Humint Events Online: Sibel Edmonds: Bin Laden Was US Agent Right Up to 9/11

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Sibel Edmonds: Bin Laden Was US Agent Right Up to 9/11

First of all, like, no shit.

Second, like anyone who cares about this doesn't already know 9/11 was an inside job. Is this going to change anything?

Third, like Sibel Edmonds isn't a total limited hangout artist/intel agent.

Fourth, like, why didn't she say this years ago?

Fifth, like, could she have phrased it in a way that was more specific?

Sixth, what exactly is her source for this?


Blogger nickname said...

Answer: You are correct, IMO.

"Third, like Sibel Edmonds isn't a total limited hangout artist/intel agent."

8:23 PM  

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