Humint Events Online: Baker Battles Bazant

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Baker Battles Bazant

Very interesting to see Bazant's answers, and where ultimately he says: "Except if you would have some truly new important points to raise in regard to what you call a "documentary", please take me out of your mailing list. I do not have time to waste. I have more serious projects to work on than the WTC, which has merely been a hobby for me."

Just a HOBBY? Really? That's a bit hard to believe for such a critical subject-- and one he has written several papers on.

An important correction I have for Baker is where he writes: "Dr. Wood has made known the truckloads of dirt and landfill that were brought IN to ground zero, beginning right away. Other than attempting to smother an ongoing process of molecular dissociation, no explanation has been offered for this occurrence."

In fact, another explanation has been put forth here on this blog-- the dirt, which is typically put down as a radiation blocker, was put down to shield radioactivity that was residual in the nuked WTC rubble.

Further note-- the critiques of Bazant done by Anonymous Physicist and I are collected at this site.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ace Baker appears to have made some good No Planes videos. He also appears to be the epitome of what I wrote about in my expose of the DDT (DEW Disinfo Theory). While proving that the ludicrous, evidence-free “DEW” theory of Wood is clearly an intel Op to hide or counter the proof of the nuclear destruction of the WTC, and the China Syndrome Aftermath, I also stated that the intel agencies cleverly coupled the first (and some later) No-Planers to the DDT. See here:

Now here, I note that Baker and Bazant have had direct communications

as Baker has also had with sometime Bazant co-author Frank Greening. In my discussions here on Limited Hangouts, I have revealed that such communications are a giveaway. They are like “ABC reporter”/Mafia godson/intel agent John Miller having the only “interview” with Osama bin Laden. Yes, as I said, “one intel agent “interviewing” another one.” You can be sure that Bazant would not reply directly to me, or Spooked, should we contact him directly, and show him our articles proving his work is completely bogus. Neither will Ace Baker ever site this work of mine on Bazant. Another aspect of intel assets, is that they are allowed to only cite intel agency approved authors, researchers, articles, books, websites, blogs, etc. These are by other intel assets, naturally. So you won’t see Bazant or Baker quote my work--except indirectly without attribution.

And my articles completely proved Bazant’s physics and mathematics are deliberately bogus. See here:

I proved the invalidity of his equations, parameters, assumptions etc. Even his very first differential equation is bogus. Likewise I PROVED that Bazant could be convicted of fraud because he claimed the source for the smallest dust particle size found, led to the study which has a different size than the one he bogusly claims. If the people ever get their country back, he would go to jail for this. But do any of the bogus 911truthers use this article proving he clearly lied about the smallest dust particle size? No, because 1. I am not one of them (intel assets), and 2. because these “911truthers” are with the regime, and don’t want anything definitive promulgated! And the point of Bazant’s lying about the smallest dust particle size found or tested for, is that the actual size makes his claims for gravitational potential energy even more impossible. But as I wrote virtually every equation, parameter, and assumption in his papers are bogus. And Bazant would never speak or write to me about this you can be sure. And Baker won’t cite my work. (It’s just John Miller and Osama bin Laden again.)

Then Baker attempts to resurrect “DEW” in his communications with Bazant (who is correct in denouncing that), and to ignore the nuclear evidence. Now even though “DEW” is dead and buried, the intel agencies, out of Langley and London, I knew would continue to try to resurrect it. (Otherwise more people will realize that the WTC was nuked, and the China Syndrome resulted.) So we will continue to see “new Physics” claimed as the source of the DEW. First there was the “molecular dissociation clouds”, now it is the “Hutchison Effect.” Both are desperate, unverifiable bits of balderdash. Baker gives himself away when he writes,

"Dr. Wood has made known the truckloads of dirt and landfill that were brought IN to ground zero, beginning right away. Other than attempting to smother an ongoing process of molecular dissociation, no explanation has been offered for this occurrence."

Thus Baker proves my point precisely--that the purpose of Wood, and fellow travelers--was to hide and counter the nuking of the WTC with their ludicrous, evidence-free “DEW.” I pointed out that the trucking in and out of the dirt is one of the first things done to lower radiation. In fact, I would cite that bringing the “used’ dirt out to the Staten Island site further highlights that there was something in it they didn’t want to remain at Ground Zero. The “molecular dissociation” clouds. was simply the intel agencies invention (via their official spokesperson) to try to hide and counter all the evidence of great heat during and after the WTC demolition. I have written numerous articles herein that proved the great heat that was generated for months after 9/11. I have included photographic books (Myerowitz, e.g.), videos (including Larry King’s show), and countless eyewitness testimony and melted boots, and much more. Of course, the great heat during WTC destruction is verified by four people I cited who HAD MELTED, HANGING SKIN WITHOUT ANY FIRE EXPOSURE. Also firemen on the ground, not near any fire, felt such great heat on their skin, that they correctly surmised that they were nuked on 9/11.

