
Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the paranormal and the general unknown.
Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, a top official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality.The Mercola piece says Lindsey was critical for pushing the H1N1 vaccine, but I was not able to verify that in any independent article. Not that I doubt it, but I would have like to have seen her exact role.
Dr. Lindsey, who joined the CDC in 1999, is currently the deputy director for the Laboratory Science Policy and Practice Program Office. She's second in command of the program office.
Prior to that role, she was the senior health scientist in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, an office that oversees the allocation process for $1.5 billion in terrorism preparedness.
Ordinary people have to borrow their money at market rates. Lloyd Blankfein and Jamie Dimon get billions of dollars for free, from the Federal Reserve. They borrow at zero and lend the same money back to the government at two or three percent, a valuable public service otherwise known as "standing in the middle and taking a gigantic cut when the government decides to lend money to itself."
Or the banks borrow billions at zero and lend mortgages to us at four percent, or credit cards at twenty or twenty-five percent. This is essentially an official government license to be rich, handed out at the expense of prudent ordinary citizens, who now no longer receive much interest on their CDs or other saved income. It is virtually impossible to not make money in banking when you have unlimited access to free money, especially when the government keeps buying its own cash back from you at market rates.
Your average chimpanzee couldn't fuck up that business plan, which makes it all the more incredible that most of the too-big-to-fail banks are nonetheless still functionally insolvent, and dependent upon bailouts and phony accounting to stay above water. Where do the protesters go to sign up for their interest-free billion-dollar loans?
CREDIT AMNESTY. If you or I miss a $7 payment on a Gap card or, heaven forbid, a mortgage payment, you can forget about the great computer in the sky ever overlooking your mistake. But serial financial fuckups like Citigroup and Bank of America overextended themselves by the hundreds of billions and pumped trillions of dollars of deadly leverage into the system -- and got rewarded with things like the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, an FDIC plan that allowed irresponsible banks to borrow against the government's credit rating.
This is equivalent to a trust fund teenager who trashes six consecutive off-campus apartments and gets rewarded by having Daddy co-sign his next lease. The banks needed programs like TLGP because without them, the market rightly would have started charging more to lend to these idiots. Apparently, though, we can’t trust the free market when it comes to Bank of America, Goldman, Sachs, Citigroup, etc.
In a larger sense, the TBTF banks all have the implicit guarantee of the federal government, so investors know it's relatively safe to lend to them -- which means it's now cheaper for them to borrow money than it is for, say, a responsible regional bank that didn't jack its debt-to-equity levels above 35-1 before the crash and didn't dabble in toxic mortgages. In other words, the TBTF banks got better credit for being less responsible. Click on to see if you got the same deal.
STUPIDITY INSURANCE. Defenders of the banks like to talk a lot about how we shouldn't feel sorry for people who've been foreclosed upon, because it's they're own fault for borrowing more than they can pay back, buying more house than they can afford, etc. And critics of OWS have assailed protesters for complaining about things like foreclosure by claiming these folks want “something for nothing.”
This is ironic because, as one of the Rolling Stone editors put it last week, “something for nothing is Wall Street’s official policy." In fact, getting bailed out for bad investment decisions has been de rigeur on Wall Street not just since 2008, but for decades.
Time after time, when big banks screw up and make irresponsible bets that blow up in their faces, they've scored bailouts. It doesn't matter whether it was the Mexican currency bailout of 1994 (when the state bailed out speculators who gambled on the peso) or the IMF/World Bank bailout of Russia in 1998 (a bailout of speculators in the "emerging markets") or the Long-Term Capital Management Bailout of the same year (in which the rescue of investors in a harebrained hedge-fund trading scheme was deemed a matter of international urgency by the Federal Reserve), Wall Street has long grown accustomed to getting bailed out for its mistakes.
The 2008 crash, of course, birthed a whole generation of new bailout schemes. Banks placed billions in bets with AIG and should have lost their shirts when the firm went under -- AIG went under, after all, in large part because of all the huge mortgage bets the banks laid with the firm -- but instead got the state to pony up $180 billion or so to rescue the banks from their own bad decisions.
An Iraq war veteran has a fractured skull and brain swelling after allegedly being hit by a police projectile.An account of the Oakland protests and police actions.
Scott Olsen is in a "critical condition" in Highland hospital in Oakland, a hospital spokesman confirmed.
