Humint Events Online: More Thoughts on the Election, Bush, Kerry and 9/11

Sunday, November 07, 2004

More Thoughts on the Election, Bush, Kerry and 9/11

1) I suspect the reason my neighbors came out in large numbers to vote for Bush was that one, they just don't mind Bush and two, they just didn't trust John Kerry. It may be there would have been no Democrat they would have voted for, but Kerry had some fatal flaws for these people. I think a more charismatic Southerner, a la Clinton, would certainly have had a better chance of beating Bush.

2) The fact that roughly half of the country supports Bush suggests that 9/11 truth/skepticism is going to have a very hard time reaching mass numbers of people.

3) The fact that many rank-and-file Democrats and essentially all the Democratic leaders don't want to be skeptical about 9/11 is a serious obstacle for getting the truth out about 9/11.

4) It is highly likely that on an INSTITUTIONAL level, the USA simply cannot confront the idea that 9/11 was an inside job. The media, the elites, both political parties do not want to confront this issue-- they will never promote the idea of illegal covert operations and government murder. And 9/11 skepticism relegated to a small percentage of people is doomed to failure.

5) Perhaps the only way Bush could have been beaten is if the Democrats went after him on 9/11. Lord, I wish they had. But the Democrats are just as complicit as Bush and the Republicans in the 9/11 cover-up, and the Democratic mullahs are also too timid to try to up-end the conventional wisdom that 9/11 was a unifying moment for the country and they shouldn't make it a political issue.

Thus, as you can guess, I am very pessimistic right now about 9/11 skepticism ever getting anywhere.

Nonetheless, the truth is out there. There is more than enough information RIGHT NOW to show that 9/11 was an inside job by the US government-- for people who are willing to educate themselves about this information and keep an open mind.

The only hope I have for getting more truth about 9/11 out in the open is the wargames that were being run on 9/11. This is a very ripe and obvious target for at least some sort of limited hangout on 9/11. We must pester the media to investigate these military exercises as they relate to the 9/11 hijackings. It is not too "tinfoil"-ey and therefore should gain more penetrance than things like controlled demolition of the WTC and cruise missiles hitting the Pentagon.


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