Humint Events Online: Some Questions Democrats Should Be Asking

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Some Questions Democrats Should Be Asking

"My, it sure is convenient for you that Al Qaeda is always about to attack us right before you want us to vote for your bills that we haven't even had time to read. Are they on your payroll or something?"


"I thought you said you were keeping us safe. If that's true, why are you so sure we're about to be attacked? Aren't you planning to stop any attacks? Are you saying you will refuse to 'keep us safe' if we don't support your bills?"

These would be just a few of the questions the Democrats would be asking if they really cared about this country, its citizenry and the constitution. Sadly, as usual, they cave in far too easily to threats of terrorism-- either because they lack courage, or because they are on the same side as the people who are trying to wreck the country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yellow-bellied cowardly Democrats control BOTH houses of congress, so they determine when a bill is read and what discussion goes on. Repubs can only delay bills. Asshole.


Only a pure idiot would think that we have 100% security. A pure idiot. The best defense we can come up with will still have holes. You cannot protect everything simultaneously to a 100% degree, moron. The fact that there ARE intelligence elements listening and monitoring and watching and covert operatives doing what they can to find and learn about the enemy's plans are only a small part of this whole defense. I'm sure you would rather see (you'd enjoy it, no doubt, because of the negative Bush fallout) another huge terrorist attack here in the States killing thousands, but we are doing everything we can with what we have available, despite the Democrats best efforts to handcuff us.

So fuck you, asshole.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With questions like that you should go work for Obama. They make just about as much sense as his "I'll talk with anyone and everyone!" and his "I'll attack Pakistan!" and "I wont' use nukes for ANY reason, but I won't end the nuke weapon program!"

Jesus, you are thick.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""The best defense we can come up with will still have holes.""

cave dweller have-nots (situated on oil rich regions) will always find a way to attack and defeat the mighty u.s. defense force and destroy some major american landmark, thus ensuring that billions of dollars will be spent cleaning it up.
and in the process proving the need for the endless war on terror costing yet more trillions of dollars.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon@5:30 basically sums it up...

11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mo-rons basically sums it up.

7:06 AM  

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