Olsen, 24, suffered the head injury during protests in Oakland on Tuesday evening. More than 15 people were arrested after a crowd gathered to demonstrate against the police operation to clear two Occupy Oakland camps in the early hours of Tuesday morning. (snip)
Carpenter said she was told by a doctor at the hospital that Olsen had a skull fracture and was in a "serious but stable" condition. She said he had been sedated and was unconscious.
"I'm just absolutely devastated that someone who did two tours of Iraq and came home safely is now lying in a US hospital because of the domestic police force," Carpenter said.
Olsen had only moved to Oakland in July, Carpenter said. He is a member of Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War, and met Carpenter through her work with the civilian soldier alliance. (snip)
Shannon, who is also 24, said he had seen the video footage showing Olsen lying on the floor as a police officer throws an explosive device near him.
"It's terrible to go over to Iraq twice and come back injured, and then get injured by the police that are supposed to be protecting us," he said.
He said Olsen had served two tours of Iraq, in 2006 and 2007. Olsen was in 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines with Shannon before leaving the military in 2010.
He moved to the San Francisco area in July and works for Opswat, a software company, living with Shannon in Daly City, just south of San Francisco.
Shannon said Olsen was hit in the head by a tear gas canister or smoke canister shot by a police officer. He said Olsen had a curved scar on his forehead consistent with a canister. (snip)
Video footage published to YouTube shows Olsen lying prone in front of a line of police. Around 10 people gather around him in an apparent attempt to provide aid, before a police officer throws an explosive device into their midst, scattering the group.
Footage captured after the explosion, which appears to be from a flash bang grenade, shows Olsen being carried away by a group of people.
Oakland police confirmed at a press conference that they used tear gas and baton rounds, but said they did not use flash bang grenades. Police could not be immediately reached for comment.
At the time of this writing I am filled with rage. Occupy Oakland, on its second week, was raided by an overwhelming force of approximately 800 police in riot gear. I was there, ready to defend when police from all entrances to Oscar Grant Plaza rushed in with sticks and began beating people. Their tactics were simple but effective: rush in with overwhelming numbers and push out those that intended to stay for a fight, slowly crush resilience of those who took up the tactic of civil disobedience by linking arms and protecting the camp. They beat people with sticks, shot people with rubber bullets, obliterated ear-drums with flash-bang grenades, and choked them with tear gas.
More than halfway through Barack Obama’s first term as president, little has changed from the Bush era when it comes to issues such as the War on Terror, civil liberties, militarism, corporate influence on government, secrecy, and environmental policy. This can by no means be blamed only on Republican obstructionism. Little Hope for Change compares the track records of the two presidents, and summarizes how Obama’s actual policies contrast with his lofty rhetoric.
Bank of America Corp. (BAC), hit by a credit downgrade last month, has moved derivatives from its Merrill Lynch unit to a subsidiary flush with insured deposits, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.
The Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. disagree over the transfers, which are being requested by counterparties, said the people, who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly. The Fed has signaled that it favors moving the derivatives to give relief to the bank holding company, while the FDIC, which would have to pay off depositors in the event of a bank failure, is objecting, said the people. The bank doesn’t believe regulatory approval is needed, said people with knowledge of its position. (snip)
Bank of America’s holding company -- the parent of both the retail bank and the Merrill Lynch securities unit -- held almost $75 trillion of derivatives at the end of June, according to data compiled by the OCC. About $53 trillion, or 71 percent, were within Bank of America NA, according to the data, which represent the notional values of the trades.
On January 1, 2012, the State Department will command a hired army of about 5,500 security contractors, all to protect the largest U.S. diplomatic presence anywhere overseas.The State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security does not have a promising record when it comes to managing its mercenaries. The 2007 Nisour Square shootings by State’s security contractors, in which 17 Iraqi civilians were killed, marked one of the low points of the war. Now, State will be commanding a much larger security presence, the equivalent of a heavy combat brigade. In July, Danger Room exclusively reported that the Department blocked the Congressionally-appointed watchdog for Iraq from acquiring basic information about contractor security operations, such as the contractors’ rules of engagement.
That means no one outside the State Department knows how its contractors will behave as they ferry over 10,000 U.S. State Department employees throughout Iraq — which, in case anyone has forgotten, is still a war zone. Since Iraq wouldn’t grant legal immunity to U.S. troops, it is unlikely to grant it to U.S. contractors, particularly in the heat and anger of an accident resulting in the loss of Iraqi life.
