Friday, January 25, 2008
Previous Posts
- Watch the Corner of the Tower Explode
- Amazing Photo Showing How the Top of WTC2 Was Shre...
- Disappearing Sledgehammers: Common Theme on 9/11
- Why Is It So Difficult to Count Votes Accurately?
- Pure Obscenity, Pure Insanity
- Wall St Execs Collect $33 Billion Bonuses
- "No Planers" Are Stupid
- The Coming Economic Meltdown and Some Advice
- Definitions of Fascism
- In All Likelihood, Hillary Is the Next President
Recommended Reading
- The "Ultimate List" of Improbabilities and Coincidences Around 9/11
- Manifesto for All Present and Future Military Personnel
- The Nine Circles of Conspiracy
- Ultimate Truths (Deep Conspiracy)
- Nuclear Demolition of the WTC
- China Syndrome at the WTC
- Dead 9/11 Whistleblowers
- Bogus Official 9/11 Science
- Anonymous Physicist's book site
- 120 Reasons for the No-Plane Theory
- People Who Should Have Seen UA175 Hit the South Tower But Didn't
- 9/11: All Roads Lead to MIHOP
- 9/11: Possible Versus Impossible
- Ghost Gun UA175
- Morgan Reynolds, We Have Holes
- Hunt the Boeing, Shanksville Edition
- Hunt the Boeing, WTC2 Edition
- The No Planes Evidence Kit
- Why Don't More Engineers Question the WTC Collapses?
- Evidence of advanced fusion devices at the WTC
- The Problem with the 9/11 "Truth" Movement
- Brainwashed, In Deep Denial, A Government Shill, Or Some Combination of the Three
- 9/11
- 9/11 blog
- International Center for 9/11 Studies - NIST Cumulus Video Database
- 9/11 "U"
- Killtown's Overview Site
- Killtown's 9/11 Smoking Guns
- Killtown's 2nd Hit Video Compilation
- Killtown's NIST figure gallery
- Morgan Reynolds
- The 9/11 Airplane Video Composites
- Ace Baker
- Killtown's Blog
- Genghis' 911 Taboo
- Ningen's Blog
- 9/11 Truthlings Watch
- Judy Wood's 9/11 site (focuses on WTC demolition)
- 9/11 Logic
Interesting and/or Useful 9/11 Sites
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My Other Blogs
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- Ghost Plane
- Flight 93 Hoax
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- The AIG Scam
- Bush Administration War Criminals
- Fake Opposition Democrats
Some of My Findings Regarding the Attack on the WTC South Tower
- Summary of Evidence for No Plane at the South Tower
- Clearest Evidence of Conflicting Plane Paths in Two Different 2nd Hit Videos
- Freak Plane
- The Curious Plane in the "Live" Video
- Too Small of a Plane in Both "Live" 2nd Hit Videos
- Mutant Tail Section on UA175
- Evidence of 2nd Hit Video Fakery
- Proof that the engine part at Church and Murray Street is not from UA175, a Boeing 767
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- "The New Pearl Harbor, Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11" by David Ray Griffin
- "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions" by David Ray Griffin
- 9/11 Revealed by Rowland Morgan and Ian Henshall
- "9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA" by Webster G. Tarpley
- "The Terror Timeline" by Paul Thompson
- "Crossing the Rubicon" by Michael C. Ruppert
- "Welcome to Terrorland" by Daniel Hopsicker
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- Richard Heinberg
- Grist
- 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved several people conspiring to commit a crime. The official 9/11 narrative, as codified by the 9/11 Commission Report, is NOT proven as the most likely explanation for the events of 9/11/01. The official 9/11 story is therefore a theory. This means that the OFFICIAL 9/11 Story is really a "CONSPIRACY THEORY"!
- I have no fondness for any religion, as I think it makes people do extreme and violent things. Islamic terrorists do exist and I detest them as much as I detest the true perpetrators of 9/11. Most likely Islamic terrorists were used as patsies in 9/11, as part of a highly organized covert operation by a group affiliated with the US goverment and US military.
More 9/11 Links (Note: I present a wide variety of 9/11 sites here for the purposes of diversity. I leave it up to you to judge their content.)
General 9/11 Sites
9/11 Activism
9/11 Specialty Sites
Sites that question 9/11 (who views on 9/11 may differ greatly from those presented here)
Good Intro Books to Alternative 9/11 Truth
Blogs, News Sites and Miscellaneous Links

In the second photo some heavy debris has been propelled quite a distance from the tower while there is nothing above it but atmosphere.
So much for Bazant's *sledgehammer* effect!
Please stop trying to rationalize explosives by looking at still photos.
Find some video of the collapses.
Better yet. Find some video with actual sounds of explosives. (Not the dubbed in kind.)
Why don't you instead go and find some firemen testimonies that state there were no explosives.
Look up "simile".
Saying something sounded LIKE a bomb does not mean that there WAS a bomb. Explosions do not equal explosives.
I've been to Ground Zero numerous times. I've talked to firefighters who were there that day. None of them believe there were actual bombs in the buildings.
None of them believe there were actual bombs in the buildings.
Bullshit, shill.
I don't know why you keep talking about videos-- they clearly show explosives waves going off. They are hardly disproving of explosives.
It's just that photos are easier to see what is happening at one point in time.
And, shill-- still think that is all just drywall being crushed?
No, 'tard. Everything in the building is being crushed. Drywall and sheetrock among them.
