Humint Events Online: Stanley Hilton on Alex Jones' Show

Monday, October 04, 2004

Stanley Hilton on Alex Jones' Show

Stanley Hilton gave a second interview with Alex Jones here.

I have no idea if these guys are full of crap or not. However what they say about the 9/11 attacks fits with some of my own conclusions. Hilton and Jones seem rather blase about the whole thing consdering they are accusing the Bush administration of murdering its own citizens in order to foster a military dictatorship and eternal war. Maybe they have just spent a lot more time thinking about these things and it is not such a shock to them. Certainly this sort of thing is Jones' stock-in-trade.

In any case, the interesting parts were:

1) they say the 9/11 planes were definitely remote-controlled and the hijackers were patsies.
2) they say the initial plan was supposed to have many more attacks, including plane crashes into buildings in the midwest (Sears Tower?) and San Francisco, but there was some electronic glitch that kept the whole plan from being carried out and so they scaled it back.
3) they say Bush signed an order for the 9/11 attacks.
4) they say there were several drills before 9/11 with hijackers that tested airplanes crashing into the WTC, and that on the morning of 9/11, Bush was unclear on whether it was a drill going on or the real thing.
5) they say Cheney ran the attacks from an underground bunker in the White House.
6) they say only a small percentage of people in the government (around 100) were in on the plot, and that there is an active cover-up.
7) they say the meeting Bush had with various industry heads on the morning of 9/11 was to let them know what was going on and go over the plans for a new world order.
8) they say a lot of people in Norad and the military are having doubts about the 9/11 story and are getting angry at the Bush administration.
9) they say there are definitely plans for another major attack either before the election if Bush is behind or a year after the election, if Bush is in power.

Make of it what you will.

Scary scary stuff, IF TRUE.

P.S. I must say what gives Hilton some credibility is that he said he went to grad school with Wolfowitz, who studied under Strauss, and who advocated a totalitarian type government. Either Wolfowitz or Hilton (not clear who) wrote a thesis on the use of terror attacks by a government to set up totalitarian rule. I certainly can't vouch for all of this, but I know Wolfowitz (and some of the other "neocons") did study with this Strauss fellow, who decidedly advocated non-democratic government.


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