Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Previous Posts
- A Penny For Your Thoughts? The Often Absurd Wood-...
- Elderly Female Scientist Called Most Significant T...
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- Plame Case Dismissal Was More Significant Than I T...
- Secret Agents Everywhere
- Defeating the British/American Gestapo Regime, Part 2
- Where Have All the Core Columns Gone?
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Recommended Reading
- The "Ultimate List" of Improbabilities and Coincidences Around 9/11
- Manifesto for All Present and Future Military Personnel
- The Nine Circles of Conspiracy
- Ultimate Truths (Deep Conspiracy)
- Nuclear Demolition of the WTC
- China Syndrome at the WTC
- Dead 9/11 Whistleblowers
- Bogus Official 9/11 Science
- Anonymous Physicist's book site
- 120 Reasons for the No-Plane Theory
- People Who Should Have Seen UA175 Hit the South Tower But Didn't
- 9/11: All Roads Lead to MIHOP
- 9/11: Possible Versus Impossible
- Ghost Gun UA175
- Morgan Reynolds, We Have Holes
- Hunt the Boeing, Shanksville Edition
- Hunt the Boeing, WTC2 Edition
- The No Planes Evidence Kit
- Why Don't More Engineers Question the WTC Collapses?
- Evidence of advanced fusion devices at the WTC
- The Problem with the 9/11 "Truth" Movement
- Brainwashed, In Deep Denial, A Government Shill, Or Some Combination of the Three
- 9/11
- 9/11 blog
- International Center for 9/11 Studies - NIST Cumulus Video Database
- 9/11 "U"
- Killtown's Overview Site
- Killtown's 9/11 Smoking Guns
- Killtown's 2nd Hit Video Compilation
- Killtown's NIST figure gallery
- Morgan Reynolds
- The 9/11 Airplane Video Composites
- Ace Baker
- Killtown's Blog
- Genghis' 911 Taboo
- Ningen's Blog
- 9/11 Truthlings Watch
- Judy Wood's 9/11 site (focuses on WTC demolition)
- 9/11 Logic
Interesting and/or Useful 9/11 Sites
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Some of My Findings Regarding the Attack on the WTC South Tower
- Summary of Evidence for No Plane at the South Tower
- Clearest Evidence of Conflicting Plane Paths in Two Different 2nd Hit Videos
- Freak Plane
- The Curious Plane in the "Live" Video
- Too Small of a Plane in Both "Live" 2nd Hit Videos
- Mutant Tail Section on UA175
- Evidence of 2nd Hit Video Fakery
- Proof that the engine part at Church and Murray Street is not from UA175, a Boeing 767
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- "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions" by David Ray Griffin
- 9/11 Revealed by Rowland Morgan and Ian Henshall
- "9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA" by Webster G. Tarpley
- "The Terror Timeline" by Paul Thompson
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- 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved several people conspiring to commit a crime. The official 9/11 narrative, as codified by the 9/11 Commission Report, is NOT proven as the most likely explanation for the events of 9/11/01. The official 9/11 story is therefore a theory. This means that the OFFICIAL 9/11 Story is really a "CONSPIRACY THEORY"!
- I have no fondness for any religion, as I think it makes people do extreme and violent things. Islamic terrorists do exist and I detest them as much as I detest the true perpetrators of 9/11. Most likely Islamic terrorists were used as patsies in 9/11, as part of a highly organized covert operation by a group affiliated with the US goverment and US military.
More 9/11 Links (Note: I present a wide variety of 9/11 sites here for the purposes of diversity. I leave it up to you to judge their content.)
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9/11 Activism
9/11 Specialty Sites
Sites that question 9/11 (who views on 9/11 may differ greatly from those presented here)
Good Intro Books to Alternative 9/11 Truth
Blogs, News Sites and Miscellaneous Links

Well many things come to mind with all this.
First who is “giving” these $200,000 to Ace? Paper trail please.
Then the offer to Hutchison is curious at many levels. I saw at one site that Hutchison accepted gleefully. Previously he could not “duplicate” his alleged effect when asked/tried. Now someone who is an off-again, on-again DEW proponent and supposed expert on TV/video fakery is doing this. First from what I can gather, Ace was a DEW supporter, than against her, then still touting the ludicrous “molecular dissociation clouds” [including at this blog] which are documented to be merely steam emanating from the hot rubble pile whenever they were hosed down with water--a standard radiation lowering method. The steam emanation being a frequent and amazing coincidence (not.) Then while touting these clouds, at the same time, Ace is against Wood again, and offers up this $100,000 from “somewhere.”
