The Empire State Building Plane Crash
Picture source.
It's an interesting story.
The B-25 was 10-15 tons and had a 67 foot wingspan and a 53 foot length, so obviously it was significantly smaller and lighter than a 767.
Needless to say, the Empire State Building survived the crash and ensuing fire just fine.
Perhaps most interesting is that the Empire State Building was supposedly built to withstand the impact of a 10 ton plane-- and it did just fine. Worth noting then, the WTC was built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707-- a jet comparable in size and weight to a 767.
the B25 was like a paper airplane compared to the beercan-like 767 as compared to the BBQ grill (perimeter columns) placed upon bricks in turn placed upon an iron fireplace grate (core columns) that were a wtc.
sledgehammer (representing the force that 500mph momentum would impart) the beercan onto said BBQ grill and see how little (if any) of the beercan penetrates said BBQ grill.
stand the entire affair on edge and you have a model of a wtc impacted by a REAL 767.
blow me scientists!
I think it would be interesting to know if the 9/11 plotters and SHILLS are familiar with the details of the Empire State Building case and if so, is such knowledge reflected in the 9/11 Official (Cover) Story.
It seems odd to me that none of the SHILLS here or at DU use knowledge of any of the details of the Empire State Building case (on those relatively few occasions) whenever they attempt to defend the OCT.
This leads me to conclude that the 9/11 SHILLS probably aren't familiar with the details of the E.State Building case. At the same time, I think it's very likely that the 9/11 planners proably WERE very knowledgeable about the Empire State Building case and almost surely made use of their knowledge
not only in planning the 9/11 attacks, but also in anticipating public reaction to various Official claims that might arise after the attacks were carried out.
Good point, Early! I was wondering about something similar too. The plane debris on the rooftop is very similar. e.g.
From the official Empire State building website FAQ -
Can you tell me more details about the B-25 that crashed into the building in 1945 and how it was different from what happened at WTC?
On July 28, 1945, an Army Air Force B-25 crashed into the Building between the 79th and 80th floors. Fourteen people died. Damage to the Building was $1 million but the structural integrity of the Building was not affected. There are several reasons the twin towers "collapsed" and the Empire State Building was left intact in 1945. Both WTC towers entire support was the exterior steel -- the ESB is built into bedrock, is constructed of steel, limestone, brick, marble and has an extensive system of steel and concrete interior support beams. The B-25 was a smaller plane, carried less fuel and was nearing its destination, so was low on fuel. If a big plane hit ESB, the building not fall down, but undoubtedly there would be damage and loss of lives -- just another unimaginable thought....There was only one book ever written about this incident: "The Sky is Falling" by Arthur Weingarten, bit it is out of print. You may check the 7/29/45 archives for The New York Times and the Associated Press for more information.
From UK forum-
The first point regarding the twin towers is incorrect. Both the exterior and interior construction were loadbearing, not just the exterior. In fact this made the twin towers better able to cope with a side impact because they were each designed to act like a pipe - pierce a hole in a pipe and its structural qualities remain intact.
Did the Empire State Building Really Survive?
The TV wasn't so sure on 9/11. Along with 19 Rector Street, the Verrazano Bridge, and the WTC itself it seems like there are a few glaring errors in the fake videos.
The shills have already lost, and their paychecks are about to become welfare checks.
Attn: 4:56 AM
I wish I could agree with your statement that "The shills have already lost, and their paychecks are about to become welfare checks."
Unfortunately, unless and until the CORPORATE media starts telling the truth about 9/11, the public-at- large will remain ignorant. In my opinion, without widespread knowledge of the truth, the paid SHILLS force will still be around, though in lesser numbers, as time goes by.
ive litteraly just heard about the empire state building plane crash on a UK tv show QI, unfortuneatly none of the contestants took the oppertunity to mock the 911 official story. ah well they wouldnt be on tv if they wernt controlled.
This will not have effect in fact, that's exactly what I suppose.
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