Humint Events Online: WTC Choppers and "Plausible Deniability"

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

WTC Choppers and "Plausible Deniability"

Reader "anonymous physicist" has an excellent theory about the plane-shaped holes and the choppers that were at the WTC:
Many photos and videos of the WTC vicinity on 9/11 show helicopters flying very near the towers, often at crucial times—including the 2nd alleged plane hit on WTC2, and just before, during and after each tower’s destruction. Some photos seem to show more than one helicopter there at the same time. Supposedly there was only one reporter chopper there that was ordered out after the WTC2 explosion/hit. But clearly there are one or more helicopters seen there much later.

What could be the purpose of such helicopter(s)? Since they weren’t civilian, who were they? Examination of the evidence, forces one to realize that the “official” report is impossible, and violates the laws of Physics many times. It is clear that the towers were brought down by explosions, most likely including small nukes, along with concomitant EMPs, and that the fake videos of the “plane hits” indicate that either missiles hit the towers, or as a few local eyewitnesses exclaimed, nothing hit the towers. Instead, internal explosions were likely set off, possibly timed with plane/missile fly-bys.

The conclusion can only be that 9/11 wasn’t done by Al CIA-duh; rather only the U.S. Government itself could have done all this and control the media as well. So now what could those strategically placed helicopter(s) have been doing? Most likely surveilling, communicating, and directing (potential, future events). The government would want only a bare few trusted agents to be able to do these crucial functions. The regime’s crucial goals in such false-flag ops include obtaining their coveted “plausible deniability” for the government itself, and pinning it on a plausible patsy. Only helicopters can so easily and quickly circle the towers. Even the motion/direction of the helicopter could be a strategic signal, if the radio should go out (from EMP or other problem), or if radio silence was preferred. The helicopter(s) most likely would have reported on whether the holes in the towers looked enough like plane-shaped holes. Most likely this was done by pre-planted shape charges, or perhaps DEW. But verification would have been needed. If plane-shaped holes were NOT created well enough, the choppers would have then informed those in charge that they were about to lose their plausible deniability, and might have--then and there--ordered the destruction of that tower Likewise the helicopters were monitoring both towers to give the go-ahead as to when to bring each one down (after sufficient “plausible” amount of time for “melting steel”), and were seen right there each time tower destruction was initiated.! In all likelihood, a chopper told their headquarters that the flame had all gone out in the 2nd “hit” tower while the first one still had some visible fire. Indeed even the smoke from the 2nd hit tower was greatly diminishing, and they did not want to initiate a “collapse” when all flame and smoke went out. So the helicopter directed that the 2nd “hit” tower be brought down first, which is not what they would have wanted. But it is more plausible than initiating a “collapse” after all flame and smoke ceased, as they knew they would soon be using the “fuel melted steel” (bogus) story. This was the likely role of the helicopters on 9/11.

For some of the helicopter photos see:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hooray for anonymity!

"plausible deniability"
"plausible patsy"

wow i am very comforted to have an official fairytale - no matter how implausible - with official evil other guys - no matter how implausible - that i can convince myself to pretend to cling to!

go team usa! death to the terrorist! (who just happens to be situated on the largest oil fields on the planet)

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


looking at photos of the towers with choppers around them you can see that the alleged "infernos" supposedly hot enough to cause the imminent pancake collapse of each tower were nonexistent.

right, phonytard...?

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So.. if the EMP pulse was strong enough to strip paint off the cars, how did the fire fighters radios keep working? Or the fire-trucks? Or the ambulances?

Enquiring minds want to know.

6:02 PM  

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