Humint Events Online: Who's In Charge?

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Who's In Charge?

One scary thing about Bush was the seeming prospect that radical, apocalyptic Christian extremists were the ones in charge, and that they would blow the world up in quest of the rapture.

However, that clearly does not seem to be the case now with Obama.

But who exactly is in charge now? The banking elite? The "scientific" or "progressive" wing of the CIA? The military? Some combination of these three?

I'm not talking about the "ultimate" PTB, of course-- rather more of the interfacers more proximal to us ordinary humans. As explained by AP recently, the Bush and Obama Ops are ultimately part of the same greater Op.

So, any guesses for the proximal PTB?


Blogger K.L. Ashley said...

There are many subsets of the Global Ruling Elite. One is the Big Polluter/War Profiteer Group. They have no doubt spent countless millions on promoting the following:

Anybody claiming "Global Warming" is a lower form of human, likely retarded. An environ wacko.

Any aspect of same is fraught with fraud and deceit.

"Global Warming" is the only earth-destructing environmental factor associated with reckless disregard in the use of fossil fuels. No "global warming", free to pollute.

Promotion of "Global Warming" will certainly lead to economy-destroying "Carbon Tax".

Natural events on earth produce are far more detrimental to the health of the earth than all of human contributions (junk science).

Notwithstanding, why is Global Warming, in fact, not really an issue?

The time frame of the detrimental effects is 100 to 200 years.

1. Events of today will force a more responsible society. Thus, new evolving social, physical, and economic particulars will render fossil fuels non-competitive. This will be assured by the fact that only "coal" will remain for a significant number of years at the current rate of use.

Leave some for some grease. Save the whales.

2. If 1. does not occur, the earth will be returned to the animal species that have never been bent on destroying it.

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: the use of fossil fuels?

Abiotic Oil ...

3:09 PM  
Blogger K.L. Ashley said...

There is far more to the earth system than “Global Warming”.

The behavior of humans in the future is critical.

“Peak Oil” is truly a scam. Scarcity raises the price: something else then rises to the top. Like deeper wells in the US over the years.

Or humans adjust their behavior. There exists a huge slack,fluff at present in the US way, when push comes to shove.

There is always so much greed at stake that it gets in the way of human progress. Same to the way solar has been stymied.

But the entire huge weather system is driven by solar.

5:32 PM  
Blogger K.L. Ashley said...

The author of the Ambiotic oil article is a proponenet of this:

"..while they are promoted (no planes) by many well-meaning (but really stupid) people, they were probably created as part of an intentional disinformation strategy."

Yes, but what about being outnumbered a 100 to 1. That is arrogance. Show us a plane part!!!! Oh, but they say they can.

They must be invited to drive a Boeing in a simulation. These people have zero intuitive sense of the physical world. It is a crime that there is not a certification to have a web site on the topic.

6:32 PM  
Blogger nickname said...

Obama is a conventional politician and President. As such, he is heavily influenced by those whose financial support made it possible for him to win the election.

Since he wants to be re-elected in 2012, he is also heavily influenced
by polling data which inform him of whose bread would be worth buttering.

In addition, he is also aware of the need to avoid making unnecessary enemies who could make his re-election efforts more difficult than they might otherwise be. That is why he will not support single-payer healthcare nor anything which might jeopardize the rising profits of the military/security

There's nothing really magic about it at all. It is simply a matter of paying lipservice and tossing a few bones to his base while avoiding actions which might adversely impact the financial well-being of those who could make his re-election efforts difficult.

7:38 PM  
Blogger elenora123 said...

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Find Lawyer

12:47 AM  
Blogger K.L. Ashley said...

"he is also heavily influenced
by polling data"

which is totally controlled on the tube. Thus, 95 percent incumbents re-elected. Please the Ruling Elite first and foremost. It controls/owns the Tube (or LCD flat panel, same effect).

US bleeding them dry with "war", no return to them, flags everywhere in this town. Magic of the PR of the Media. Just ignore the real stuff.

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Watch this video ...

1:47 PM  
Blogger K.L. Ashley said...

David Howard,

"One sample was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later."

From sub link:

Health problem associated with radioactive material would contradict this. Is this like finding black boxes in the Pentagon? They should turn the WTC site into a park with park benches and in a few years it could be settled.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Focus on "9/11 Cancers"

Radioactive mini-nuke fragments strewn about in the rubble pile.

9:14 PM  
Blogger K.L. Ashley said...

Why do people want donations and to sell their book? Always suspicious of people who want to cash in on a tragedy, ongoing. Just what are the funds for, we wonder.

Like a fungus, there arises these "Research" sites that just keep dragging out the same old plagiarized standard material.

When certain names come up, sure scam.

11:09 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

engineer-- to whom are you referring in the last comment? Thanks.

7:46 AM  
Blogger K.L. Ashley said...

Has parts in inter ring! Makes Sandia comparison! Amazing! Where is the confetti?

8:59 AM  

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