Bill Hicks and the JFK Assassination
I love this quote from the late great Bill Hicks:
What I wonder is if Hicks means that the "scumfucks" are showing a clear version of Greer, the secret service agent/limo driver, shooting JFK.
What else would so clearly prove who is in charge?
Did Hicks think that Greer shot JFK?
At an ATS board where they discussed the Greer theory, someone wrote:
(Oddly, note the very first reply to the ATS post: "No serious student or researcher of the JFK assassination for the last 40 years has ever subscribed to this lunatic theory." Sound familiar???? Someone with an odd username: "starviego")
Assuming Bill Hicks did advocate the idea that Greer shot JFK, it is interesting to note he died at a very young age, 32, of pancreatic cancer.
The American Cancer society says that "The risk of developing cancer of the pancreas increases with age. Almost all patients are older than 45 years. Nearly 90% are older than 55 years and more than 70% are older than 65. The average age at the time of diagnosis is 72."
So for Hicks to develop pancreatic cancer at 32 is very unusual indeed. Yes, he was a heavy drug user too. But there is no correlation with pancreatic cancer and recreational drug use, at least that is noted by the ACS.
Interestingly, I was just dong unrelated reading last night and read how MI6 killed people by putting radiation plates in their bed and giving them cancer.
Here is Hicks on stage talking about the JFK ass'n:
no matter what promises you make on the campaign trail - blah, blah, blah - when you win, you go into this smoky room with the twelve industrialist, capitalist scumfucks that got you in there, and this little screen comes down... and it's a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you've never seen before, which looks suspiciously off the grassy knoll.... And then the screen comes up, the lights come on, and they say to the new president, 'Any questions?'
"Just what my agenda is."
What I wonder is if Hicks means that the "scumfucks" are showing a clear version of Greer, the secret service agent/limo driver, shooting JFK.
What else would so clearly prove who is in charge?
Did Hicks think that Greer shot JFK?
At an ATS board where they discussed the Greer theory, someone wrote:
I haven't seen those frames. I do recall that Bill Hicks used to claim on stage that it was his belief that it was the driver who shot JFK. He is the only other person I have heard propose that theory.(obviously this person had never heard Bill Cooper)
(Oddly, note the very first reply to the ATS post: "No serious student or researcher of the JFK assassination for the last 40 years has ever subscribed to this lunatic theory." Sound familiar???? Someone with an odd username: "starviego")
Assuming Bill Hicks did advocate the idea that Greer shot JFK, it is interesting to note he died at a very young age, 32, of pancreatic cancer.
The American Cancer society says that "The risk of developing cancer of the pancreas increases with age. Almost all patients are older than 45 years. Nearly 90% are older than 55 years and more than 70% are older than 65. The average age at the time of diagnosis is 72."
So for Hicks to develop pancreatic cancer at 32 is very unusual indeed. Yes, he was a heavy drug user too. But there is no correlation with pancreatic cancer and recreational drug use, at least that is noted by the ACS.
Interestingly, I was just dong unrelated reading last night and read how MI6 killed people by putting radiation plates in their bed and giving them cancer.
Here is Hicks on stage talking about the JFK ass'n:
(Oddly, note the very first reply to the ATS post: "No serious student or researcher of the JFK assassination for the last 40 years has ever subscribed to this lunatic theory." Sound familiar???? Someone with an odd username: "starviego")
ha ha those are the exact words of our old friend colonel charlie brown's parents!
Spooked, you're really stretching it
to try and make a case that simply is not supported by the evidence or even common sense, let alone the research
done over the past 45 years.
If a President believed that the SS
was a threat to his life, that President would go to Congress and get approval to get personal security protection from an entirely different source than the U.S. Secret Service.
And yes, the notion that Greer shot JFK is as bizarre and loony as claims about the U.S. Gov't signing a treaty with extraterrestrials on some date in 1954.
Just as crazy as saying that "ap" was a real physicist until the day that he broke the sensational news repeating the claims made by Bill "Don't just point me out. We're all criminals" Cooper about JFK.
You and your twin are NO different than your counterparts at DU who keep on insisting that the impossible is true - whether it has to do with steel buildings suddenly collapsing from a marshmallow fire,
or that planes can melt into buildings or that a sickly gentleman who was hospitalized on the night before 9/11 in a military hospital in Pakistan - masterminded the defeat of the entire U.S. national defense system. Or that a plane crashed into the Pentagon without one single credible eyewitness or other evidence attesting to the truth of it all.
