Humint Events Online: Partially Cooked Rice

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Partially Cooked Rice

I just heard Barbara Boxer on the radio refuse to confirm Condi Rice for Sec. State, and she had some strong cogent criticisms of Rice's actions in selling the Iraq war. This was all good to hear-- someone speak up to the unbelievable duplicity of Condi Rice. However, no one (probably not surprisingly) touched Rice on the most appalling aspect of her record: her behaviour regarding 9/11.

As THE NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR, she failed catastrophically in doing one concrete thing to try to prevent 9/11, despite multiple warnings. She simply has a disgraceful and criminal record on 9/11.

After 9/11, her record is just as bad. The worst part of course being her bald lying about the US never imagining airplanes could be used as missiles by terrorists. Read the post below this, and you'll see what a SICK JOKE she is.

Beyond Bush and Cheney, the person I have the most disgust for is Condi Rice.

Unfortunately, the Democrats simply don't want to touch her failures regarding 9/11, perhaps afraid it is too sensitive of an issue, or that they will be called unpatriotic, or that it will open a can of worms they would rather not deal with.

And the country suffers as a result.



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