Humint Events Online: Who Is Really In Control and What Is Their Goal?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Who Is Really In Control and What Is Their Goal?

I welcome everyone to leave their ideas here in comments.

I guess I should note that I strongly prefer non-mystical, non-supernatural, non-religious explanations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bald dwarf in a white van parked on the corner of 5th and 22nd in Brooklyn.

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same guys who brought us WWI and WWII

They're not even trying very hard to hide themselves. They figure the smart people will figure out how to jump on the bandwagon while the majority will be happy to become cannon fodder. They don't even bother thinking up new names for themselves.

1:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I should note that I strongly prefer non-mystical, non-supernatural, non-religious explanations.


That's hilarious, coming from you Spook.

3:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I should note that I strongly prefer non-mystical, non-supernatural, non-religious explanations.

You "prefer"? How about asking for what people *really* believe instead of what you "prefer"?

I'm sure you would "prefer" everyone blame Jenna and Barb for the state of the world. I'm sure you would "prefer" everyone blame the entire Bush Family Evil Empire (BFEE) for the state of the galaxy.

Who gives a fuck what you "prefer".

You are a moron and an idiot - but I repeat myself.

7:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Attention anonymouse 7:58 SHILL -

Belief is related to faith, as in religion. Maybe YOU are paid to "believe in and worship" right-wing ideas as your "Lord and Saviour" - but I don't.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is in control is not so hard to imagine. The usual elites. Former security chiefs, top bankers, and heads of private law firms. Why is slightly harder. It's hard to imagine. My best shot is looming financial catastrophe. Basically, the world financial position is so precarious that to tell the truth would trigger a stock market panic, then a bank collapse, followed by a collapse in world trade, shortages of fuel and food and rioting and panic. On the other hand, not telling the truth results in the financial situation continuing to worsen.

The insiders feel they have to do something to put matters to rights, but they don't want us to panic. Therefore, they require increased secrecy and social control in order to over-ride the market and stop us finding out the truth.

The insiders don't consider themselves evil. They consider they are acting for the best. They knowingly kill thousands. They believe it is essential to save billions.

They are like gamblers who have blown the inheritance, but are now pawning the wife's jewels to try to win the money back 'just for her sake'.

While they murder, steal, and lie, they believe they are on the side of good.

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I go for a less "exciting" conspiracy and think that Bush's backers want the big war so that they can make lots of money off of Oil and Defense. They got him into office, now it's his job to make good on his promises. Israel wants US support to help them crack down on the Arabs and weaken the neighboring countries, so they helped out too.

The war is just another big piece of "pork" and Bush Cheney brought home the bacon for their supporters. Maybe they think they're doing something in the "national interest", but I doubt that they even care. It was his job to be a "war president" so that's exactly what he's doing.

They could care less about the men and women in uniform or the civilians they murder. It's just a game to them. Besides, with our "all volunteer" Army, they feel justified using it however they feel like.

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is in control? we are. deal with it.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:15, good one, ass-hole...
PNAC, CFR, Congress, Wall Street, Lawyers, White House, Heads of State, State Dept/CIA, NSA, DHS, FEMA, the Military and it's war contractors/profiteers, defense, intelligence agencies/Feds/Spooks...Oil, natural gas, and mining corporations (gold, silver, copper, minerals, metals, etc), the Fortune 500 and their lobbyists in DC...
hedge funds, private equity firms: blackstone, goldman sachs, huge insurance companies like AIG, CIA-connected firms such as Kroll, In-Q-Tel, Marsh and McLennan, and whomever profited from the put-options trading in the days leading to S-11...

11:38 AM  

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