Humint Events Online: Why It Is So Critical To Understand That No Planes Were Used in the WTC Attacks:

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Why It Is So Critical To Understand That No Planes Were Used in the WTC Attacks:

because it completely reframes the argument for why the WTC twin towers collapsed.

No planes-- no plane damage, no jet fuel fires-- no possible explanation for why the towers collapsed except for demolition.


Blogger Unknown said...

dude, Ockham's Razor, according to the OffiCIAl Fiary Tale at least, states that it is easier for 19 IslamoFascistNaziSuperTroopersExtraordinaire© (don't ever even think of using this term Loftus) to outwit and outsmart the combined resources of law enforcement & the military, then to "just say" that is what happened, during an updated War of the Worlds redux broadcast.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Avery Dylan said...

Like hey man, I mean that would screw up the pods sequence.

I mean, I'd have to dump all those cool pictures.

Like, I mean, I have to make this thing more than a music video you know.

Hahaha Boxcutters!

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i never could understand why the pod has been downplayed to the extent that it has -
"pod people!" - ya, and?

i mean is that not an effin pod right there for the whole effin world to see? and the fact that it appears out of nowhere at the last moment makes it even more of an anomaly, but don't look at it!
oh i forgot - it doesn't matter what kind of planes hit the towers or even if what we saw on TV was merely an animation of a plane.
"ow my movement hurts!"

11:05 PM  
Blogger Avery Dylan said...


Is that you?

12:06 AM  
Blogger Avery Dylan said...

Like hey man, maybe the towers were never there to begin with?

I mean, Did you ever see them? I never did, and I'm an expert.

Just ask me about controled demolition, or the signature of high explosives.

Now that I sell hats, I have one to talk through.

9:36 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

Lovely-- now we have the disinfo goons impersonating real 9/11 skeptics.

A little unethical, to say the least.

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a waiter at a local restaurant saw the first impact (which the Naudets were in a perfect position to capture on video), and he saw a small commuter plane...IMHO the second plane could have been faked, but i'm not totally convinced yet...Fairbanks, Hlava, CameraPlanet and the "amateur" videographers have me thinking there was a Boeing, but I may be wrong...what a fuckin' Psy-Op...

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when you "no plane" morons get on a roll. It makes debunking so much easier...

yes it's fun to pretend that we're actually going to be doing some debunking (any minute now! make way for the debunking!), but we never quite get around to actually doing any debunking do we consmash?

7:23 PM  

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