Humint Events Online: Dissecting Amy Sweeney's Last Words

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Dissecting Amy Sweeney's Last Words

"I see water and buildings. Oh my god! Oh my god!"

According to the official story, Amy Sweeney was on flight 11. She was supposedly speaking on an airphone right up until the plane crashed into the North tower.

What is striking is to look at the flight path of flight 11. From where flight 11 is coming from, we can safely assume flight 11 is approaching Manhattan from the north. Flight 11 comes straight down over Manhattan and then strikes the north face of the north tower. We don't know the exact path of flight 11 in relation to Manhattan, but it is clear that flight 11 flew north to south either directly over Manhattan or parallel to it. There was one report that flight 11 buzzed right over Manhattan, but this is unconfirmed.

In any case, Flight 11 must have been flying over or right next to Manhattan for at least a minute before striking the WTC.

If Amy Sweeney had access to a window, as she seems to have had, it is incomprehensible that as an experienced flight attendent, she wouldn't recognize the Manhattan area.

If the plane was approaching from the northeast, and she was on the right (west facing) side, she would definitely have recognized Manhattan. It is probably the most obvious skyline in the world. If the plane was approaching from the northeast, and she was on the left (east facing) side, you'd think she would recognize Queens, the approach to La Guardia, Shea Stadium and maybe even the Brooklyn skyline. She must have seen this view many times.

If the plane was approaching from the northwest, and she was on the left (east facing) side, then again, she would have recognized Manhattan. If the plane was approaching from the northwest, and she was on the right (west facing) side, she would have seen perhaps less distinguishing features, although the Hudson and the region across the Hudson from Manhattan is quite recognizable. Possibly, possibly if she saw this view, she might say "I see water and buildings". Though again, as an experienced flight attendent, she must have seen the region around Manhattan many times.

But, is it really believable that she was just looking out the window for the first time, and that she hadn't been tracking the flight path before this by visual ground cues? Why wouldn't she have given more clues about where the plane was going? Wouldn't this be critical info? Surely the people talking to her must have wondered where the plane was.

So what does "water" refer to, anyway? The Hudson river? The East river? While the plane was flying low, they weren't that low. I can't understand how water would be the first thing or most dominant thing she would see. And as I said, I don't see how she wouldn't have recognized Manhattan or the view on either side. So this part of her statement is very fishy.

Then "Oh my god! Oh my god!"

What is prompting her to say this? If she is looking out a side window, then she can't see that they are about to hit the WTC. She can't see what is right in front of the plane.

Is she saying "Oh my god! Oh my god!" when she realizes the plane is crashing? But the crash must have been incredibly violent, and it is hard to believe she would be able to speak these words into the phone as the plane is crashing. If nothing else, we should be able to hear a tremendous roar from the plane crashing.

Conceivably, she is saying "Oh my god! Oh my god!" as the plane goes into a kamikaze dive before it strikes the tower. But wouldn't she be likely to say "we're diving down", since she is an experienced flight attendent?

So the "Oh my god! Oh my god!" is fishy too.

If you want to give her the benefit of the doubt, you could say that she was so stressed out that she wasn't thinking clearly (even though during the call she was supposedly "very, very composed, very detailed"--see my post relating to this on Thursday, September 09, 2004 "The Call from Flight 11 Attendent Amy Sweeney-- Two Different Flight 11's?" with a link to a BBC article describing her call).

On the other hand, Sweeney's call clearly does not agree with Betty Ong's call, which was supposedly made on the same flight. Nor does Sweeney give the right seat numbers for the hijackers.

Since Sweeney's call ended at about the time the North tower was hit, and this was the first thing hit on 9/11, then we are left with two possibilites:

1) Sweeney was really on flight 11 which hit the North tower, and she just happens to make very vague and conflicting statements (even though she was also "very, very composed, very detailed").

2) The call is a fake.

Let's not forget that there is this bit from the BBC article: "Officials at American Airlines have been asked not to discuss the telephone call with the press".

I don't know about you, but this smells. It smells BAD.

Really-- I HATE to theorize about a conspiracy where US government officials faked calls in this way, but what other conclusions can we have?

Moreover, it is not as if there were no other reasons to doubt the calls on 9/11.
(see my post on Tuesday, August 24, 2004, "Cell Phone Calls on 9/11")

This is just nasty nasty stuff we are confronted with.

The people who perpetrated this fraud need to be brought to justice.


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