Humint Events Online: Katrina Timelines

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Katrina Timelines

Here and here.

They are both VERY INCRIMINATING for major negligence, at the minimum, by the Bush administration.

And here is the head of the US military flat-out lying about what he knew about Katrina early on.

While most people say it is incompetence, I have to say this is worse. Given what we know about 9/11, I think it is very likely that the Bush administration MADE THIS DISASTER HAPPEN ON PURPOSE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed your selective "Timeline" and how it only goes back to 2001. Did the Clinton administration not have any responsibility to solve any impending levee problems in the NOLA region? I'm not surprised that you lay the entire blame on the Bush administration. It is this sort of one-sided analysis that makes anything you argue here invalid and without merit. It is your schtick, though, and I enjoy reading your baseless claims.

Also, in the timeline there are a number of quotes from the mayor about water coming over the levees. How does this mesh with your claims that the Bush folks blew the levees? Did they destroy them or was it a natural event? The world waits.....

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and right on cue, the bush shill appears.

10:38 PM  

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