Like your DU counterparts, you continue to bring up long-proven impossibilities, yet in some ways, you're worse. At least the DU provocateurs don't rely on COMEDIANS as experts in history or political assassinations.
Give it up or get help for your addiction to a fairy tale if you simply can't bring yourself to study the case and learn a few facts about how JFK met his end or rely on serious researchers who have spent years doing just that, while your phony friend "ap" was busy becoming more paranoid than
LHO when he realized he had been set up.
In the video, Bill Hicks makes a strong case for a GRASSY KNOLL shooter. He mentions the 56 witnesses who also say the fatal shot came from the GK.
The only COMEDIAN I'm aware of who claims that GREER shot JFK is "ap".
Early-- you seem to be the one who is relying on a comedian for making the case of the grassy knoll.
I wasn't even trying to make the case for Greer here. I was just drawing inferences from some things Hicks said and what happened to him.
But A.P. has made the case:
"You can find more of what I wrote about him [Cooper], and more on the same Gestapo regime poisoning me for revealing that Greer fired twice first hitting Connolly--as clearly shown/heard on the audio-added version of the Zapruder film— here:
And you can read what many eyewitnesses to Greer killing Kennedy said here:!7D!0A!3D7855A05297/Larry762/fontcolor3300FF/page4.html
Well everyone here has learned to ignore the usual, stupid lies from Herr Colonel “Early Wynn.” (Officially in the Air Force, but really CIA his whole life.)
But it would be far better if his posts were all simply removed. He has so many forums to post his lies on.
Great post, Spooked, about Bill Hicks. I do know about him and the JFK assassination. He would always --when telling this tale about future presidents--tap his forehead and rapidly move his head backward. Hicks probably knew about Cooper. Interesting that the ATS person tries to make Cooper into a non-person, like Colonel CIA filth here.
Good take on the pancreas cancer! Hicks, BTW, gave up drugs before his cancer. Remember the Alex Constantine book I have cited--"The Covert War Against Rock." Maybe a better title would be "The Covert War Against Popular Entertainers Who Tell Important Truths". Cancer was one way they got to some people.
So maybe we should add Hicks to the list of poisoned ones, Mozart, Beethoven, Silkwood, Anonymous Physicist, etc.
Jack Ruby has been said to have died of a rapid cancer of the pancreas. Ruby told his jailers when being visited by a fake doctor that he was “being injected with cancer.” The official version of Ruby's death is (or became) that he died of a pulmonary embolism. But the official version of JFK's death is that he died from an entry wound to the BACK of his head, so...
But my final thoughts on Hicks and his “tale” of future presidents being shown a less edited version of the Zapruder film is this. I knew someone who dated a CIA official. She just said he was Mid to Upper level. He told her that he was shown AND GIVEN an unaltered version of the Zapruder film. It was crystal clear that Secret Service Agent Greer fired the fatal head shot. After retiring from the CIA, this fellow spoke on the phone once, about what was clearly on the Zapruder film he had. He then came home one day shortly after this to find his home ransacked and the film removed. So Hicks saying and showing this may well have been based on things he was told.
One of the many foul things they did to me was also breaking into my home and removing the audio-added Zapruder film whereby you can hear as well as see Greer's two head turns timed first with Connally getting shot and then Kennedy's head being blown out.
Personally, I have little doubt that most in the govt know that Greer shot and killed President Kennedy.
That the PTB knew this right away--because they did it--can be noted by the way they immediately intimidated eyewitnesses in Dealey plaza, took their cameras (and altered or never returned the film), altered their sworn statements, killed many, and created the whole industry of fake authors, fake books, fake articles, fake museums, fake websites, fake forums, and fake autopsy, and absconded with the body, etc. And still poisoning someone, 40 years later, for telling this Ultimate Truth. I am referring to myself, but likely Hicks was also poisoned, and given cancer, as Ruby put it.
And never forget here that Col. "Early Wynn" here, who is now senile, gave his part in this away, when he wrote fondly of "Bill" Greer [not William Greer as he is known].
Was "Early Wynn" who was in the "military"/CIA then, in Dallas and part of the op? He would then HAVE to lie about this to his dying day--as E. Howard Hunt had to. "Early" is not just lying about the Kennedy assassination, he is still trying to keep his old evil neck out of jail!
There are always deeper truths, just as I indicated above, that many in the govt were shown and given unaltered versions of the Zapruder film, and maybe Hicks knew this.
