Humint Events Online: If You're Clinging to the Official 9/11 "Al Qaeda Did It" Story--

Sunday, January 01, 2006

If You're Clinging to the Official 9/11 "Al Qaeda Did It" Story--

--you probably think either the Bush administration did everything they could to prevent 9/11 (and you're probably a mainstream conservative), or you think the Bush administration's incompetence allowed 9/11 (and you're probably a mainstream Democrat).

If you think the Bush administration did everything they could to prevent 9/11, you are clearly delusional, and there is probably no reasoning with you. But I will pose this one question-- if Al Qaeda is so incredibly devious that they avoided the Bush administration's every effort to prevent the 9/11 attacks, WHY HASN'T AL QAEDA BEEN ABLE TO ATTACK AGAIN?

The answer, of course, is either Al Qaeda is not particularly devious and is not much of a threat (and if Al Qaeda is not particularly devious and is not much of a threat, how could they pull off the attacks in the first place?) OR the Bush administration did NOT do everything they could to prevent 9/11. Clearly, either way, the war on terror is based on a lie, and it is highly probable the Bush administration had control over the 9/11 attacks.

If you think the Bush administration's incompetence allowed 9/11, the question is: if the Bush administration is so incompetent, WHY HASN'T AL QAEDA BEEN ABLE TO ATTACK AGAIN?

The answer has to be that the Bush administration is NOT incompetent, because they have prevented further attacks. But if they are competent to prevent terror attacks, then they must have specifically allowed 9/11 in the first place.

If you are really confused about all this, I suggest checking out the following links:
1) Killtown's 150+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns'Found in the Mainstream Media
2) The Top 15 Reasons to doubt the official 9/11 story
3) 9/11 Proof

If you still need more information on why to doubt the official 9/11 story, I highly recommend any of the books listed on the right, below my e-mail address. A particularly good place to start is David Ray Griffin's "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11"


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