Fuselage Debris Near the WTC
From here:

Clipped from a slide presented in a talk by Steven Jones:

Are these shots showing the same thing? It seems to be the same piece of debris. But in the lower shot, where the hell are the huge buildings that should be in the background? Why do we see what looks like trees and clear sky?
In the upper shot, we see a couple of manholes near the debris. It seems as though both the plane piece and the chunk of plaster next to it have been moved very slightly between the two pics. It's also not clear if that striped object to the right of the debris is there in the upper pic.
While we're talking about mystery debris, there is also this.

Clipped from a slide presented in a talk by Steven Jones:

Are these shots showing the same thing? It seems to be the same piece of debris. But in the lower shot, where the hell are the huge buildings that should be in the background? Why do we see what looks like trees and clear sky?
In the upper shot, we see a couple of manholes near the debris. It seems as though both the plane piece and the chunk of plaster next to it have been moved very slightly between the two pics. It's also not clear if that striped object to the right of the debris is there in the upper pic.
While we're talking about mystery debris, there is also this.
WTC planes left more and larger pieces of debris than FL 77 did.
Why was THAT felt to be necessary?
good question.
i wonder why the so-called truth movement does not focus more on the 4 alleged 9/11 planes than they do.
for all their bluster they ignore the weakest point of the official 9/11 fairytale: the planes.
certainly there is no real evidence of a 757 having crashed at pentagon or shanksville and many obvious TV fakerys of a supposed 767 hitting wtc2 and the only video of supposed 767 hitting wtc1 does not show any signs of being a real 767.
"i wonder why the so-called truth movement does not focus more on the 4 alleged 9/11 planes than they do."
Y'know, I've been wondering that very same thing myself. You really have to look long and hard to even find a single article or comment about that.
When did you first notice the appalling lack of interest in the "4 alleged 9/11 planes"?
what if steven jones is a plane-huggin', thermite-lovin', spook? lol
camjnbp at 7:04 PM: Then there is also Pavel Hlava's amateur video of the side wall explosion of WTC1, where, before that explosion, there is no sign of a plane approaching. That video can be seen, e.g., in September Clues.
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