Humint Events Online: Some Interesting Factoids on the Pentagon Hit

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Some Interesting Factoids on the Pentagon Hit

from Gallerize. Some of these I have seen before, others I haven't.
- the intelligence network of Al Gore, Jr. has established that the flying object was a relatively small cruise missile, launched from a U.S. aircraft carrier at sea
- in early 2003, the FBI told German police the flying object that hit the Pentagon was a U.S. Air Force cruise missile, confirming this same information
- Washington, D. C. has an elaborate missile defence shield that was deactivated
- a Boeing 757 cannot vaporize its 60+ tons of metal (physics; Gerard Holmgren)
- estimated 99% of the mass of the proposed Boeing 757 vaporized and are gone
- the two foregoing points stand unopposed by the government and all authors
- all physical evidence matches the intelligence findings of a small missile, no plane
- this explains why the FBI and the Pentagon are not releasing at least three security videos that would most likely prove that the flying object was no real Boeing 757
- the alleged small “plane parts” on the lawn are clearly fakes, painted wrong, wrong shape, wrong material, wrong rivets, etc., and today they are gone
- the “door crack” at ground level shows, in part: pillars busted outwards left standing outwards, walls displaced sideways (French bomb experts: signature mark of a shaped charge a/ka/ bunkerbuster, identified by its sideways thrust known as the “Mach stem effect” at ground level).
- Barbara Olson’s “AirPhone collect call” has been proven a government lie from the mouth of a former law partner of Ken Starr and Bush attorney, Theodore “Ted” Olson, the U.S. Solicitor General who admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court that it is okay if the government lies. This impossible collect call was the mainstay of the flimsy story that flight AA77 hit the Pentagon.
- Ted Olson represented Bush in Gore v. Bush in late 2000 and was instrumental in bribing the family of Justice Antonin Scalia with lucrative jobs.
- The Al Gore intelligence network has identified Barbara Olson in Belgium.
- No Arab ever boarded flight AA77 (published passenger lists).
- Alleged Arab hijackers are still alive today.
- FBI Bastard-in-Chief Robert Mueller admitted before the Commonwealth Club
- in San Francisco that there is no evidence against Arabs regarding 9-11.
- The U.S. government is blocking German 9-11 trials by withholding any evidence.
- Flight AA77 never existed on 9-11-1 (government database).
- Most all alleged passengers of flight AA77 were government leaders or leaders of the military-industrial complex.
- Researchers have been unable to locate any single victim family except Ted Olson.

I'm not sure why this guy refers to the "intelligence network of Al Gore, Jr.". But I like how this guy calls the official story believers "planehuggers". He also has a cute doodle diagram showing the problem with the hole in the Pentagon being made by a Boeing 757.


Blogger Lawson Copy Write said...

Can you publish any links to back up your evidence of these rather bold acusations? I have a hard time believing that a "fake" list of leaders of the "military industrial complex" as well as government leaders would not by now be big news to at least some renown skepts like Gore Vidal or Semour Hersh. They have proven they have no love of the Bush Admin. Also, If the the planes that flew into the Twin Towers were military in nature, what happened to the passengers of those flights? Are they in the the ocean?

9:52 PM  

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