Humint Events Online: Lies

Friday, February 04, 2005


Not to randomly Bush bash, or anything-- but here's a question: can anyone remember a president lying SO BLATANTLY AND SO CONSISTENTLY about any policy like Bush is about his Social Security plan? We're not talking about shading the truth here or lies of ommission or little white lies. We're talking big bald-faced LIES-- upon which the whole foundation of his insidious "plan" is based. I mean, even when they were selling the Iraq war, usually there was SOME basis for what they were saying. Most experts (obviously wrongly), believed Saddam Hussein was hiding some illegal weapons. But the idea that Social Security is facing any sort of crisis in the future is just a gross lie.

It is really quite amazing and sad that he gets away with it. It almost goes without saying how pathetic our media has become. In fact, it almost seems as though the media is more interested in privtizing social security than any politician. As Atrios says:
The truth is, collectively, the media is much more in favor of Social Security privatization than are Republican members of Congress. Print journos are improving, but the NPR/CNN/MSNBC/FOX/ABC/CBS/NBC coverage is just awful. By awful, I mean fact-free coverage which favors the Bush agenda.

And then there are the sick, cynical and racist lies that Bush makes to sell his Social Security plan to blacks. It is absolutely disgusting.


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