Humint Events Online: What Is Wrong with FEMA?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What Is Wrong with FEMA?

This story is incredibly disturbing: that aid workers rushed to New Orleans Tuesday, and were held up by FEMA until the city was "secured".

The fucking flooding had just started, there were hardly any reports of looting, and FEMA was worried about security and the city being secured? This is just SO wrong. Evil, one might even say.

And even worse, do you remember the three hurricanes that struck Florida last year before the election?

Do you remember any complaints about FEMA then?

In fact, they were criticized with being overly generous to stricken Floridians.

I don't think FEMA is incompetent. I think at minimum they are a purely political organization and are merely overly driven by political concerns. But what I fear is the worst: they are playing some very sick venal game with the lives of poor, mostly black people.


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