Humint Events Online: Would 9/11 Have Happened Under a President Gore?

Monday, September 13, 2004

Would 9/11 Have Happened Under a President Gore?

This is a question I have to ask myself and it is one of the hardest I have to deal with becuase it challenges my personal biases.

If you believe the official 9/11 story that Al Qaeda was behind 9/11, and that Bush had warnings of the attacks, then I have to say that I don't think 9/11 would have happened under a President Gore.

UNFORTUNATELY, I don't believe the official 9/11 story, so where does that leave me?

I will essentially dismiss the idea that either Bush or Clinton (hence Gore) knowingly and cynically planned terror attacks for cynical reasons. Clinton and Gore, after all, were no strangers to terrorism, after the '93 WTC bombing and the '95 Oklahoma City bombing. But I do not buy the idea that Clinton (hence Gore) were directly behind these episodes. Moreover, the '93 and '95 bombings were much more plausible than what we are being asked to believe for 9/11.

So-- one idea is that 9/11 was a Conservative/Republican special, designed to unify the country and to boost Bush's popularity after the massive disruptions to national unity caused by Clinton's impeachment and the election 2000 debacle. In this scenario, 9/11 may have been planned by Bush Sr. and Cheney, as way of propping up the fortunes of GWB, and reclaiming the Bush family name after the ignominious defeat of '92. These people appear to be such thugs I wouldn't put it past them.

But the other idea I have to put out is that 9/11 was essentially non-partisan-- it was engineered by the elements US National Security apparatus that are out of the control of elected politicians. These people have an agenda of various sorts (starting wars to maintain the military infrastructure, gaining access to oil, controlling the drug trade, and gaining more control over the US populace via things like the Patriot Act) for which nothing will stop them, even engineering a massive terror attack that kills thousands of US citizens.

Both theories seem equally plausible to me.

Of course, scenario one and scenario two overlap to some degree-- some of the same people are involved.

So, basically, my conclusion is that 9/11 could have happened under a President Gore, but I think it was much more likely to happen under President George W. Bush.


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