand positions in the Altgens photo, and where her head is turning back to the front, it looks like about frame 397 of the Z film:
Unfortunately, we can't see the flag in that frame. But clearly, the flag is in constant motion during the whole sequence.
One thought is that it would be interesting to see if one could recreate the speed of the limo based on the motion of the flag. But it wouldn't be too useful as the flag is not visible in the Z film during the key shooting sequence.
"And clearly we can see the POTUS logo on this flag and NO SUCH LOGO CAN BE SEEN on the post- assassination photo."
I would guess because either:
a) in the post-assassination photo, that face of the flag is in shade, or
b) there is no logo on that face of the flag.
In the Z film, that face of the flag is fairly dark, so it's hard to tell if there is a logo on it. Certainly, the side of the flag facing the limo would be in shade in that sequence.
"Furthermore, why don't you dupe this photo, but substitute the man instead of the flag there?"
It's totally different angles, and would be tricky to get the size right. I don't even know what that would show.
The key question is still: "what is the optical physics that allows the man in the manhole to be seen but not the presidential standard?"
i think i know what happened - after the photos of the oncoming limo (clearly showing the black flag on the driver's side fender) were taken, mr. sneaky man #1 jumped out of the limo and removed it (flag), just in time for mr. sneaky man #2 with a bazooka, (really dude, a bazooka?) or a rifle, to pop out of a manhole and menace the oncoming limo. this magnificent example of choreography would all have taken place before the photo showing the limo from the rear would have been taken.
oh and it's just a coincidence that mr. sneaky man #2 was wearing a black batman-zorro-dracula cape that just happens to resemble the flag that mr. sneaky man #1 had removed mere moments before.
case closed!
Again mostly disengenuous replies. Really non-replies.
The earlier flag waving in the Z film is completely irrelevant And I knew you would say this nonsense.
Many witnesses said the car was brought to a standstill (And I have written this numerous times [wasted] here, and most experts believe the apparent motion before the final shot is because a dupe of itself is running in the background. I have studied this matter for 26 years now. And read many books and been to Dealey Plaza.
All you have is painting in arrows and in effect declaring an amoeba to be an elephant.
So the flag waving earlier is meaningless. As I told you, at the moment of the Altgens photo, the car was undergoing great acceleration and was traveling with some speed then.
You can see all this from the Nix film, Clint Hill has no trouble approaching the limo (because it was at a [near] standstill), but JFK is murdered just as he gets to it and he has great difficulty getting aboard because of what I just said. It is accelerating rapidly and moving at good speed by the time of the Altgens. And this is why any cross-winds have very little if any sideways effect at that point in time.
And again the last second of the Z-film I posted is at the EXACT moment of the Altgens photo and shows the flag is straight back aligned with the limo!!!!!
QED again
Pretty much everything you said above is not worthy.
And everyone I showed it to got a big laugh because it clearly is the shape of a man, and clearly NOT the shape of a flag.
So any honest people reading can see why I was outraged at your disinformation.
And your then insulting me and calling me delusional!!
All the people I showed it to knew who was what.
Indeed my earlier points were never properly answered either.
And indeed, as I said what you claim was the top of the flag, is just a couple of dots.
And it gets worse, what you claimed was the bottom of the flag or pole or braid, is not where the flag is. The flag is further down.
That bottom "piece" (which it isn't) is too far forward, AND APPEARS TO BE IN THE DISTANCE WHERE THE MAN IS.
Furthermore, you have not even proved that the piece where the flag goes into the limo is raised above the body of the limo.
Maybe they drilled holes in the body, and inserted the flags then.
I do not know this for a fact, but the onus is on you to even show that there is a piece raised above the limo's body, and just where it is. You haven't done this, And as per the above, it's all in the wrong place.
All my points and the Z-film showing the flag aligned with the limo at that precise moment all prove your utter absurdity of claiming the man is the flag.
And I am not gonna bother to find all the other photos in all the books where they either crop out the man's arm or the man completely for damn good reason!!
And as I suspected, you will never admit to the truth here! Even though the Z-film at the precise moment totally proves it.
