Humint Events Online: Flight 175-- Breaking the Laws of Physics?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Flight 175-- Breaking the Laws of Physics?

If you can, watch this little clip of flight 175 entering the south tower.

The arrows shows the tail and wing distance. There is absolutely no change in the distance between the tail and the wing as the plane hits, suggesting no crumpling of the plane at all. Also, the wing shows absolutely no distortion or bending or breakage upon hitting the STEEL FRAME WALL of the tower. The plane also has an extremely ghostly appearance and the entry into the building looks very strange.

You can see more of this video here.

I don't know how to explain this, but this is a problem with the official story.

Also, as the plane enters the building, two puffs of smoke arise where the engines go in (which makes sense). However, note the pod-like structure is very noticeable in this clip, and the when the plane goes in, the "pod" leaves a clear impact hole in the building (unlike the rest of the plane). So the plane seems to melt inot hte building except for the two engines and the "pod". Very very odd.

I have never tried to make a big deal of the pod. What strikes me about the pod is 1) that it is extremely clear in some shots and not at all noticeable in other shots, and 2) it could be written off as a trick of the light-- if it weren't for the separate impact hole it leaves in the wall of the tower!

I honestly don't know what to think about this, except that a normal Boeing 767 does not have a structure on its belly like the pod. Thus, this video is either not flight 175 or it is flight 175 and someone has spliced in a pod and pod-shaped building damage to the video for some unknown reason. Either way, something is very fishy here. And if it is the latter, it was not done by 9/11 conspiracy theorists. It was done by the media-- since this video was shown on CNN and the pod structure is seen in a photo on Newsday. The only thing I can reasonable figure is that:
1) the plane that hit was clearly not a United 767, so people who controlled the footage fudged the film but couldn't cover up the pod device, or
2) the plane that hit was a specially hardened 767 that could slice through steel-columns and also had an extra device on its belly, or
3) the plane that hit was a hologram cloaking three or four cruise missiles. One missile for each engine, one missile for the pod and perhaps another missile for the body of the plane.

The problem is that all of these possibilities sound crazy and seem highly unlikely and thus we are left with a real conundrum about what happened. I have to think that number two requires the least number of people involved in the cover-up and thus is more likely.


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