Anonymous Physicist
Interesting that Colonel Early comes back with a second post about the Grassy Knoll. His chronology above exactly mirrors the perps!! When denials of a conspiracy failed, they then come back with “the only other shooter was at the Grassy Knoll”--all to try to hide that SS agent Greer fired the fatal head shot. Oliver Stone was likely not killed because he had the Jim Garrison character repeatedly say the mantra about Kennedy’s body going “Back and to the Left, Back and to the Left, Back and to the Left.” Now there was indeed a shooter at the Grassy Knoll. We even know which Dallas cop was there shooting, but just watch any of the youtubes that have the 1975 film of Geraldo Rivera (with Dick Gregory) showing the Zapruder film on ABC-TV (for the first time), and see them commenting that JFK goes straight back.
Regarding the shooter at the Grassy Knoll and what he likely did:
The Zapruder film shows this (in part): Kennedy is shot from the front in the neck, and he reflexively brings up his hands to his throat. His hands don’t quite complete the motion to clutch his throat. Likewise he had started to turn to his wife for help, and he couldn’t complete this turn either. Jackie grabs on to Kennedy’s left elbow and tries to push him down, as she had been instructed by the Secret Service in case of attack. She is unable to get him down due to his PARALYSIS. Likely the neck shot (and likely from the Grassy Knoll) contained a paralyzing agent, some say an ice/shellfish toxin bullet that the CIA was known to have. At the point of the fatal head shot, the Grassy Knoll was almost perpendicularly to the right of the limo. If the fatal head shot came from the Grassy Knoll, Kennedy would have been violently slammed into Jackie! Clearly this didn’t happen--he was violently slammed back. The CIA etc.--when the “shooter from behind” nonsense failed--then has come back with the fatal head shot was from the Grassy Knoll. All to try to hide the fact that Greer fired it. Straight back has become “to the left”, because of massive CIA control of the media, and of all the CIA “truthers” and "researchers" in the JFK assassination industry.
Note also from the Zapruder film, the position of Kennedy’s head after he turned partially to Jackie, and note where the fatal head shot entry was shown to be by Asst White House Press Secretary Kilduff, in Dallas Parkland Hospial Press Conference, where he points to a spot above his right eyebrow. And thus note the position of Kennedy’s head in relation to Greer and the Grassy Knoll.
I will also never forget when Oliver Stone was promoting his "JFK" film, he did a Letterman show. When Letterman asked him who he thought did it, Stone cleverly did not answer that question. He replied (and I think I remember verbatim), “A lot of people think the driver did it.” Stone cleverly got the truth out, and managed not to get himself killed or the film stopped, by the Gestapo regime.
You see Herr CIA Colonel “Early”, all your evil presence here has managed to do is get more of the truth out!
Anonymous Physicist
Sorry, Spooked. Your anonymous fake physicist has only made the case for himself being a fool.
No serious researcher supports the absurd notion that you two "gold dust twins" support.
Neither of you has even attempted to address the many points which I've posted that undermine your theory.
Neither of you have enough confidence in your ability to conduct a serious debate to undertake what you surely know would be a "suicide" mission. You just can't hold your own in any kind of mature argument.
I don't expect much from the nut case, but Spooked, don't you claim to have some background in medical research of some kind or another?
If so, then think how you would feel if someone who was ignorant tried to tell YOU something about a subject that you're fairly knowledgeable in. THAT'S how you and your donkey would come across to people who have studied and thought about the JFK assassination.
Your claim that "ap has made the case" is as laughable as the claims made by DUers who say the 9/11 CR
makes the case that Osama bin Laden
and his magic lamp were behind the WTC plane crashes, the Pentagon plane crash, the WTC collapses, and all the rest.
Do either of you claim to have a college degree? NO, "ap", your junior college "A.A." doesn't count.
People who are ignorant of something yet refuse to acknowledge that they don't have a clue about what they're talking about are as dangerous in their own way as gwb is.
Sorry to have say it, but that's the way it appears to this writer.
you're trying just a little too hard there agent blah!
Spooked, I just noticed that your donkey said "One of the many foul things they did to me was also breaking into my home and removing the audio-added Zapruder film whereby you can hear as well as see Greer's two head turns timed first with Connally getting shot and then Kennedy's head being blown out."
I think that's just terrible. Your donkey had an "audio-added Zapruder film" - an impossibility, since the Z film was made on a camera that didn't record sound - but wait, it gets curiouser and curiouser.
Your donkey also claims that he knows about a CIA agent who had an "unaltered" copy of the Z film and that after he told his girlfriend about it, he came home from the Company, and "oh NO, Mr. Bill. they ransacked my house".
Mercury poisoning must be one of those things that gets progressively worse over time because your donkey has clearly
gotten a little light in the loafers with that whopper.