And proves my deeper points.
vindicated once again by the truth
AP - Do you actually read what other people post here as legitimate questions requiring a physics based response?
Or are you so wrapped up in your personal crusade to want to take time to address questions about PHYSICS - you are a PHYSICIST are you not? - let's see some scientific rigor!
I will restate the questions again for your benefit:
1) why is part of the manhole not visible in the sunlit area behind the lead car (the manhole can not be in the shadow under the car because the position of the sun would make [a man's] egress from the manhole to a near erect position impossible); and,
2) why is the manhole cover not visible on the road surface, and most importantly;
3) what is the optical physics that allows the man in the manhole to be seen but not the presidential standard?
Please stick to a physics based answer because your opinions do not constitute a logical and scientific argument.
Remember, I don't want to know who is right, I just want to know the physics that proves your hypothesis.
I see Spooked is getting help from a new diversionary expert. So Langley of them…
He screams "Manhole, Manhole, Manhole."
A tiny side/non-issue because:
And not gonna waste any more of my time with a 3rd party disinfo agent.
I answered and proved everything between Spooked and me. This was about my termination with him for cause.
And I guess I proved it so well they needed to bring in SOMEONE CLEARLY NEW HERE.
Again just when they brought him in now proves my deeper point! Thanks!
About the nature of things here without doubt.
I do not care if some shill is brought in to scream:
“Manhole, manhole, physics physics. Answer, Answer.”
You can import some guy to demand—now that I have won clearly—some creature to “demand the physics” of a flea on a molecule on the MAN with the usually cropped-out arm.
Not gonna get diverted by NEW disinfo agents with bogus issues.
This was between Spooked and me and was about the utter absurdity of a clear figure of a man being called a “flag.”
Only after I won, they import a new creature with more diversions I will not waste any more time on.
I proved what I set out to prove.
And utterly disgusting that instead of MANning up to it, they MOST FOULLY bring in a new shill.
And not manning up to it—which I knew he would never do—they make it even more obvious who and what is going on here.
""3) what is the optical physics that allows the man in the manhole to be seen but not the presidential standard?""
it's simple; the flag was not there anymore at that point. see @5:28 PM above;
mr. sneaky man #1 jumped out of the limo and removed it (flag), just in time for mr. sneaky man #2 with a bazooka or a rifle, to pop out of a manhole.
AP – I don’t really care what you think of me and my reasons for expecting you to be able to develop a cogent argument about manholes and optical physics in support of your own unique hypothesis.
What I see in the photos is obviously not what you see and I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect a physicist to explain how his conclusions were derived or to challenge the basis of those conclusions.
Your own disingenuous response betrays a lack of scientific objectivity about the issue at hand and, contrary to your own belief, proves nothing.
The proponent of the "multiple Mr Sneaky Man” hypothesis has at least addressed the issues raised and has brought some much needed levity to this dour affair and, when he works out that the manhole was removed by a powerful electromagnet under the lead car, his proposition will be nearly complete.
I am not going to spend any more time on this issue because I think it is idiotic. In the past I have really respected your judgment and opinion, but here you are grossly mistaken and you just seem to be incapable of admitting your mistake.
One little thing I would recommend is that you and your friends who think the object is a man and not a flag, learn something about foreshortening and perspective.
One little experiment you can do-- get a flag, take it outside when there is some wind, then look at it on end (as opposed to from the side). You will see all sort of weird shapes as it flutters about.
I know you think the top part of the flag juts out abnormally, so it must be an man's arm, but it's really a trick of perspective.
If you want to keep saying it's a man and call me an agent and so forth, fine-- but please do it on your blog.
electromagnet, of course! i was thinking that the perps might have used an 'ACME portable hole' such as roger rabbit might have or wiley coyote might employ for capturing that elusive road-runner, but a powerful electro magnet mounted onto the chassis of the lead limo is ever so much more feasible.
by the way, since AP has suggested that Spooked should now be referred to as "Flagman", i submit that AP should henceforth be known as "Manhole".
ACME electromagnet? or...
A portable hole... brilliant.
portable hole-- awesome.
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