... the Obama administration has been working for months to persuade, pressure and cajole Iraq to allow U.S. troops to remain in that country beyond the deadline [previously agreed upon by the Bush administration]. The reason they’re being withdrawn isn’t because Obama insisted on this, but because he tried — but failed — to get out of this obligation. Again, listen to the White House itself:
The Status of Forces Agreement between the United States and Iraq expires at the end of the year. Officials had been discussing the possibility of maintaining several thousand U.S. troops to train Iraqi security forces, and the Iraqis wanted troops to stay but would not give them immunity, a key demand of the administration. . . .
“The Iraqis wanted additional troops to stay,” an administration official said. “We said here are the conditions, including immunities. But the Iraqis because of a variety of reasons wanted the troops and didn’t want to give immunity.”
The Obama administration — as it’s telling you itself — was willing to keep troops in Iraq after the 2011 deadline (indeed, they weren’t just willing, but eager). The only reason they aren’t is because the Iraqi Government refused to agree that U.S. soldiers would be immunized if they commit serious crimes, such as gunning down Iraqis without cause. As we know, the U.S. is not and must never be subject to the rule of law when operating on foreign soil (and its government and owners must never be subject to the rule of law in any context). So Obama was willing (even desirous) to keep troops there, but the Iraqis refused to meet his demands...
Some choice quotes from Glenn Greenwald:In the days before a CIA drone strike killed al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki last month, his 16-year-old son ran away from the family home in Yemen’s capital of Sanaa to try to find him, relatives say. When he, too, was killed in a U.S. airstrike Friday, the Awlaki family decided to speak out for the first time since the attacks.
“To kill a teenager is just unbelievable, really, and they claim that he is an al-Qaeda militant. It’s nonsense,” said Nasser al-Awlaki, a former Yemeni agriculture minister who was Anwar al-Awlaki’s father and the boy’s grandfather, speaking in a phone interview from Sanaa on Monday. “They want to justify his killing, that’s all.”
The teenager, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen who was born in Denver in 1995, and his 17-year-old Yemeni cousin were killed in a U.S. military strike that left nine people dead in southeastern Yemen.
The young Awlaki was the third American killed in Yemen in as many weeks. Samir Khan, an al-Qaeda propagandist from North Carolina, died alongside Anwar al-Awlaki.
Up to 300,000 Spanish babies were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five decades, a new investigation reveals.
The children were trafficked by a secret network of doctors, nurses, priests and nuns in a widespread practice that began during General Franco’s dictatorship and continued until the early Nineties.
Hundreds of families who had babies taken from Spanish hospitals are now battling for an official government investigation into the scandal. Several mothers say they were told their first-born children had died during or soon after they gave birth. But the women, often young and unmarried, were told they could not see the body of the infant or attend their burial.
In reality, the babies were sold to childless couples whose devout beliefs and financial security meant that they were seen as more appropriate parents.
By The Anonymous Physicist , Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved
The trials of old or new celebrities serve many functions for the PTB. They act as diversions to keep the masses concerned with things other than what they should be. And with the particulars of each such trial, there are often various messages, if you know how to look.
The murder of Meredith Kercher occurred in Perugia, Italy, on November 1, 2007. Kercher, aged 21, was a British exchange student. She was sexually assaulted and stabbed several times. Some of her belongings were stolen. Rudy Guede, a resident of Perugia, was convicted on October 28, 2008 of the rape and murder of Kercher. He is a citizen of Côte d'Ivoire [formerly the Ivory Coast] in West Africa. Shortly before Kercher's murder, he was arrested in Milan after breaking into a nursery school to sleep there. Police found him holding an 11-inch knife.
But Seattle exchange student, Amanda Knox has become a celebrity in this case. She was set free on October 3, 2011, at the conclusion of the Appelate Court’s ruling, after being found guilty originally, three years earlier. A flatmate of Kercher’s, her actions on the night in question, and ever since, are strange. She supposedly took a shower with Meredith’s blood all over the place that night. Where she was or was not when the police arrived has changed. Questions arise as to why the very pretty Knox was so frequently seen smiling during her first trial. Some ask why her defense counsel did not advise against that. I would put it otherwise. Even though only 18, at the time, the circumstances would make most sternly endure the trial, without showing any signs of humor or joy. I would ask whether she was told to smile?… That is, perhaps she was told she would be “found” innocent by the PTB, who were lying to her. Is she and her family connected to some secret society and/or intel agency? Could the plan have involved a guilty finding in the first stage, with the later finding of innocence? The “foxy Knoxy”—as the media labeled her during the first trial—is now said to soon be a multi-millionaire for upcoming interviews, book and movie rights. DNA insufficiency and/or police tampering was cited in the Appellate court’s ruling to free Knox and Sollecito.
