Humint Events Online: 9/11 and the Media

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

9/11 and the Media

A commenter on the Rigorous Intuition blog left this comment and I think this is an important point:
"the orchestrators of 9/11 are happy to see a "9/11 Truth Movement" materialize because it frames any inquiry into the crimes as "conspiracy," effectively ghettoizing legitimate inquiry. I wish that wasn't the case, but in the mediasphere it's a truism. Once the wall of "conspiracy" goes up it becomes monolithic, and people on both sides disappear from each others' view, the conspiracists degenerating into nit-picking squabbles over scraps of evidence and the programmed mass of consumers returning to their regularly scheduled programs."
I think this is quite true and I think one thing 9/11 researchers need to do is to get on better terms with the media because right now they are shutting each other off when they could really help each other considerably.

Granted the mainstream media coverage of 9/11 has been atrocious and propaganda-laden and this has turned away people like me. Thus I have a hard time trusting the mainstream media at all now. But to truly obtain any sort of traction on 9/11, we need the media on our side. I really don't know what to do about this. How can we win the media onto our side? Is this possible at all? Heck-- it seems we have a hard time even reaching liberal bloggers who hate the Bush administration. Any suggestions for how to change this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, what would this person who made tha comment on the RI blog have us do!?? just sit back, take a deep breath and say "ho hum...nothing we can do so let's just not even try"!?? i say HELL NO!

the mainstream media coverage so far (read: NONE) of the alternative view of what happened on 9/11 and who was really behind it, if you have educated yourself on just who REALLY controls ALL major media outlets in this country, should come as absolutely NO SURPRISE. If you followed or read about the Church Hearings in the 1970's, you would have learned that ALL MAJOR U.S. media institutions have been infiltrated FROM DAY ONE by the CIA. Of course not the little insignificant beat reporter...for he/she doesn't decide what gets put on the air. I'm talking about the true decision makers in the upper echelons of the "news" offices. THEY decide what you as an American come to believe as news. This is proven, documeted fact. US 'news' is massaged and manipulated at the highest NO WONDER we haven't heard a PEEP about all the things you and i know about the total farce that is the "official" story of 9/11. And YOU NEVER WILL. Mark my words. REAL, TRUE, dissenting VALID stories, backed up BY FACT, WILL NEVER make it out to a mass US audience via CNNBCBSABCFOX ETC. That is the sad state of media in this so-called "Free" country. US media, for those who know, is nothing more than thinly-veiled propaganda. Nothing more. Do you remember ANY mainstream media outlets reporting what HUNDREDS of BLOGS knew? Mainly that the whole WMD scare tactics was a FARSE. Not ONE did. But the many blogs I visit all did. That tells you the so-called "mainstream" media is merely a tool and an arm of the powers that be.

Forget about ever seeing hard pieces like the kind on your site on mainstream places like ABC,CNN ETC.

Once you realize this truth, you can move on to more realistic and productive ways to get this truth that 9/11 was a scam out. Otherwise, you're just banging your head agianst the proverbial wall. Completely FUTILE effort.

5:52 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

You're absolutely right Rob--it's depressing as hell, but you're right.

One idea that might work is to go to the smaller local media outlets and try to get them to report on 9/11 skepticism. The big media is clearly bought by corporate American and Republicans and there's nothing we can do to change that.

Sometimes however I dream of trying to appeal to the consciences of big media-- at least to give it a try. Write some real paper letters to the presidents of these organizations. But I just haven't had the time or energy to do that of late.

7:29 AM  
Blogger Los said...

hey spooked,
a problem you might encounter when trying to apeal to the consciences of big media is that THEY DON"T HAVE ANY! They are apathethic sterilized robots with NO CARE FOR HUMANITY. The roots of the media also is quite telling in some revelations in relation to the 9/11 movement. There is much credible speculation that 9/11 was carried out by the Mossad along with the knowledge of several US intelligence agencies, namely the NSA among others. Many of top US officials are racist zionists or are in line with the zionist cause, as is the same situation with the US media. This has been going on for decades and is by no means a new method of control. The Nazi regime came to power quickly and had a relatively free press which they had to silence quickly, so it is censurship occuring on a more obvious level. However, the US media has been controled for many years so no one misses what they never had...the truth.

10:52 AM  

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