Can it get any more ridiculous and sad? Unfortunately, I think it can
and will.
The stupid CIA Colonel “Early Wynn”’s lies get stupider and stupider.
Everyone knows the House Committee on Assassinations, in the late 1970's, had audio experts that added on the audio [to the Z film] from the Dallas motorcycle cop’s belt microphone. Four shots are clearly heard [there were more and some guns likely has silencers, but the tape has 4 obvious shots], the last two timed perfectly with the apex of Greer’s 2 turns and the 2 people shot. The first hitting Connally, who was in on it, and is shocked and screams, “My God they’re trying to kill us all” [instead of just the one he knew to be the intended victim.] The second of Greer’s shots, of course, blows Kennedy’s head apart.
The audio added to the video of the Zapruder film is even now on several youtubes. Alas, these were slightly altered from the actual one I have. But I am sure eventually the correct one will be sent there by someone. But these should still be seen, as they are revealing!
Anonymous Physicist
P.S. Note to Early's handlers and supervisors at Langley and Ft. Meade: First, Fuck you. Second because you sent this perp here, the Ultimate Truth that you have tried to keep secret has gotten out here. BTW, Fuck you.
You can poison and kill some of us, but there will always be more and more and more people getting the truth out and going after you murderers, and mass murderers.
Don't tell anyone else this, but the mirror in the JFK limo actually had
a tiny camera fitted inside it. The camera lens was focused on Greer...
to make sure he carried out his orders. Greer didn't even know it was there until after the foul deed was done. At a secret ceremony, held by the Ultimate PTB, the film taken by that tiny camera was shown to the assembled Ultimate PTB and Greer was given his own souvenir copy of the film after he was inducted into the ultra-secret fraternity aka "Mystic Knights of The Sea".
Years later, after imbibing too many liberal libations of a ninety proof nerve tonic, Greer bragged to one of the extraterrestrials he had met when he drove Ike to the treaty signing ceremony about his accomplishment in Dallas. Less than two weeks later, Greer was stricken with a severe case of Globner's syndrome and died after his heart gave out when he exhausted himself doing the St. Vitus dance.
During the funeral ceremony, an unknown person broke into Bill's house and removed the film. It's whereabouts today are unknown.
Please keep this information to yourself. Trust me, they'll know if you tell anybody about it.
Interesting that Herr Colonel "Early" twice now interjected Aliens and a 1954 treaty that some allege Pres. Eisenhower signed with them, into this here which is about Hicks, Greer and JFK.
No one else has mentioned any such treaty. Usually what the intel filth mock is the truth.
I do not recall writing about this, and am not sure that it is true. But is is irrelevant whether any such treaty was signed. It is clear as to who has ALWAYS been in charge of Mankind.
This of course, makes it clear that such utter filth as Col. "Early" and all his "colleagues" are ultimately working for monsters whose goal is the extermination of ALL Mankind.
How all the intel filth that have learned this from my articles herein do not then turn and do the right thing is mind boggling.
Maybe this is even the reason why "Early" writes such tripe. He is in denial because his actions have doomed his own children and grandchildren.
What a gutless vermin he and they all are. All their nefarious deeds are done ultimately for those who will kill him, and his family, and he still does it! A coward, a denier, an imbecile, a monster as well...
Anonymous Physicist
Now, now. I realize you have a medical condition and everything, but just because Bill Hicks supports the 56 people who reported that JFK was shot from the GK and not by WG, that's no reason for you to suddenly start to back pedal from Cooper's claims about the U.S. Gov't supposedly signing a treaty (btw- what KIND of treaty was it, anyhow?) with extraterrestrials, in 1954.
One more thing. Did you get to see the film taken by the camera that was hidden in the rear-view mirror
in the limo? Because if you did, I'd bet THAT'S what caused you to
suddenly take ill and put you in the position that you're in now.
You can kinda hint your answer if you think that would be safer for you.
You're the one with the medical problem. Re-read the last paragraph:
What a gutless vermin he and they all are. All their nefarious deeds are done ultimately for those who will kill him, and his family, and he still does it!
A coward, a denier, an imbecile, a monster as well...
One of the quotes from the link provided to Bill Hicks quotes says:
"A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. You think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fucking cross? It's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant."
Notice he didn't say "wearing a pistol pendant".
Of course, the Anonymous Paranoid is apt to claim that Greer also had a rifle hidden under the front seat and THAT was his weapon of choice until he got suspicious that there might be camera in the rear-view mirror and it would be easier to
hid a pistol from it than a rifle.