Now is this murder a simple matter, with Guede “merely” an evil person who acted alone to rape and/or steal? Or were Knox and her convicted, and now acquitted, Italian boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, involved in some ritualistic rape, or otherwise acted in collusion? The Italian prosecutor had alleged that this was a satanic, ritualistic rape. On one hand, I say it is good to publicize such things, as such affairs are almost never publicly proclaimed by Govt authorities. Of course, the final outcome may indicate that the purpose was to cast doubt on the existence of such matters all along, given the final ruling. Guede certainly knows what happened. Curiously his sentence was reduced from 30 to 16 years on appeal. Why, if he is guilty, was his sentence reduced?
There are many who believe Knox is really guilty, and many who think she was framed regarding DNA evidence. I have not studied this enough to make up my mind. But Knox changed her story at least 3 times, allegedly lying and saying that her former employer, Diya “Patrick” Lumumba did it. She was convicted of lying about this, and was sentenced to several years in jail for that, which was upheld by the Appellate Court, which ruled that the time she already served was sufficient for that sentence.
Diya "Patrick" Lumumba, some internet sources claim, is the grandson of assassinated Congo leader Patrice Lumumba. The latter was a Congolese independence leader and the first elected Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, after he helped win its independence from Belgium in June 1960. Lumumba was tortured and murdered on January 17, 1961. He had been a beer salesman until shortly before becoming a rebel leader and then Prime Minister. While the Belgians granted independence to the Congo officially, they set things up, á la Great Britain, for continual 2-party conflict from the beginning, with a President who opposed Lumumba to co-rule.
To his credit, Lumumba gave a remarkable speech when “King” Leopold III was addressing the first assembly of the new nation, and praised his father’s rule over the Congo. Lumumba set him straight in his own following speech, against recommendations to go along. The Belgians were immensely evil, in fact, in the rule and rape of the people and country of the Congo for some 80 years. The Congo continues to be beset with war, strife, and mass murder and rape. Some allege that the PTB are involved due to the abundance of rare earth minerals used in cell phones and such. This may be true. Or it may be deeper. I would always say “look at the Uranium…”
I have not been able to verify if Diya "Patrick" Lumumba is indeed the grandson of Patrice Lumumba as sources allege. If so, it is fascinating and possibly related. And may tie in with the prosecution’s charge that a “satanic” rape was involved with the death of Kercher. People—and their families—who are allowed, or made, to rule any country often have some connection to the PTB, bloodlines, and such.
Then we come to the Conrad Murray, M.D trial in the death/murder of Michael Jackson. I have previously written my conclusion that Murray is a life-long asset of one of the secret societies and British intel agencies. And that the latter had overall command of the assassination of Jackson. Recall the EMT dispatch operator had a 33 in his ID #. And I cited the author— Ian Halperin—who wrote six months prior, predicting that MJ would be dead to within a day of the day he died. So MITOP! Halperin has been a favorite of the London papers. Halperin claimed that he knew that MJ had severe, genetic lung disease that was about to kill him. During the current trial, Lou Ferrgino testified MJ was physically well and fit. So Halperin got the cause all wrong, even though the date was correct to within 24 hours!
Some interesting things have come out so far during the trial. Murray, in his interview with detectives actually claimed he was trying to wean MJ off of Propofol and drugs. All Murray’s actions indicate he made MJ into a drug addict. Proper medical care for someone who has trouble going to, or staying, asleep is to first get the person tested for sleep apnea (polysomnograph). If sleep apnea is found, then there are various remedies including CPAP/BiPaP breathing devices, dental appliances, surgery, etc—depending on whether obstructive or central sleep apnea is found. Sleep apnea is a very common illness, especially in the over 40 crowd. But many jerks with medical degrees serve only as drug pushers, and never look for causative factors.
But in the MJ case, it is clear Murray made a severe drug addict out of Jackson, although there may also have been others before him who did likewise. Or maybe not, at least to that great extent. Jackson had previously been doing some holistic things, as evidenced by his seeing the holistic nurse practitioner, Cherlilyn Lee. One online tabloid has stated that some very incriminating evidence was found in a locker in Las Vegas where Murray hid Propofol and other evidence. Curiously the article said, Murray had stopped paying for renting the locker, and so the owner opened it, and gave the evidence to the police. It looks like Murray or his handlers set him up on that one.
