Humint Events Online: 33 and 27

Monday, November 25, 2019

33 and 27

I had some interesting 33-related synchronicity yesterday around the number 27.

First, from listening to a podcast*, I realized the Rubik's cube** is a cube of 3 x 3 x 3 cubes and that there are 27 cubes in such a block.

Interestingly, cubed is a mathematical function meaning to the power of 3.

3 to the power of 3 = 27

So 27 is a version of 33.

The synchronicity came from first hearing about the Rubik's cube and 33 and 27 cubes, then later on seeing a TV show (a British mystery show), where the plot death a with a song called "27", and also there were references to the famous "27 club".

So 27 is a fascinating number for me!

1) 27 is my son's favorite number. I'm not sure why he ever picked that number. But it's funny since I have so many 33 synchronicities in my life and then my kid loves a 33-related number.
2) my parents had 3 children, all boys
3) I don't have a 33 in my birthday date, but one of my brothers was born on 4-27, the other one on 3-3.

There are an incredible number of important 27's in nature and spirituality, most notably 27 is the highest spiritual plane in Buddhism.

*in this episode on the podcast "Radio Mysterioso", where they were discussing dimensionality, higher planes of consciousness, and Hinton's cubes.

**Technically in the Rubik's cube, the very middle cube is some sort of hinge to allow rotation of the various pieces. Curiously, in a block of 27 cubes, 26 cubes are visible and only 1 is hidden on the inside, sort of like a secret cube.


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