But, as usual, the intel agencies over-reacted. Their desperate Op, not to let the people know that this Gestapo, mass- murdering regime nuked its own people, led them to claim that the WTC destruction and its aftermath, were COLD. And that everyone who says and knows otherwise, is lying or stupid. So one ludicrous, COLD, energy source after another must be brought up, and out of a hat. The intel agencies feel they must continue to try to resurrect DEW which I killed and buried a year ago here.

So Baker now resurrects the “molecular dissociation clouds.” Other assets will cite “Hutchison Effect”, still others will claim something else COLD, in the future. (I’ve seen attempts at claiming Cold Fusion from other agents.) Whatever appears LESS LUDICROUS, at the time, to the intel agencies will be cited, or resurrected.

Now in Baker’s article, he also does what Wood often does, and alludes to (but not really), none other than Hirsohima. He writes as a response to Bazant, “Under this logic, the events at Hiroshima could be described as a gravity driven collapse.” I also explained this M.O. of the DDT. To claim DEW as nuke-like, and nuke-light. In other words, an “exotic” phenomena, but without radiation. The latter is why, IMO, the intel agencies/Wood don’t go full blast with Cold Fusion as a claimed energy source for “DEW.” Cold Fusion causes transmutation of elements, and also releases… HEAT. Some of the elements transmuted may be radioactive, which DEW was meant to hide. So Cold Fusion would be their last source for the energy of “DEW.” So Baker does, as Wood does, and claim “Hiroshima” for themselves, when of course, Hiroshima was nuked, not DEW’ed.

I find it revealing that Hutchison also claims his non-repeatable “Effect” is also Hiroshima-like! Wikipedia says at one point Hutchison called the alleged energy source for his alleged “Hutchison Effect, "Hiroshima cells"!


So we see that all intel assets do use the same words.

Finally, in writing to Bazant, Baker tells him, “financial compensation is available to you for your time, should you choose to participate [in his movie].” Please tell us the source of these funds, and the source of funds for your movie.

Oh, and Ace, please, when telling us the source of funds you have for Bazant and your movie, tell us also how Cold Molecular Dissociation Clouds melted skin, and caused the China Syndrome for six months at Ground Zero? BTW, I see you used the term “ongoing” regarding your “cold molecular dissociation clouds.” Could this “ongoing” effect only have occurred each time the responders hosed down the HOT rubble pile with water, or when flowing molten metal was seen, even photographed and unscientifically derided as “Cheetohs?”

The only thing that’s COLD is the dead and buried DEW theory--buried right alongside Bazant’s thoroughly bogus, and equally ludicrous, papers on “gravitational collapse”!

Anonymous Physicist

9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Furthermore we see the dishonesty of Baker when he capitalized the word “IN” in his paragraph:

"Dr. Wood has made known the truckloads of dirt and landfill that were brought IN to ground zero, beginning right away. Other than attempting to smother an ongoing process of molecular dissociation, no explanation has been offered for this occurrence."

Why did he capitalize “IN”? Because he wanted to “erase” the fact that Wood herself noted that earth was trucked in AND OUT of the WTC. See her URL here:

Indeed, she titled her paragraph XIV this:

“XIV. Trucking Dirt In and Out.”

So Baker tries some revisionism to leave out the word “out”, that Wood put in.

Now also use your "find" function and look for “truck.” She also highlights (with photos) that certain firetrucks at Ground Zero had dirt piled on them, and cutely asks “why?” She knows well why--to absorb radiation.

Note also that several of her photos show the hosing down of the grounds with water, and that steam is emitted in these photos. Yet Wood dares to try to claim this simple fact as some kind of new phenomena and calls it “fuming.” This is both stupid, and an outrage.

As I said nearly a year ago here, Wood’s entire website, and raison d’etre, highlight the regime’s (CIA and its masters, the MI6) desperate attempt to try to hide and negate the fact that they nuked the WTC and the China Syndrome occurred as a result.

Her fellow treasonous travelers who lie and pretend to be truthers, are therefore equally culpable of treason. Anyone who mentions “molecular dissociation clouds,” “fuming”, or “Hutchison Effect” is an agent out of Langley, London or Rome. Any radio, or other, shows that invite any of these traitors on their shows are also agents out of London, Langley or Rome.

Anonymous Physicist

4:57 PM  

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