Humint Events Online: *STILL* Hard to Believe How Lame the Purdue Crash Simulation Is

Friday, September 28, 2007

*STILL* Hard to Believe How Lame the Purdue Crash Simulation Is

Why exactly are we supposed to believe this lame cartoon is an accurate recreation of what happened on 9/11?????

Two of the most glaring problems in the simulation:

1) the wings and tail of the plane slice open huge swaths in the WTC facade, which simply does not match the holes that were seen in the WTC for either tower

2) the simulation shows torn sheets of aluminum debris easily slicing through thick steel core columns

It's so incredibly insulting!

The only possible reason I can think that they think we should take this seriously is because it reflects what we were shown on TV that day-- CGI images.

Though I like what Anonymous Physicist called this-- the "pristine plane".

Though the pristine plane is really only "pristine" as it enters. But certainly the plane in this simulation makes about as much sense as the "pristine bullet".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AND NOW I would like to call the frequently-shown, but fleeting view (TV Fakery at its "finest") of the nosecone emerging through the other side as the "DOUBLE PRISTINE Plane Nosecone."

I trust you have all seen this fleeting nosecone emerging video, and that video analysis shows the nosecone did not suffer ANY deformation, when matched up with the before-entry nosecone. In other words, this "DOUBLE-PRISTINE", mostly plastic (from what I have read) nosecone is undeformed after smashing through steel TWICE. Then, of course, it becomes what I might call "Anti-Pristine." It emerges unscathed, but lasts only an instant and then disappears--itself another violation of the Laws of Physics, as it then has no forces acting on it.

I would also like to suggest that the Purdue U. [P.U.] animation is, in at least one other regard, both contradictory to itself, and to all other video. The P.U. video at times seems to show no immediate fireball on the impact side/site, and other times seems to show a fireball, or such, on impact. The released-to-TV videos show no immediate fireball on the impact side/site. Rather, the initial fireball seen is on the opposite side, then the side, then at the impact side.

Of course, in reality, if a real plane hit that steel facade, if any fireball resulted, it would be on the impact side immediately and probably solely. And certainly if some small portion managed to get to the other side--or from explosions, any fireball, at that opposite side, would be significantly AFTER the fireball at the impact side--which would be immediate on impact.

So the P.U. video is self-contradictory and contradictory to other TV fakery.

Listen as Purdue itself proclaims this video was based, in part, on "State of the Art Animation." Those who know how our regime works, would know who has all such state of the art computer methodologies. Hint: It's one of the gestapo agencies that used to pretend that it wasn't spying on all Americans, but no longer pretends. [NSA]

Anonymous Physicist

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the purdue animation is bullshit - they should be ashamed of themselves!
did they take into account newton's 3rd law?:

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

is this not basic physics?
it is indeed.
even i, a simple rodeo clown, can grasp the significance of this.
so how does this apply to 9/11's ua175 vs wtc2?

it is very simple:

if a real aluminum 767 with a composite plastic nosecone were to really strike a massive steel and concrete wtc with a force equivalent to X then the massive steel/concrete wtc would also be striking the aluminum/plastic of a real 767 with the same force equivalent to X.

did the purdue animators forget about this? or did they more likely realize this but believe that no one would care enough to call them on it?

fuck you purdue!
you have collectively lowered yourselves to the status of shill.

h is for ha.

12:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a 767 would do fine in a crash test -> no deformation, just cut through the target wall completely as a knife.

BMW should get some stakes in Boeing and CNN of course.

Make believe. Alice, are you there?

5:17 PM  

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