And then Hutchison quickly accepts despite failing to reproduce it before. So we have an alleged TV/video fakery expert who will video this “event” that few if any physicists believe is real. Sounds a lot like a set-up with lots of legend thrown in. I trust the “original” video will be made available of the “event”, as in the petition for the 9/11 TV news material. The trouble, of course, in all conspiracy fields is that nearly everyone is intel. Just as nowadays nearly everyone would agree that Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives all sound different, but are controlled by one “source.”
Some of this may turn out funny. Interesting that such a petition for the “original” Apollo Hoax videos, er… I mean Apollo Moon landings would fail, as the regime (NASA) has already claimed that they “lost” the original videos. Only the alleged video of “Man’s greatest achievement.” It will be difficult for ALL the TV stations to make this same “lost” claim! Will the bogus “national security” be touted as the reason they “can’t” be released. A prediction of sorts here. We will see.
So it will be interesting to see what comes of this. And videoing the alleged Hutchison effect will be fascinating. I sure wish though someone else was doing it. As, from what I have read at the 911truth forums, Ace claims the 9/11 videos are real except for the plane hits, while many others, in this field, say the entire video is fake. Too bad though we can’t get someone trustworthy to do it or to go along with Ace--such as Bill Cooper, Sherman Skolnick, Rodney Stich--all dead or too old/sick to do this. I would trust Spooked if he were willing and able to go. (I have made it clear that I am far too sick after what the Gestapo regime’s agents did to me with mercury poisoning me via placing it all over my house [and all this is thoroughly documented via the state’s environmental testing of all the rooms in the house and of many blood tests on me] for my publicly showing that Secret Service Agent, William Greer, fired twice first hitting Connally by accident, then blowing Kennedy’s head half off. With the regime’s need to try to hide this with the resultant massive JFK Assassination industry of fake authors, “experts”, “researchers”, books, articles, “conferences”, museums, “forums”, etc.--all controlled by our massive intel agencies, including someone posted, by the intel agencies, here at this blog. I see now that this perp, the REMASTERMIND of the JFK dictaphone recordings already put up his filth, mocking my illness. I trust they will be deleted by Spooked.)
So I am far too sick to travel, and I don’t know if Spooked is willing or able to do this, or if Ace would allow it. But it sure would be good to have someone trustworthy either doing it or going along. Especially someone trained in uncovering “magic” tricks. And I don’t mean “Randi” or Penn and Teller--all publicly demonstrated shills for the regime.
Here is one youtube on uncovering the ”secrets” of magic tricks.
I’m sure there is vastly more on this available.
Anonymous Physicist
From what I heard, Ace is quite well off due to his wife's music recording company.
His wife is Clair Marlo:
I don't think I will be able to go to check out the Hutchison thing-- no time or extra funds.
I don't think there's even a scintilla of evidence in support of the notion that the Regime's intel service killed JFK. I think it was the SS agent who was driving the limo.
What do I base that on? The highly credible claims made by our very
own theoretical physicist PLUS what
Doctor William Cooper said just before the Regime had him killed off by police officers when they were supposedly trying to arrest him for being a public nuisance.
Furthermore, I don't believe in censoring ideas and I certainly don't condone poisoning our country's best and brightest physicists - one of which generously blesses us with reams of
theories about things we all need to know about - such as stuff about
the Moon, intel goons, 9/11, and the decline and fall of practically
everyone who opposes evil Regimes.
Someone that smart and that generous should not have to respond to questions, concerns, or doubts about what that person writes.
It just tears me up to see his fine
intellectual output subjected to
scrutiny. It's so unfair and unamerican.
Spooked: would you like for your loyal supporters to throw in enough
mullah in your PPal account so that you can go check out the Hutchison thing? Somebody needs to do it and obviously ap is no condition to.
i recommend that you don't go.
No, if ap won't go, somebody needs to, and who better than AL? Nobody, that's who.
Yugo, Spooked. Just watch out for those Gestapo Empire Goons.
Although the "official" position of this blog seems to be (*note to "ap": I said "seems to be") that Special Agent William Greer of the U.S. Secret Service shot and killed JFK while driving him through Dealey Plaza, I do not believe that position is supported by the known evidence.
That evidence includes:
* Films of the assassination - all of which show that the fatal head shot entered JFK in the right temple area and that it came from the area of Dealey Plaza known as the grassy knoll.
Furthermore, close examination of individual frames of these films show that Agent Greer at no time
held anything in his hands other than the steering wheel of the limo.