Murray has been caught in many lies now. There are differing timelines as to whether he waited 20 minutes, all the way up to an hour and 20 minutes before getting someone to call for an ambulance, after MJ’s crisis began. All the while he had his own cell phone, and was calling girlfriends—perhaps an alibi ruse. The EMTs who arrived wanted to call this as a DOA, but Murray prevented that. Jackson was already cold and gone. Murray saw to that, it is asserted here. I have stated that the overdose was deliberate, and that Murray did nothing to try to save Jackson, until he was irretrievably gone. Then he put on an act of doing CPR, getting others to call an ambulance etc.
I have said that Murray should also have been charged with premeditated murder, as I believe this was a planned assassination. Some of MJ’s family have said likewise, and some screaming fans say that everyday outside the court, as the defense attorneys leave. So the whole plan appears to be that their agent Conrad Murray will be found guilty of a far lesser charge than what he is really guilty of, and will serve a small sentence, then book and movie deals etc. MJ was killed probably for starting to reveal too much about the PTB and what he went through—as a young sex slave given over by his father.
The most blatant case here of secret society control of the general society may be that of
Rebecca Zahau. She was a Burmese-born 32-year-old woman discovered dead on July 13, 2011, in a historic mansion in Coronado, California. She was the attractive girlfriend of Medicis Pharmaceutical CEO Jonah Shacknai, age 54. Zahau's death occurred two days after Shacknai's 6-year-old son Max fell from a staircase banister in the same mansion. San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore announced on September 2, 2011 that Zahau's death was a suicide, and ruled Max Shacknai's death was an accident, and that neither was the result of foul play. Zahau's family members vigorously dispute the suicide contention.
Zahau had been previously married, but dated Shacknai for several years before getting divorced in 2011, and Wiki reports that she had a previous conviction for shoplifting $1,000 worth of jewelry from a department store. Jonah Shacknai, Wiki states was involved in numerous instances of domestic violence against, or with, his second wife, Dina Romano, according to Arizona police records.
Zahau's teenage sister Xena was there when Max Shacknai fell on July 11. Wiki says, Max died on July 16 due to “brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation resulting from his injuries. However, a trauma doctor who examined Max stated to police that he did not believe Max's visible injuries from his fall were consistent with the cardiac arrest and brain swelling experienced by him, and suggested that Max may have suffocated prior to his fall. On July 12, the day before her death, Zahau went to the airport to drop off her 13-year old sister for her flight back to Missouri, and then picked up Shacknai's brother Adam Shacknai, who had just arrived on a flight from Memphis.
Adam Shacknai stated that he found Zahau nude, hanging from a balcony, with her wrists and ankles tied with electrical wiring, at roughly 6:45 AM on the morning of July 13. He called 911 at 6:48 AM, and then sent a text message to his brother to inform him of the news. He cut the body down prior to police's arrival, so they did not see it hanging.
The autopsy found tape residue on Zahau’s legs, and four unexplained instances of head trauma. This did not stop the suicide “finding.” Zahau’s family is vehement that Rebecca loved life and would never have killed herself. The binding of the hands and feet, the shaming nude corpse, and footprints not properly analyzed all point to a malicious murder. Furthermore a neighbor has come forward and said that twice he called police to report a woman screaming in that house that night, and that the police blew him off.
This one is clearly a murder and cover-up by authorities. The PTB helped make Shacknai’s start-up pharmaceutical company into a wealthy enterprise. Note the name “Medicis.” This is the kind of thing that involves membership in a secret society, and also intel agency involvement. While the CIA usually gets credit for such involvement, the foul NSA is perhaps more often involved in making secret society higher ups very wealthy. The NSA is some 10 times larger than the CIA. I have revealed the NSA’s main raison d’etre is electronic code breaking so as to attempt to disable the Quarantine. But they are involved in all sorts of foul play all over the world, and inside the USA, despite former protestations that this wasn’t the case—until the “Patriot Act.”
The best articles on the Zahau murder and cover-up have been at Do not be judgmental at its tabloid nature. In the USA, some of the tabloid’s and their authors, have a history of being more honest and dedicated to uncovering the truth of what goes on than all the phony MSM “journalists” put together. The murder of Dorothy Kilgallen and her assistant—via “suicide”—after DK interviewed Jack Ruby, is but one instance of this. The “gossip reporter” said she was going to blow Johnson and the new Govt out of the water [or words to that effect] just before her murder.
