UPS, UPS, the 81st Floor of WTC2 and Dripping Molten Metal

The 81st floor of WTC2 was where orange sparks/molten metal were dripping from, very shortly before the tower was blown up, as shown above. There's been a lot of controversy over what was dripping down-- molten steel, molten aluminum, molten lead or some other metal mixture. It is very unlikely that ordinary fiery debris was dripping down due to the fact that the intensity of the color did not change on the way down, which is inconsistent with embers of burning wood or plastic, as these would have cooled rapidly as they fell. Thermite supporters have said this is evidence of thermite cutting through steel before the tower is demolished by more thermite.
One important point is that the actual molten metal that was dripping is a bit of a moot point, as the temperature of the metal was very very hot (>1750 F, >950 C) simply judged by the bright orange color. So it is very silly to say, oh, that was molten lead or molten aluminum dripping, because they have lower melting temperatures than steel and it wasn't hot enough to melt steel in there. The fact is, the color tells the temperature-- and it was hot enough to be molten steel.
I do think the dripping stuff was real and not video fakery. But I don't know whether the dripping molten metal was due to a thermite reaction, to give evidence for that obvious limited hangout for WTC destruction, or whether the dripping molten metal was due to a nuke that fizzled and started generating intense heat and melting steel in that corner of the tower.
So what's this about UPS?
Oddly, "officially" there were two different types of UPS inhabitants of the 81st floor, at different times, that involved renovation of that corner of the floor. First, NIST claims there was United Parcel Service, then later Fuji Bank put in a large bank of batteries to form an Uninterrupted Power Supply. Some supporters of the official story have claimed that lead from the Uninterrupted Power Supply batteries was what was seen dripping from that corner. As I explained above this is a moot point, as the extreme heat means the metal could be anything-- the bigger question is what the source of the extreme heat is. The battery story is that the plane crash caused the UPS to short-circuit and over-heat, thus causing lead in the batteries to melt. That is fairly ridiculous, I think.
In any case, this story of the two UPS's sounds like some sort of fabrication to me.
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