Humint Events Online: Mike Flynn, Vladimir Putin and the Start of WWIII

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Mike Flynn, Vladimir Putin and the Start of WWIII

 This makes a lot of sense--

"Putin preemptively launched WWIII in 2013 when he compromised the Director of Defense Intelligence Agency, Mike Flynn, who made sure Russian military intelligence (GRU) “little green men” could take Crimea 7 months later—with no warning from US military intelligence.

Mike Flynn lied to NPR in March 2014 when he said he had warned ahead of time that the build up of GRU soldiers on Ukraine’s border was a precursor to invasion—he didn’t. He lied even after it was reported in Reuters that the CIA had warned lawmakers and DIA had not.

The interview below with NPR is quite interesting because you can hear a slightly less practiced Kremlin asset at work. Everything Flynn says is plainly deceptive and/or evasive. Note how he deals with questions about Edward Snowden—who managed to get DIA classified documents 8 months earlier, while Flynn was at GRU headquarters.

The success of the operation in Ukraine, despite Flynn getting fired for it, was the opening shot in the war we’re seeing all around us—not just the war crimes in Ukraine & psyops in the US but the conflict in Israel with Hamas—and the loss of Italy, Hungary and Slovakia to pro-Putin fascist governments.

The Putin-Flynn partnership went on to plan the launch of a psychological warfare attack on American civilians in 2016 that overthrew the results of the election and handed the US presidency to a Putin puppet. It never stopped.

In 2020, a larger and more practiced psychological attack tried to overthrow the US election again through psyops & violence, and by abusing the levers of government power. It never stopped.

Yet here we are, deer in the headlights, once again, wondering what the hell is going on when the answers are right there in front of us. A Russian imperialist war criminal is conspiring with American traitors to overthrow the government, again, so he can invade Europe, starting with Ukraine.

We should stop them. We know how.

Shut down the Kremlin’s psychological war machine and arrest the traitors wielding it against civilians."

— Jim Stewartson (video and tweet link)


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