Here's a link to a (current) article about
the on-going research into the dictaphone recording made in Dallas
on 11/22/63.
Of course, the Anonymous Paranoid is apt to claim that Greer also had a rifle hidden under the front seat
oh an excellent use of the classic straw man tactic by agent 3blahs!
RE that last URL, you cited, "Early": which leads to
Are you coming out of the closet now, "Early"/Bill?????
If so, what were you doing in Dallas that day???????
Why doesn't the article say?
I note that it says you worked for Dictaphone for (naturally) 33 years!
Thus as I surmised, you are likely in your 70's. Damn "Early"/Bill you look good! Congrats to you! All that fine CIA food there?
It also says "Bill McWilliams" works for the greatest Mass Murderers, the Lawrence Livermore [nuclear bomb making] Labs. (Please ask around there, did your colleagues make the nukes used to vaporize thousands of Americans at the WTC, on 9/11?)
What you doin' there, bro, for those monsters, who would like to kill us all?! Everything and everyone does seek its own level.
Now the article you cited, calls you very appropriately [on many levels] "The Remastermind."
So what have you remastered the tapes to hide, er I mean show? How many years have you been "remastering" the audio of the JFK assassination? Does it take that long to fake it to get what you want it to hide, er I mean show?
People here should note that above, in comments, this guy, Early/Bill? ridiculed me and said there was no such thing as audio for the Zapruder film--when as I countered--the House Assassinations Committee in the 1970's added the audio to the Zapruder film in the 1970's. The article falsely claims, or implies, that the audio or Dictaphone JFK "research" began in 2005, instead of the actual 1970's!
Now after saying there was no such thing as audio added to the Zapruder film, it turns out he's been "remastering it"!!!!!!!!!!!!
Busted to the nth degree!
Early/Bill?, say it ain't so.
Anonymous Physicist
Audio Analysis Prediction:
In late 2008, Bill/Early announces that after “in-depth,” state of the art audio analysis lasting 33 months, 33 hours, 33 minutes and 33 seconds, he has reached “definitive conclusions”. Specific findings to be released are that “three shots were fired from the 6th Floor depository building (by Oswald [CIA/ONI patsy]), and all other sounds were echoes. Some echoes bounced off other buildings, some echoes bounced off the Moon (something the NSA likes to do). There is a 20% chance that one shot was fired from the Grassy Knoll. Our main conclusion is…Anyone but Secret Service Agent “Bill” Greer fired the fatal head shot. Thank you very much [snicker].”
The above was paid for by a joint grant from the CIA/NSA, fronted by a company that is a foundation for “going to the ends of the Earth to find out who really killed JFK.” However, the “ends of the Earth” do not include right there in the Limousine as the eyewitnesses, right at the limo, all saw and heard Greer do it, as did Jackie, who then tried to jump the hell off.
The Grant paid well: $3,333,333.33 for the 33 months of "work."
Note that that newspaper “article” says Bill doesn’t like computers much. Translation: as the intel assets always try too hard to lie: They used the most advanced NSA computer techniques and completely re-created a fake Dictaphone recording of the assassination, and destroyed the original.
Anonymous Physicist
It looks like they have removed the picture of Bill/Early after mycomments here!!
Here is the photo
Furthermore, now that the rats are coming out of the dark, it looks like what I wrote above may be imminent. They will be playing up bigtime, Early/Bill as "THE AUDIO EXPERT", and his 33 month long study with the latest COMPUTERIZED crap from the mass murdering Lawrence Livermore Labs will pretend to be the deifinitive ANALysis of the Dictaphone recording of the JFK assassination, and will of course, say Oswald, echoes, and whatever bullshit, but will conclude the usual--anyone but SS agent Bill Greer did it. The one, of course, who everyone on site saw and heard actually did it.
This is why Early/Bill is posted here--practice for when the perps bring him out as "The Audio Expert".
Of course, I have exposed everything he ever said here, as stupid lies.
Anonymous Physicist
What do you think, h?
Early/BIll--the "Remastermind"!
As if.
Always glad to share information with those who are interested in learning
the truth.
May I ask you a question? Thanks.
We know Mr. Cooper's claim about that Treaty with the extraterrestrials (plenty of people in Ariz. and the Northwest talk about having seen
UFOs - some say they've been aboard alien spacecraft. have YOU?), and I'd like to know if maybe Bill told you what LANGUAGE the treaty is written in and where the treaty is currently housed.
