Humint Events Online: Putin is a Genocidal Maniac

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Putin is a Genocidal Maniac

Putin is a genocidal maniac. 

If his people do not remove him from power, they are complicit in war crimes. 

 F*ck all western media who frame Putin and Russia’s sadistic genocidal war crimes as anything less than what they are, or fail to call for his removal. Seriously. F*ck you. 

It’s a gd stain on all of democracy that journalists & news outlets are not joining in the call for Putin’s removal. Shame on all who fail to do this. Shame. 

US news outlets & media pundits make it their regular course of business to endorse politicians or call for their removal But ending the reign of a genocidal maniac is somehow crossing the line? F*ck you all.
Women are being raped. Children bombed. Civilians shot point blank simply for daring to exist. F*ck you for betraying human rights. F*ck you for failing to call for the removal of the man responsible for these war crimes. 

 F*ck you for your hackery - for your both sides-isms - for you utter abandonment of decency. Putin is a genocidal maniac, and he must be removed from power. 


Blogger the mighty wak said...

remember in 1999 when then senator joe biden went on national TV and actually demanded that yugoslavia should be bombed

1:54 PM  

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