Humint Events Online: NORAD's Three Different Explanations for What Happened on 9/11

Sunday, September 24, 2006

NORAD's Three Different Explanations for What Happened on 9/11

A fairly devastating dissection by David Ray Griffin.

Initially NORAD claimed they had plenty of warning by the FAA to get the four hijacked planes, but just failed (for unclear reasons).

Then they claimed that the FAA didn't give them enough warning, even though there was still enough time for interception.

NORAD's last claim is the FAA totally screwed up and they never had enough time to get the planes. In support of this, they allow the release of audio tapes from the NORAD command center supposedly from 9/11, showing the level of confusion due to the FAA.

Griffin thinks the tapes were faked by voice morphing technology-- a not unreasonable possibility given the strange evolution of the NORAD alibi.

The big question is why on earth did NORAD initially cover for the FAA? Does this make any sense?

And how can we trust ANYTHING NORAD (i.e. the Pentagon) says at this point?


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