Regarding your interest in the dictabelt research: no definitive conclusion is expected anytime soon. Sorry about that, but no matter what the final conclusion is, it won't change the basic fact that LHO was falsely blamed and was set up as a Patsy. Most importantly, JFK was killed by a shot that originated on either the North side GK or, as more and more of us have come to believe, perhaps from the South side (near the triple underpass).
The thinking is that shot(s) may have been fired from the North GK as a diversion. The sound and the observed gunsmoke + the smell of rifle fire may have been used to divert attention away from the South side of Elm street.
Oh, and thanks for the reminder that the late Bill Hicks was of the belief that JFK was killed by unknown assassins hidden in the GK area of Dealey Plaza.
You have a good day, and take your MEDICATIONS.
I will answer your questions about "aliens", but first this last post of yours indicates that you are admitting that you are Bill McWIlliams, yes?
Or are you, Don Roberdeau?
Or are the two the same?
Is there anyone here who has viewed any of the JFK assassination films and or photos and who believes that
they can see the limo driver turn around and shoot the President and Governor Connally?
Does anyone know if either of the motorcycle cops who were riding directly behind and to the sides of the limo reported seeing the limo driver shoot JFK? They would been in a pretty good position to see it wouldn't they?
What about the people up on the overpass - did any of them report seeing the driver with a pistol (or rifle/shotgun)?
Do people who believe in that story
believe that the driver was in cahoots with LHO?
Do people who believe in that story
also believe that no one in the limo saw the driver do it or do they believe that Greer threatened to shoot them too and that's why
they all wimped out and never said an accusatory word? We know that
Governor "Big John" Connolly was a well-known wimp and kind of a sissy
type of guy, so it would have been easy as pie to keep him quiet. Right?
Does anyone know of a link to a photo or film image that actually shows the driver with a gun in his hand? There were what - five? home movies made of the parade and there were photos taken almost simultaneously with the headshot, yet none of them shows the driver shooting JFK.
Do true believers think that ALL of the films were altered and that's why none of them back up that theory? What about the photos? Were they all doctored?
Is there anyone else here on this blog site who believes that theory other than "AP" and Spooked? Oh, and please don't steal my identity.
Now back to your regularly scheduled feelings of inadequacy and paranoia.
"AP" - did you take your medications? Please do that before you respond to this. Thanks.
Well now since you won’t reply to what I asked above. We go to what you said above:
"Regarding your interest in the dictabelt research: NO DEFINITIVE CONCLUSION IS EXPECTED ANYTIME SOON. Sorry about that, but no matter what the final conclusion is, it won't change the basic fact that LHO was falsely blamed and was set up as a Patsy. "
Thus you admitted, Early Wynn that you are in fact, Bill McWilliams!! The so-called official, new “REMASTERMIND” of the Audio Tape of the JFK Assassination. So from now on, I will address you as Early/Bill/The “Official” REMASTERMIND.
Now the newspaper article, you yourself promoted above:
clearly has errors that you need to explain.
It is important because the article appears to be trying to give you an excuse for all you claim that you did that day, and also for being all over the place (at the same time?).
The article says, “The day of the assassination, McWilliams not only heard the event, he witnessed the transfer of the mortally wounded president from the ambulance to the hospital, which was located directly behind the Dallas Police Station.…”
First it says that Parkland Hospital is right behind the Dallas PD Headquarters, when even a commenter added in, on 7/1/08, that the Hospital is 4.6 miles away? Please explain. Thank you. Then there is the lie about JFK being brought in to the hospital in an ambulance, when he was “brought in” by his murderers in the limo. Did you give these 2 erroneous items to the newspaper? Did the CIA give this to them?
Please explain to the People. If you ignore this request it proves everything you say, or will say, is false.
Then this
says that NOT YOU, but a “female technician” processed the Dictaphone recording!! So the article you cited has another lie. Please explain this, it is crucial.
And please explain, since the Hospital is 4.6 miles from the Dallas P.D. HQ, what you were doing at the Hospital, as well.
And just when are you claiming to have processed the Dictaphone recording?
And please explain why you mocked me, when I noted the audio of the assassination from the Dictaphone being added to the Z film (which the Committee did), and you implied, there was no such thing--all the while you are the official REMASTERMIND of the Dictaphone tapes!
And thanks for your concern about my poor health, Alas there are no meds to take once you have been massively poisoned.
Thank you Bill/Early.
Anonymous Physicist
Are you now willing to admit that
your claim that Greer shot JFK is
wrong and that in order to put this mistake behind you and move on, you
would like to apologize to everyone here for promoting what you now surely know is as bogus as Bill Cooper's claim that the U.S. signed a treaty with extraterrestrials?
