Humint Events Online: A Grand Illusion?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A Grand Illusion?

What if the main story of 9/11 was completely totally wrong? What if the Pentagon was really hit by a Cruise missile and there was no 757 there at all? What if the crash of flight 175 into the South tower was a clever fake done by holograms and missiles? What if hijacked planes never hit these buildings?

This theory is so wild and far out that, even if it is god's own truth, I have to think that it would never gain any traction with the public at large. Thus, such a monstrous crime would never be uncovered.

In a way-- that is the genius of such an attack: it is so wild and inconceiveable that people simply have to accept "the big lie", because to question the official story automatically makes you a certified kook. It is the perfect crime because it hides itself in the cloak of a crazy conspiracy theory.

The one weakness in this craziness, I think, is the Pentagon hit-- where it is clear that a Boeing did not hit the wall. Concentrating on the intial hole made in the Pentagon, and simply asking questions, may be the only way to go if there is any point in pursuing 9/11.

If flight 175 hitting the South tower IS a cooked-up illusion-- and I'm not convinced it is-- it is almost not worth "going there". Perhaps it is better just to avoid that issue, for now anyway.


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