Humint Events Online: Webster Tarpley

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Webster Tarpley

If you have the time, I recommend you watch this video of a speech given by Webster Tarpley at a San Francisco 9/11 conference back in May 2004.

Really excellent material in there.

I can see why Nico Haupt is excited about Tarpley's upcoming book on 9/11.

He makes some interesting points about covert operations. Specifically, he describes the three main types of people involved in covert operations:
1) Patsies (the people who make their presence obvious and are eventually set-up for the crime).
2) Professional killers (the people who do the dirty work).
3) Moles (the people who control the patsies and the killers-- they infiltrate the government organization but work on behalf of private interests).

His 14 key reasons why the official 9/11 story is suspect:
1) Why weren't the alleged terrorists arrested before the act?
2) How could terrorists carry out the hijackings? (this is what I have focused on a lot here)
3) Were all the phone calls made from the flights authentic?-- they were "highly suspect".
4) Why were no arrests ever made for insider trading?
5) Why was there no air defense?
6) Was the Wolrd Trade Center a case of controlled demolition?
7) What happened to building 7?
8) What hit the Pentagon?
9) What crashed in Shanksville and how? Was flight 93 shot down BECAUSE the passengers were successful in taking back the plane?
10) What explains Bush's behavior on 9/11?
11) Why was the Islamic world blamed on the basis of no evidence?
12) What explains the drive for a totalitrian state in the US?
13) What explains the shift to pre-emptive aggression?
14) Who are the real September 11th criminals?

In the case of 9/11-- the patsies are obviously the Arab hijackers, and the moles are probably the neocons. What is completely unclear is who the "professional killers" are. But of course, these type of people always operate in deep deep secrecy-- so the fact is, we may never find out who they were.


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