If so, then I won't expect you to explain what language the treaty was printed in and who did the translating (surely, you aren't going to claim it was Bill Cooper or yourself - right?).
Also, do you still believe that Spooked is CIA, as you implied a few days ago?
Also, if you have a complaint about the newspaper article, why haven't you contacted the editor of the paper? Do you need his contact info?
Thanks "Early Wynn"/Bill Mc Williams/The Official REMASTERMIND.
For ignoring my questions, above YOU HAVE COMPLETELY PROVED
1. That everything you have said, are saying, and will say is a lie.
2. You are intel filth, always have been, always will be.
Official REMASTERMIND/Early/Bill: how stupid you are for posting anything here, when you have been outed as a stupid liar, and intel filth.
One last question, since that article proves, as I always said, that YOU--"Early/Bill McWilliams--were there that day, and partook in the Assassination, tell us just what evil did you do that day???
ATTENTION: Law Enforcement Officers of Texas, and the Federal Govt:
One Bill McWilliams, aka Early Wynn, aka THE REMASTERMIND, is wanted for
Conspiracy to Commit Murder
High Treason
Obstruction of Justice
and other crimes as arrest will reveal.
You said that you aren't currently taking any medications because there's nothing they can give you for your particular condition, so you have the perfect excuse for your
smears: you can't be held (legally)
responsible for your behavior.
Because of the advanced state of your condition, I do think that you should strongly consider Dr. Goodbody's Total Goodbody System. The daily bolus alone might prove very efficacious for at least some of your symptoms. Just remember to
take it with eight full glasses of water. (large glasses only)
Early/BIll--the "Remastermind"!
oh excellent!
but since agent 3blahs continuously succeeds at baiting you (AP), maybe we should refer to him as the re-master-baiter!
ha ha.
Oddly enough, there was a Bill McWilliams who emailed me like three years ago about the blog and was encouraging me to go to the JFK Lancer forum. I never really had time to get into JFK research, until A.P. came along. But then this current anonymous "serious" researcher of the JFK ass'n links to a strange article about Bill McWilliams who was involved first hand in the JFK case... well, very weird indeed!
That was a good one, h!
But we must realize that Early/Bill's continual baiting of me has led to his outing here, and to proof of what I was saying--HIS REPEATED LIES RE JFK MEANS HE WAS INVOLVED IN KILLING PRESIDENT KENNEDY, and/or the cover-up!
The obvious lies in that paper's article proves he was there at the hospital, and at Dallas P.D.
Again, as New Orleans D.A., Jim Garrison, said, "We got one of them now!"
Also, said here when I proved Bazant deliberately lied on the WTC dust particle size, and now when we actually have one of the conpirators who partook in killing President Kennedy, and/or covering it up.
IF he had access to the Dictaphone recording on 11/22/63, we can be sure he altered it, and/or hid it, for some 12 years.
And this also proves the JFKtroof forums are all intel , all the time, as I wrote. As they push this guy, and he pushes them. Intel assets only promote each other.
Wish someone would expose Early/BIll (from these comments) and all the lies in that article, at all forums, blogs, etc. Imagine the article says, that Bill says he was there when the "ambulance" brought in JFK at Parkland, when JFK was "brought" in by his murderers in the limo--who immediately washed down the limo. But it's worse, they left JFK in the limo, and took Connally (in on the hit) into the hospital. The official lie is that Jackie wouldn't let him go. But they also said she was trying to retrieve a piece of his skull--a stupid story. Did Early/Bill see all this? Well we know he saw "the ambulance."
"We got one of them now!"
Sometimes reporters get things wrong.
Mr. McWilliams never said that the President was taken in an ambulance to Parkland Hospital. What he actually said was that President Kennedy was taken into Parkland Hospital through the rear / emergency entrance.
The article also quotes Mr. McWilliams as saying that the Police Station was located near Parkland Hospital, but what Mr. McWilliams actually said was that the Dictaphone office was near Parkland Hospital.
Note: In case you didn't notice, Steve Lathrop wrote the article. I think in all fairness it should be
said that Steve doesn't claim to be
an expert on the JFK assassination.
1. Why didn't yo come up with this whe first queried? Needed some extra time.
2. Why talk about yourself in te third peson. Only McWilliams and Lathrop would know what wsa said between them. If you are not"Steve", obviously you are "Bill." Why don't you own up to this, Bill,aka Early, aka, The REMASTERMIND?
