Humint Events Online: What Kind of Planes Hit the WTC and Pentagon?

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

What Kind of Planes Hit the WTC and Pentagon?

Some intriguing findings here and here, suggesting other types of planes hit the WTC and Pentagonm than a 767 and 757 respectively. I have no idea how accurate the WTC engine identification is, but at least the part is intact enough to make some sort of ID. I have tended to doubt that flights 11 and 175 hit the WTC towers because there has been such secrecy about the black boxes, so if the engine is from a 737, that would make sense. Previous analyses had also suggested that the plane length was wrong for flight 175,so all this evidence tends to fit togehter to suggest that some other planes hit the WTCs-- particularly the South tower.

As far as for the Pentagon engine, I tend to doubt that the part shown in front of the Pentagon is really an aircraft engine. However there is some similarity and it is hard to completely rule out that it is not an engine.


Blogger batcave911 said...

I dont believe the planes that hit the WTC were flights 11 and 175, dont know what they were, but all the info points NOT to those planes.

The best photo of a 911 plane ?
Is this photo fake or real ?

Suggested reading...
something smells in the air.
(BTS and tail number problems with the 911 planes)

Holes in Radar

Also, as for the Rense articles, the and engine at the pentagon, the photo is of the trailer that was parked in FRONT of the pentagon...
not many noticed this trailer. this is one more nail to show it wasnt flight 77. there was a large trailer parked in front of the impact area.
(my guess, filled with explosives)
the rense photos show this to be an engine. not so.


2:18 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

Thanks for the comment.

Like the picture!

4:18 PM  

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