Humint Events Online: Why I Am Voting for Obama

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Why I Am Voting for Obama

While is not my ideal choice for president, for many reasons I very strongly think that Barack Obama is the best choice for president. If you live in a state where McCain or Obama are winning by large margins, a vote for a third party candidate or even a non vote is justifiable. But if your vote has a chance of making a difference, Obama is clearly the best choice. Because, if Obama loses, John Sidney McCain is the next president and Sarah Palin is the next Vice-President.

Here are my reasons for voting for Obama:

1) Obama was against the Iraq war from the beginning and has promised to withdraw troops by 2010.

2) Obama's policies will favor working class people over the elites (whereas McCain's policies will favor the elites, like Bush's policies have)

3) Obama has a calm, even temperament, and he has shown good, reasoned intelligence; he has a willingness to look at different sides of an argument

4) Obama's diverse background is an asset to the country and gives a new face for America to the world

5) Obama's election will represent a triumph for the civil rights movement that has always fought "the powers that be", and will be a defeat over forces of intolerance

6) Obama is not going to take away American's guns and he is not going to do anything militarily/terror/false-flag-attack/martial-law-related that wouldn't happen under a McCain administration (if you think otherwise, you are fooling yourself)

7) John McCain is an unstable, mean-spirited warmonger who has an overly simple, Manichaean world-view; he is admittedly clueless about economics

8) Sarah Palin is a joke-- she is simply unsuitable for vice-president, much less President; this is particularly important given McCain's age

9) McCain's has run a simply disgusting campaign based on fear and smear tactics; he does not deserve to win based on the campaign he's run

10) Republicans do not deserve another 4 years of being in charge of the executive branch!!!! They need prosecution for war-crimes, not a reward

11) McCain is very likely to be just as disastrous as Bush for the country, and has a good chance of being worse

12) Obama is our only means right now of stopping the Republican madness and keeping McCain out of office.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

those are good reasons to vote obama.

It Is Now Absolutely Crystal Clear That Republican Rule Is Dangerous and Authoritarian

Republicans rule, rather than govern, when they are in power by imposing their authoritarian conservative philosophy on everyone, as their answer for everything.

3:46 PM  
Blogger pteranodon said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:49 AM  
Blogger geo112263 said...

and he's for the right of murders to murder and cannibalize Mankind !

you claim to be aware/awake and fail to realize that when the Juices Mix, that you have a New Juice/Person !

OMGosh !

5:28 AM  
Blogger geo112263 said...

some advice from George Carlin on Voting...

9:13 AM  

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