* Witness accounts - the overwhelming majority of witnesses
said that the fatal shot came from the grassy knoll area. Some, including U.S. Senator Ralph Yarborough, testified that they saw smoke and smelled gunpowder in the grassy knoll area moments after JFK
was hit with the fatal gunshot.
* None of the occupants of the limo
claimed that any shots were fired from within the limousine.
* JFK's body moved to the left (towards Mrs. Kennedy) after the fatal wound. If Greer had shot him, JFK's body would have moved in the opposite direction.
* Governor Connally's position in the limousine was such that if Greer had fired a shot at JFK, it would have hit Connally, not JFK.
* Dallas Police Department motorcycle escorts were literally within 10 feet of the limousine, yet none reported seeing anyone in the limo fire a a weapon, and the police officer who was directly behind Mrs. Kennedy was struck with
brain matter, body tissue, bone fragments, and blood (so much that he stated that at first he thought that he himself had been shot). Based on his position behind Mrs. Kennedy, if Greer had fired the fatal shot, he would not have been
struck with brain matter and blood spatter - rather, the officer directly behind JFK would have been. That officer was not splattered with ejecta from JFK's fatal head shot.
In addition to all of the above, there are many other reasons why such a scenario (Greer shot JFK) was both implausible and impossible.
Unless and until all of the evidence above is credibly refuted,
the conclusion reached by every single serious researcher that JFK was killed by a shot to the right temple from the grassy knoll area
should be accepted as proof that
JFK's assassin(s) were not in the limousine and that no shots were fired from within it on that day.
Col. Blah3 strikes again!
And what it strike it IS, ap. Stick to your theories about the Gestapo Regime's nuking of NYC and you'll be
fine. Notice that no one here is disputing THOSE claims - and I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that comments can't be posted
directly after you post one of your tomes...whose length and scope come across to me as eerily like what I used to encounter at tables inside the airport.
Good luck to you and I hope your condition improves soon.
Is there any evidence that Ace's wife is paying the $200,000 (if need be)?
Does Ace, or Marlo, say so?
And is there any evidence that she is a 911truther?
Many couples do not split their earnings, rather each one uses his/her own money as his/her own.
I went to her wiki entry, and it is very strange. It does not even list her year of birth, and while it notes her marriage to Ace, it doesn't have the year for that either. Most strange.
I am of course only assuming that the money is coming from his wife-- but she does have money from her successful business. I have no idea if she is a "truther" but I imagine she is being married to Ace. I am not aware that Ace is a major music star himself that would have huge amounts of money lying around. The lack of complete info in the wiki entry may only reflect that Clair Marlo is not a major persona, the entry may have been put in by her publicist for instance. I could see them leaving out her b-day and other details like that.
Going back & forth about the $ is a
silly waste of time/space - but maybe that's the whole idea, huh.
7:45 -
Maybe "ap" wants to bury the Greer post. How much you wanna bet?
Regarding Ace and his wife.
It's not just the birthday, I wrote her birth year isn't even mentioned.
And many married couples have very differing political views, so we don't know if she is a "911 truther". To offer up so much money without citing her as source (if true, and there is no indication at all that it is) is strange.
To offer up so much money in a conspiracy field without citing the money source is most suspicious, and does not help the cause. As we know in the conspiracy field so many are in reality intel ASSets (like the vermin above who may have been directly involved in either the Assassination or the cover-up of President Kennedy's murder himself, as depicted here
And maybe it wasn't Marlo's publicist who put that up at Wiki, but Ace's "publicist" (if you follow my drift). And maybe Ace doesn't know her birthday? There are many CIA-NOC marriages like the 2 Clintons in the political field, the entertainment field (tightly controlled by the CIA nad other intel agencies), the "journalism" field (also CIA), and more. Husband and wife are often in name only.
Hopefully this is not the case RE Ace, but to offer up so much money and not disclose the source does no good for the "911 truth" field.
Furthermore, it is not scientific or acceptable for checking the validity of Hutchison's so-called effect, at his own headquarters--where who knows what may be set up, just so that it could be videotaped. It needs to be done at a neutral setting.
And no Wood/DEWhugging person is acceptable as "observer, as I saw a likely intel agent at an obvious intel-run "911truth forum" suggest after I had asked Spooked if he could do this.
But, as above, the very first thing that must happen is that the source of the $200,000 (for the 2 challenges) must be made known.
This reminds me that over a year back, Ace went around to all 9/11 researchers saying he was going to do a documentary on 9/11 conspiracy theories. I'm not sure what happened to his film-- it may have come out on DVD, I vaguely remember hearing about it. But it certainly never took off and he doesn't even advertise it on his blog. In any case, the odd thing is Ace said he had a sponsor paying for the film but wouldn't reveal who it was. So it is all a bit fishy.