3. Why is it a reporter cannot get right virtually every fact of the interview???
And Bill/Early/Remastermind:
You did not answer this CRUCIAL question:
says that NOT YOU, but a “female technician” processed that Dictaphone recording!! So the article you cited has another lie. Please explain this, it is crucial.
Here, process this:
you don't know
jack shift about the JFK assassination.
You go around promoting the most outrageous and stupid ideas I've ever heard and then you have the nerve to try and undermine those of us who have spent years studying the case, developing new leads and following them wherever they might lead or discarding them if the evidence and/or logic dictates they have no merit.
Go back to your moon-pie base and tell your doctor you need something for acute paranoia and idiocy.
The CIA's "official" REMASTERMIND offers not quite a Remasterpiece of non-responsiveness to a simple, crucial question.
Instead Early/Bill/The REMASTERMIND only submits insults.
Did the CIA alter films of the assassination and that is why none of them show any shots from being fired from the front seat of the vehicle?
If so, what would be the CIAs motive
to protect the Secret Service agent Greer?
Seems to me that if the CIA is behind the assassination and if Greer shot JFK and Governor Connally then why would the CIA take the chance of altering the films so that they no longer show Greer firing a gun - especially if there were eyewitnesses who saw the driver shooting JFK & Connally?
Either those people who made statements which have been interpreted to mean that they saw Greer shooting JFK & Connally (boy, he must have been an incredibly accurate sharpshooter, capable of
making amazingly fast turns backwards to shoot, then returning to a normal driving position. His physical feats are all that more incredible considering that Mr.
Greer was not a young man in 1963.
Is it the contention of those who believe that Greer was the killer and that all of the assassination films were altered to show events in contradiction to the claims that
some people are said to have seen him do it and that he was so superhumanly fast that after he fired those shots he was able to do all that plus hide his pistol so that no one saw what he did with it, including the cops on motorcyles who were just a few feet away from the limo and the 15 or more people who were looking down into the limo from their position up on the triple overpass?
Wouldn't that require a whole bunch of alterations? Furthermore, why would the SService go along with a CIA scheme to place the blame on
Greer and by extension, the United Sates Secret Service? Back then, there was a lot of tension between those two particular bureaucracies, so its hard to believe that the SS would allow the CIA to do something which would threaten the very continued existence of the SS.
Maybe there's a strong case to be made that the driver was the killer, but it certainly hasn't been made.
Early/Bill McWilliams/the "Official" REMASTERMIND:
Your stupid lies are so superficial. You calim to be a JFK researcher. Every one knows the Z film has many missing frames. I have already highlighted Twyman's experiments which proved missing frames just after the fatal head shot. He speaks at your conferences and posts at your "forums." So you know this and just post your phucking lies here.
Now for you, Dallas PERP, that you admittedly are. You were tasked to answer this above:
You did not answer this CRUCIAL question:
says that NOT YOU, but a “female technician” processed that Dictaphone recording!! So the article you cited has another lie. Please explain this, it is crucial.
We will wait till Hell freezes over, intel ASSet for you to answer the above.
Also provide your timeline, Bill, for all you did on 11/22/63. Hearing it all, seeing it all, being in several places at once.
PERP: You are out now!
We have here one of the conspirators, and perhaps assassins of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, In Dallas, TEXAS on Nov. 22, 1963.
Please do the right and lawful thing.
Treason is punishable by hanging, Bill.
Under the M'Naghten Rules and the practical application of the Latin term Non Sui Juris, your claims of having been poisoned appear to be substantiated by the quality of your
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My previous had an incorrect internet address. Here are the active links....
Dealey Plaza Professionally Surveyed Map of 11-22-63 Victims, Witnesses, and Photographers Precise Locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Evidence, & Important Documented Information....
DISCOVERY: Very Close, Dealey Plaza Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS’s Zapruder Filmed 2nd Headsnap;
Ultrafast, West, and Directly Towards the “Grassy Knoll”....
President-elect KENNEDY “Men of Courage” speech (1-9-61) & Key Assassination Links for Your Considerations....
Good Day.... Updated links and new information and considerations.
Best Regards in Research, Don
Don Roberdeau
U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," plank walker
Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly
For your considerations....
Homepage: President KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Researchers Links, Ongoing Research, and Updated Discoveries for Your Key Considerations....
Dealey Plaza professionally surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspected bullet trajectories, Suspects & Groups, and Important information & Considerations Gathered in One Convenient Resource....
Visual Report: "The First Impact: While JFK Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree' : Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206"....
Discovery: "Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap:
West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll"....
File: President KENNEDY Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Key Considerations....
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