The Globe, issue of March 17, 1992 printed enlarged photos showing SS agent William Greer firing the fatal head shot that killed President Kennedy. They even were able to show some gun exhaust in one photo. Did the Globe, and its staff or publisher pay a great price for revealing the true killer of President Kennedy? In 2001, after 9/11, the offices of American Media in Boca Raton, Florida, were allegedly attacked with anthrax. A photo editor, Robert Stevens, with The Sun, the sister publication to the Globe, died from exposure to it, and the building was sealed for three years. His wife, Maureen Stevens, is suing the government for lax security. She states that DNA testing would prove the particular strain used in this attack comes from the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick. The case has been held up on grounds of “national security.” (Naturally.)
Let’s get back to the nefarious NSA, which intercepts all of our communications, and has done so since its founding—with military intel agencies doing that previously. Curiously if you type illuminati backwards (itanimulli), and add .com to it, your browser will take you to the NSA’s website. Why is that?
See the deeper picture, and my books, at:
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
Federal agents have disrupted a major plot involving a “significant terrorist act in the United States,” federal officials told ABC News Tuesday. The attack had ties to Iran, they said.More details here and here. Clearly, all a plot to divert wingnuts from Holder's criminal Operation Fast and Furious!!!!
The Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington, D.C. were the intended targets of the bomb plot, and Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. Adel Al-Jubeir was supposed to be assassinated, officials added.
The same countries’ embassies, abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina, were also possible targets.
DEA and FBI agents have been working to crack what they called “Operation Red Coalition” since May, when an Iranian-American man in Texas, Manssor Arbabsiar, contacted an undercover DEA informant and told him of a plan to assassinate the Saudi ambassador.
Arbabsiar offered $1.5 million in exchange for help with the assassination, and had already wired $100,000 as a down payment before he was apprehended.
Arbabsiar said that he had been “directed by high-ranking members of the Iranian government,” sources told ABC News, and federal agents suspected that the man may be linked to members of a special forces unit in the Revolutionary Guard.
Arbabsiar also allegedly told the DEA informant that he could provide “tons of opium” to the Mexican drug cartels whose help he hoped to enlist in the assassination and bombings.
Another Iranian man charged in connection with the terror plot, Gholam Shakuri, is a member of the Qods Force, the special forces unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.
Shakuri remains at large.
Arbabsiar is being held by federal authorities in New York. According to a Department of Justice statement, Arbabsiar and Shakuri are charged with conspiracy to murder a foreign official; conspiracy to engage in foreign travel and use of interstate and foreign commerce facilities in the commission of murder-for-hire; conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction (explosives); and conspiracy to commit an act of international terrorism transcending national boundaries.
Arbabsiar is also charged with another count of foreign travel and use of interstate and foreign commerce facilities in the commission of murder-for-hire.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference Tuesday afternoon, and released a statement about the plot.
“The criminal complaint unsealed today exposes a deadly plot directed by factions of the Iranian government to assassinate a foreign Ambassador on U.S. soil with explosives,” Holder said. “Through the diligent and coordinated efforts of our law enforcement and intelligence agencies, we were able to disrupt this plot before anyone was harmed. We will continue to investigate this matter vigorously and bring those who have violated any laws to justice.”
A spokesman for Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denied the Iranian government’s involvement in a statement to CNN.
“It’s not the first time that America has come up with a story like this. America is facing domestic problems and this is an attempt by them to distract the public by trying to convince that there is an outside threat,” the spokesman said. “From our perspective, this is a fabrication. America has become an expert at making false allegations against other countries.”
The criminal complaint is filed in New York. The prosecution of the case is led by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Glen Kopp and Edward Kim, of the Terrorism and International Narcotics Unit of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, with assistance from the Counterterrorism Section of the Justice Department’s National Security Division.
Paul Joseph Watson | No information about plot exists within FBI channels.
Tony Cartalucci | Federal entrapment snares another dupe and brings hundreds of millions to the brink of war.
RT | Obama’s top national security aides are seeking new international sanctions against Iran.
A group calling itself Anonymous, a name used by disparate groups of online "hactivists," threatened to take down at 3:30 p.m. ET today as an extension of the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations that have continued into a fourth week.
The website was slow and then unavailable from about 3:35 p.m. to around 3:37 p.m, after which it returned to normal.
Here’s the 32nd of 33 paragraphs in a Charlie Savage story describing the state secrets-protected explanation that justifies the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki.If you look at the Savage article, these paragraphs are a bit of a joke-- at least half of them are only one sentence! So I would guess the text was deliberately broken up to make 33 paragraphs. And the 33 is quite meaningful in this article about this disgusting story.