Humint Events Online: MURDER

Sunday, September 04, 2005


What else to call what has happened in the aftermath of Katrina, except perhaps genocide?

I think everyone was willing to overlook Bush's obvious failures on 9/11, as just a one-time deal. But now he's had four years to get this country ready for a major disaster and he apparently hasn't.

What is even more stunning is this Katrina catastrophe can't even be explained by incompetence! There are so many stories where Bush people DELIBERATELY are withholding aid (from Chicago, from Canada, from the Red Cross, etc).

This is deliberate destruction of American life!

It makes no sense at all, unless the Bush administration really wants to show the world they are genocidal bastards! Did they plan this aftermath? Was the plan just to deliberately let people die and write it off as incompetence?

It just makes no sense, except in one way-- these people really are in a fantasy world (as a Bush advisor famously said: they make their own reality) and they think they are invulnerable. They must think they can do anything and simply spin their way out of it.

Well, it is NOT going to fucking work this time, I can guarantee that. This is too big and too many people see what a disaster Bush and Cheney are.

One question is, will any Democrat have the nerve, guts or brains to seize this opportunity?

I doubt it. So it is up to the people and perhaps the few Democrats with spines to take backthis country.

As far as the levee: we STILL don't know what knocked the holes, do we?

As far as I can tell, the levee made it through the storm. The levee didn't break until Tuesday evening, well after the worst of the storm passed.

So, it wasn't the wind that got it. The break was actually in an unexpected place that didn't even get large waves.*

And I do seem to remember that right after the hurricane passed, before the levee blew, people in NOLA were pleasantly surprised how NOLA fared much better than they expected....

Like I said, I have suspicions that the levee was intentionally blown by someone, but like the demolition of the WTC towers, this idea is so horrible people will not even try to think about it, much less mount an investigation.

*Not coincidentally, this would also be one of the more accessible places for sabotage.


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