And "clearly show explosive waves"? Well, golly! It's a wonder no one else agrees with you other than your sad readership. Oh wait, that's right. Everyone that thinks you're a fucking retard is being paid off.
And care to respond to the videos I linked in the post below this one? How, if there are these massive explosive waves taking place, are the columns of the towers being SUCKED INWARDS as the collapse starts. Is there some sort of floating invisi-nuke that detonated outside the building to make them do that?
And please. If you have half a sack, go to New York. Go to Ground Zero. Swing by the Ten House. Talk to the firefighters there. See what they say. They were feet away from the towers.
Explosions do not equal explosives.
ya sure buddy.
an explosion is not a collapse.
So when a 110 story building collapses, you expect it to sound like a whisper?
When an airliner slams into a building, all's quiet?
Fires don't cause any objects that may be found in an office building to explode?
@ 8:34 PM SHILL
I live here in nYc. Where do YOU live? It obviously isn't here.
Have YOU been to the "Ten House"?? You speak about it like you are actually intimately familiar with it. How many brothers from there do you think perished on 9/11/01?? Do you know who in the house today was actually assigned there on 9/11, and could therefore answer questions related to that day?
Of course you don't.
Because YOU are really just another 'tard asshole SHILL for the absurd
"Official" 9/11 Fairy Tale.
So when a 110 story building collapses, you expect it to sound like a whisper?
Where do you get that?
Firemen said "we heard bang bang bang, all the way around like a belt and all the way down, like demolition charges, then it sounded like a freight train as it came down."
When an airliner slams into a building, all's quiet?
Actually all 4 of the videos that show what is supposed to be UA175 hitting the WTC do show this taking place in silence even as what is supposed to be UA175 glides entirely right thru the wall like a ghost before any explosion occurs. Oddly enough you can hear various actors saying things in the background though.
Fires don't cause any objects that may be found in an office building to explode?
No these alleged fires didn't even cause Ms. Edna Cintron to explode and she was standing right where an alleged 767 hit and right where NIST said it was hot enough to warp steel.
Sure it was.
I lived in the city for 5 years. I'm sure we probably met at some point.
And yes, I have been to the Ten House. Stopped there on my way to O'Haras to say thank you two anniversaries ago. As a matter of fact, O'Haras on the anniversary of 9/11 is a great place to meet fire fighters from all over the city.
And the Ten House lost six of their brothers. If you want some questions answered, I suggest talking to John Morabito. He survived that day.
John Morabito -- interesting interview here:
He was held aloft "several seconds" by the "hot" debris cloud of the south tower... he said afterwards it looked like a "nuclear winter".
Maybe we could ask these particular FDNY members...they seem to know what's up:
BTW anon, welcome to nYc...from someone born & raised here (Bronx, nYc). ;-)
"It was as if..."
Might wanna' check your comprehension of that.
And the Bronx, huh? I was only ever there for Yankee games. How's the new stadium coming along?
it's amazing how many shills/plants/operatives participate in this blog, the Feds/Perps must be working overtime on this's pretty funny actually...Anons@3:59, 4:15, 4:20, 8:34, 11:20, care to comment? :)
wow the "ten house"?
i guess we should just pretend that there were no explosions because shill #4 has bandied the "ten house" name about as if that means anything!
hey shill #4, why don't you invite the "ten house" over here to have a discussion about 9/11?
Might wanna check yer wise-ass attitude twelve PM. It doesn't compliment you.
Yes, your mastery of the obvious knows no bounds...
I would imagine he used the phrase you quoted: "It was as if..." because he was too busy running for his life to stop and confirm for your edification if the bomb-like explosions he and his colleagues were hearing were in fact bombs.
Would you rather he and his fellow firefighters conducted a floor by floor while the building was being demolished, so that he could then make you happy later by saying "It WAS" instead of "It was as if..."!??
Sometimes SHILLS stretch the bounds of reason.....
hey shill #4, why don't you invite the "ten house" over here to have a discussion about 9/11?
Aren't you guys the "truth seekers"??? Why don't YOU invite them? Why don't YOU seek them out and get their thoughts instead of relying on Youtube videos? I've already spoken to them first hand. I'm quite content.
I'll tell you why you avoid them.
Because it will force you to confront the fact that your beliefs are based on nothing other than idle speculation and retarded science. Your reading comprehension just shows your lack of rationality.
"It was as if..." because he was too busy running for his life to stop and confirm for your edification if the bomb-like explosions he and his colleagues were hearing were in fact bombs.
Case in point. This commenter just admitted that the fire-fighters were too busy running for their lives to confirm whether or not what they heard were in fact BOMBS.... And yet, to this person, that is confirmation that THERE WERE BOMBS!!!!
You will believe what you want, regardless of facts. Tell you what. You believe this guy? Find him. Ask him first hand. Ask him about nukes. See what he says.
You won't.
Because his answer will shatter your belief system.
He was held aloft "several seconds" by the "hot" debris cloud of the south tower... he said afterwards it looked like a "nuclear winter".
Have you contacted him yet to clarify his statement? Do you know for a FACT that he thinks nukes were used? Many people felt that site looked like a nuclear winter. Hence the name "ground zero".
Here's an interesting question. Morabito was obviously battered with the radioactive cloud. Why isn't he sick?
12:00 AM SHILL said:
"You will believe what you want, regardless of facts..."
Of course, the very same could be said about you.
BTW, do you only like to comment when the clock strikes twelve? ;-)
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