The Final Nail In The Coffin: Irrefutable Proof the Flight 93 Crash Scene Is a Lie
As I have discussed previously (for instance, here and here and here and here), there are many reasons to think the official flight 93 crash story is a lie.
Here I offer rock-solid proof that the official flight 93 crash story is a lie.
Here is an aerial view of the crater, from the southwest, looking northeast. The plane officially came from the north, and thus would have come from the top of the picture. Notice the wing scars are towards the top, northern side of the crater-- this is important. Also, notice the apparent tail imprint made on the north side of the crater. This mark was described as a tail imprint in the book "Among the Heroes", written about flight 93.

Now, the issue is, what attitude was the plane before impact to make this crater, officially?
According the the official NTSB report, the plane impacted the ground in an inverted position, at a 40 degree angle nose down. The upside-down or inverted attitude of the plane is also noted by wikipedia and by "Among the Heroes" (Jere Longman, Harper-Collins 2002, p215).
Thus, the government is telling a story where the plane was inverted before it impacted-- that the plane was upside-down or belly up as it hit the earth.
The tail-mark at the north part of the crater in the aerial picture above supports the upside-down story as well. A tail mark made by a plane going southwards can ONLY be produced at the north side of the crater if the plane was going upside-down when it impacts.
So what does it look like when the plane is going upside-down when it impacts? How would the plane FIT in the crater?
I'm going to use this picture, where the camera is looking down one of the wing scars, to the west. North is to the right and south is to the left. Thus, the plane would come from the right.

Here is a diagram, with a plane superimposed onto the crater, using the picture above. (The tail end of the plane is cut off in this diagram because of size.)
(click to enlarge image)

Immediately, you should see there is a problem.
Even if the fuselage impacts at the very north part of the crater, THERE IS NO WAY THE WINGS CAN IMPACT THE GROUND TO PRODUCE THE WING SCARS.
The wings simply do not line up in the right place.
If you move the fuselage so that it impacts the ground further to the left (further southwards), the wing alignment problem is even worse.
Further, it is impossible for the plane to flip backwards as it impacts, to have the wings produce the side scars, particularly when the plane (officially) is going 563 mph.
If anything, the wings are going to slide further southwards as the plane breaks up, and make marks further south of the crater.
I submit this wing alignment problem as rock-solid proof that the official flight 93 crash story is a lie.
Curiously, the wings DO LINE UP with the side scars, if the plane is right side up, as shown below--

However, if the plane was in fact right-side up as it impacted, why a) is the government lying about it, and b) what made the "tail" scar on the northern edge of the crater???
I don't know exactly what happened at this crash scene.
I strongly suspect the crater was made artificially, to make it LOOK as though an airplane crashed there, and then plane debris was strewn around the site. Perhaps a bomb or projectile of some sort was used to create the damage.
Here I offer rock-solid proof that the official flight 93 crash story is a lie.
Here is an aerial view of the crater, from the southwest, looking northeast. The plane officially came from the north, and thus would have come from the top of the picture. Notice the wing scars are towards the top, northern side of the crater-- this is important. Also, notice the apparent tail imprint made on the north side of the crater. This mark was described as a tail imprint in the book "Among the Heroes", written about flight 93.

Now, the issue is, what attitude was the plane before impact to make this crater, officially?
According the the official NTSB report, the plane impacted the ground in an inverted position, at a 40 degree angle nose down. The upside-down or inverted attitude of the plane is also noted by wikipedia and by "Among the Heroes" (Jere Longman, Harper-Collins 2002, p215).
Thus, the government is telling a story where the plane was inverted before it impacted-- that the plane was upside-down or belly up as it hit the earth.
The tail-mark at the north part of the crater in the aerial picture above supports the upside-down story as well. A tail mark made by a plane going southwards can ONLY be produced at the north side of the crater if the plane was going upside-down when it impacts.
So what does it look like when the plane is going upside-down when it impacts? How would the plane FIT in the crater?
I'm going to use this picture, where the camera is looking down one of the wing scars, to the west. North is to the right and south is to the left. Thus, the plane would come from the right.

Here is a diagram, with a plane superimposed onto the crater, using the picture above. (The tail end of the plane is cut off in this diagram because of size.)
(click to enlarge image)

Immediately, you should see there is a problem.
Even if the fuselage impacts at the very north part of the crater, THERE IS NO WAY THE WINGS CAN IMPACT THE GROUND TO PRODUCE THE WING SCARS.
The wings simply do not line up in the right place.
If you move the fuselage so that it impacts the ground further to the left (further southwards), the wing alignment problem is even worse.
Further, it is impossible for the plane to flip backwards as it impacts, to have the wings produce the side scars, particularly when the plane (officially) is going 563 mph.
If anything, the wings are going to slide further southwards as the plane breaks up, and make marks further south of the crater.
I submit this wing alignment problem as rock-solid proof that the official flight 93 crash story is a lie.
Curiously, the wings DO LINE UP with the side scars, if the plane is right side up, as shown below--

However, if the plane was in fact right-side up as it impacted, why a) is the government lying about it, and b) what made the "tail" scar on the northern edge of the crater???
I don't know exactly what happened at this crash scene.
I strongly suspect the crater was made artificially, to make it LOOK as though an airplane crashed there, and then plane debris was strewn around the site. Perhaps a bomb or projectile of some sort was used to create the damage.
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