Osama's Re-Appearance -- a Blow to the 9/11 Truth Movement?
My guess is that it's basically a wash.
For people leaning away from Bush, the mere appearance of bin Laden will only re-inforce the idea that Bush has failed to get him in the past three years. So seeing Osama now just reminds them of Bush's failure.
For people leaning towards Bush, seeing bin Laden will make them think of 9/11 and terrorism and the idea that Bush is the best at protecting them. But these people are already freaked out by terrorism enough. I don't think they need Osama to remind them of the threat.
The bottom line is that I can't see this tape really changing anyone's vote, even an undecided voter. If it does sway an undecided, it seems just as likely that it could go either way.
The video was very odd because for the first time, bin Laden completely admits to the attacks and moreover, talks about the attacks in a detailed way that he hadn't before.
It is strange, between the remarks about Bush reading the goat story and the remarks about the slow response of the Americans to Mohamed Atta-- it is almost as if bin Laden had been recently reading the criticisms of the 9/11 skeptics.
And this made me think-- why would bin Laden just NOW be talking about this stuff?
Is it possible that bin Laden is being controlled by the CIA-- and the CIA has lately become very worried about the 9/11 truth movement?
This recent appearance of bin Laden was never meant to shake MY thoughts about what happened on 9/11. However I think it is possible that bin Laden's new video talking about his role in 9/11 was meant to shake doubts into people who are just starting hear a lot of 9/11 skepticism, particularly people in the media. Remind them, reinforce in them that, yes, this is the guy behind 9/11. Yes, just ignore all those nagging questions about 9/11-- this is the bad guy who masterminded that horrible deed.
I really have to wonder if the video was some sort of subtle psy-ops campaign against the 9/11 skeptics movement. Because the movement has been gaining a lot of steam, and the CIA clearly has a lot to lose by any further investigation into the attacks. The timing was key here, because bin Laden hadn't so explicitly noted his involvment in the attacks before, and he comes out with this story JUST as 9/11 truth is getting some real traction.
I certainly won't be surprised if this video halts some of the progress of the 9/11 truth movement.
Lastly-- the bin Laden video still leaves quite a bit of wiggle room for 9/11 skepticism; there is even the cryptic statement he makes that Bush has been concealing the truth aboout 9/11 from Americans. My point is that at first glance, this video will reinforce the idea that bin Laden was the organizer of 9/11 and that this will take momentum away from the 9/11 truth movement.