Humint Events Online: The Truthlings

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Truthlings

Holmgren nails it again:
The official story of Sept 11 contains so many different lies, that it creates endless potential for unscrupulous disinformationists like Jones and Hoffman to make up new lies which are sold with the attractive veneer of admitting carefully selected parts of the truth. The original story as told by the Bush regime and the media was never going to stand up for very long. It has too many holes. But it doesn't need to. As the original story crumbles, it is creating intense competition amongst the different varieties of spin off lies for the title of “truth”. One which is gaining increasing popularity amongst the “truthlings” - the self styled “truth movement” - is to admit the demolition of WTC 1,2 and 7 while keeping most of the rest of the story intact.

The most crucial elements of the rest of the story are that

· Four commercial flights were supposedly hijacked.

· Three planes hit buildings and one crashed in PA.

Both claims are false. Within these false claims, we have every conceivable possible spin off being put forward.

· Hijackings by Arab terrorists as claimed by the Bush regime or electronic hijacking by the regime itself.

· The actual flights claimed by the Bush regime hitting the various targets or substitute planes of some kind.

Any of these lies can be successfully worked into a limited hangout which still protects most of the main architects of the original event and cover up.

What all of these scenarios avoid is the full involvement of the media in showing a cartoon of a fake plane hitting the WTC and passing it off as a real event. Because this cannot be incorporated into any replacement lie which protects the essential infrastructure of the criminal elite which planned and carried out and covered up the attacks, then it is the main target for attack by those are attempting to use partial Sept 11 truth as the platform from which to spin new lies. Limited hangouts are analogous to cheering a revolution because a new bloodthirsty dictator has overthrown the old one.

Any new lie which maintains that the plane we saw on TV was real will be cheered because the exposing of such a monstrous crime as the demolition and deliberately allowing the attacks to happen, or even facilitating them with substitute flights and remote control technology, will understandably seem to many like a breath of fresh air after years of stupid stories about mythical Arab hijackers and intelligence “failures”.

But the apparent breath of fresh air is an illusion. Maintain the central illusion—- that a real plane flew into the Sth tower and we know it’s a real plane because we saw it on TV -- and nothing really changes. The same media which showed us the cartoon plane to begin with, and then lied and covered up for the original official story for years will then suddenly assume an heroic role of exposing the “truth” of Sept 11, joining forces with scientists who looked the other way for years —like Jones — who will suddenly emerge as fearless heroes to give us a new set of lies to cheer. These lies will be disguised as truth because they will bust carefully selected aspects of the old lie. Politicians who looked the other way for years will suddenly make heroes of themselves, thundering imperiously about impeachment and “investigations” to find out the “truth”.

Expose that it was a “war of the worlds” con job —- a movie, passed off as news -- and people will never again believe anything on their TV sets. Thus you destroy not only the lie, but the main infrastructure for selling whatever replacement lie becomes convenient in the wake of the limited hangout. Expose how long this information has been available in the public domain, and the would-be new dictators will have no tools with which to spin their new lies and nowhere to hide from their involvement in the original lie.

The truthlings want to keep the infrastructure of the lie machine intact. They want to remove the more obvious perpetrators of the original lie, such as Bush, who have now outlived their usefulness. The “truth movement” is analogous to the revolution which seeks not to end the injustices of the old regime but merely take possession of the power and its benefits and give them a different appearance.
(emphases added)
Great stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


prescient, as usual.

1:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mmmmmm, BUTTER-PLANES. Melt into your buildings, not in your hands. (Drools on chest)

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing just amazing. One layer after another. I was reluctant to go with the no plane thing...but looking at the evidence you have presented over the last week or so-- seems like the truth to me. Do you mean that there was no hologram at the site. That the t.v. stations doctored the shots of the plane? This is-- well, unbelievable. Do you think people like Jones and Reynolds and Fitzner are really on Bushes side??? too frigging much

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prof. Jones has focused mainly on the towers' collapse - whether or not Jones plagiarized someone else's work as Holmgren states, he (Jones) is a prof. of physics and knows what he is talking about, and I doubt if he is "really on bush' side" - even if some of us believe the cartoon effect theory (I think I do), it's more than likely that Jones & associates find it to be wacky at best. that's fine with me - as long as the good prof. keeps at with his exposure of controlled demo, then nothing more should be expected of him. IMHO.

4:00 PM  

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