"So it is all a bit fishy."
I've been thinking that very same thing for some time now.
And in addition to any videotaping--whether with 1, 3, or 100 cameras, something else must occur.
Some repeatable alteration of a physical parameter must occur. My understanding of the so-called Hutchison Effect is that scientists have tried, and all failed to reproduce this "effect."
We all have learned with 911 TVfakery , and the laughable Apollo (TV) Program, that videos, and photos can be easily faked, especialy if there are "big bucks" behind it.
I note that the same kind of insanity/inanity in the DEW field abounds in another sub-set of the Conspiracy Field. There are those, some of whom have an obvious military intel background, that run around screaming "Zero Point Energy" for anything they want. Just as some scream "DEW", when as we saw with my article just below, when Wood was questioned, she couldn't say a word about what kind of Energy weapon--and I have revealed the real reason for the intel agencies creating the DEW hangout.
While there is energy in the quantum fluctutations of the vacuum, there is no evidence that Hutchison's apparatus is real and not fraud, like the many claims for hundreds of years for perpetual motion machines.
But I believe Hutchison deserves a chance to try to prove his "effect," but it should not be in his place, and on his terms, and just videotaping, we have learned, is no proof in and of itself.
Note that some try to claim that denouncing Hutchison is akin to denouncing Cold Fusion as the intel agent Steven Jones was sent in to destroy that field.
But unlike Hutchison, there are numerous top physicists, in several countries, that have duplicated/demonstrated quite well that both 1. energy is released and also 2. radionuclides are created that could only have occurred from nuclear reactions (such as neutron bombardment).
Indeed there is an older version of this kind of thing--the Farnsworth Fusor, whereby Philo Farnsworth (creator of TV) created a device that causes fusion without the massive expense of the Tokamok devices that have not yet worked well enough after many billions of dollars were wasted (deliberately IMO). But the PTB do not want small energy sources that everyone could own, and for other reasons suppressed these technologies.
Anonymous Physicist
WHAT? Sorry to have to tell you this, but you are way off base. Try learning something about the history of science and then come back - if you have the nerve.
P.S. Calling Steven Jones an "intel agent" is juvenile beyond belief. How old are you?
Hey "Early", everyone here has seen the video of Jones sabotaging Cold Fusion with bogus "science". And A.P. tore his new bogus "article," a new one.
Unlike you, who have proclaimed those were real planes, and the O.C.T. is absolutely correct, as all intel ASSets claim.
Now once again, it is up to you to provide your own critique of A.P.'s critique (below) of Jones' paper on New Laws of Chemistry and Physics.
That'll be the day. You have never been on point here in several years. And you have never told the truth in your life.
A.P. has a whole blog of scientifically critiquing the papers of Seffen, Bazant, Jones, etc.
There has never been anything posted here that refuted any of A.P.'s science or mathematical analysis.
You and your intel bosses have no nerve and won't get one of their lackey "scientists" to come here to critique A.P.'s work.
The other thing to remember regarding Ace, or anyone acting similarly, in the conspiracy fields is the following--which I have already pointed out.
Ace’s blog shows (or showed) all his interviews with Bazant, Jones, and I think he was in touch with Wood previously. All such interviews must be regarded with great suspicion.
Do you think any of these three would communicate with me, or that I could stand to communicate with any of them? An interview is also not necessary to critique their papers, etc., as I have done.
As I pointed out in my piece just below on the Wood/Jenkins interview, where I cited the John Miller/Osama bin Laden “interview”, nothing else makes sense, but that both parties (Miller/OBL) are CIA--and there is much information indicating each one’s ties to the American intel “community.”
The Miller/OBL “interview” was not only facilitated by the CIA (etc.), both intel agents were ordered to do it, possibly having the same intel supervisor.
So regarding interviews of such characters as Bazant and Jones, especially an interview by a no-planer, and 911 “truther.” Does anyone think Bazant or Jones would consent to communicate back and forth with a no-planer/911 truther unless the order went out, all around?
Some one person may be in charge of all the hangouts--O.C.T., thermite, and DEW. This person may even be one of those just cited here.
Another baloney sandwich. Where's the Evil Gestapo Regime's Intel Goons
and ASSets when you need them?
"ap" - have audio recording experts have examined any of the WTC
tapes to see if your claims have any
scientific basis?
Silence is consent and your silence on the slap-down of cooper's theory
speaks volumes.
I'm surprised that you haven't shown the good manners to publicly
acknowledge that you were wrong on that particular conspiracy theory.
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